"Mismatch of Education Qualifications" is a Prejudice | New Observations on Education: Graduated from the First Undergraduate Program in Home Economics, "Shanghai Auntie" Becomes a College Student Zhu Chunnan | Home Economics | College Student

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:40 AM

"When I didn't have a bachelor's degree before, my income was probably below 10000 yuan; now earning over 10000 yuan is very easy," said Zhu Chunnan, who has been working in the home economics industry for 15 years. "And my time is also within my control, so I have the initiative to choose an employer." In the spring of 2021, Zhu Chunnan, who graduated from college, chose to continue studying home economics at Shanghai Open University with 49 other classmates. In July, she, the first undergraduate majoring in home economics, obtained a bachelor's degree and officially graduated.

From cooking dishes, organizing and organizing, to even teaching yoga, although Zhu Chunnan is known as a "versatile homemaker," many people in society still hold the seemingly unnecessary idea of being a "professional nanny.". Just like before when Shanghai Jiao Tong University security guards were admitted as graduate students at our school, and recently when they applied for a doctoral position as a high school healthcare worker at Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, with the deepening of social development and educational reform and professional refinement, this concept of "degree mismatch" is actually a prejudice.

Data shows that the size of China's domestic service market is expected to increase to 1.16 trillion yuan this year, but there is also a gap of about 20 million people. According to traditional views, domestic service is a labor-intensive industry with low income for practitioners. However, nowadays, more and more families have high requirements for the quality and professionalism of domestic service, and excellent domestic service practitioners have become a scarce resource.

"Mismatch of Education Qualifications" is a Prejudice | New Observations on Education: Graduated from the First Undergraduate Program in Home Economics, "Shanghai Auntie" Becomes a College Student Zhu Chunnan | Home Economics | College Student

Lu Qi, Dean of the School of Public Administration at Kaida University, believes that the development of mega cities requires high-quality living, and at least one-third of the 8 million households in Shanghai require domestic service personnel. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 750000 domestic service professionals in Shanghai, of which less than 5% hold a college diploma or above. The shortage of foreign domestic service professionals such as housekeepers is about 30000.

Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News reporter learned that as a senior domestic service practitioner, Zhu Chunnan possesses 12 professional skills in domestic service, including sewing, Chinese and Western cuisine, elderly care, cooking, flower arrangement, baby rearing, party decoration, yoga, tea art, butler training, and storage and organization. It can be said that from a skills perspective alone, she does not need a bachelor's degree to prove herself. However, the name of this undergraduate major is not "Home Economics", but "Home Economics".

Regarding this, Yang Wanling, associate professor at Shanghai Open University, stated that the teaching of home economics not only involves practical aspects, but also theoretical improvements. "In addition, we offer academic education and courses that are very systematic, such as home economics and enterprise management, which will help students learn about enterprise management at a higher level. Lu Qi herself also teaches home economics laws and regulations courses for undergraduate home economics students such as Zhu Chunnan. She hopes that through professional learning, students can achieve better career development and respect, and universities can fully meet their expectations.". "Next, our discipline may expand towards the direction of 'Big Home Economics',' Big Health ', or' Big Elderly Care '."

"Mismatch of Education Qualifications" is a Prejudice | New Observations on Education: Graduated from the First Undergraduate Program in Home Economics, "Shanghai Auntie" Becomes a College Student Zhu Chunnan | Home Economics | College Student

As a model worker in Shanghai and the "most beautiful homemaker" of the All China Federation of Trade Unions in 2021, Zhu Chunnan enrolled in the undergraduate major of home economics held by the School of Public Management of Shanghai Kaida. In July of the same year of enrollment, with the help and guidance of the Changning District Federation of Trade Unions, Zhu Chunnan led the establishment of the "Zhu Chunnan Model Worker Studio", which mainly carried out public welfare activities and contributed to the "transmission and guidance" of the domestic service industry. Taking the establishment of the studio as an opportunity, she led many classmates to actively participate in public welfare volunteer services. Her classmates, such as Sun Mingfang, Hu Haiyan, Wan Jinzhi, Cai Junying, etc., actively joined the studio to carry out volunteer services.

Learning while working is endless. After the start of the school year, Zhu Chunnan went to do public welfare in the morning, worked at his employer's home in the afternoon, and studied at Kaida University in the evening, which can be said to be rain or shine. She will persist in attending face-to-face classes on weekends whenever there are classes available to go to school. As the monitor, Zhu Chunnan also successively participated in the school's non academic education - "Craftsmanship School" course and successfully obtained the graduation certificate, participated in the domestic skills competition and won the prize, participated in the elderly care assessment class to obtain the elderly care assessment certificate, and even participated in the Internet plus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for College Students.

In fact, it is not uncommon for domestic helpers to transition from a vocational college to a bachelor's degree, and there will be more and more "Shanghai aunties" becoming college students. Among the students in the first lesson of new student enrollment education this spring semester, a couple of students caught the eye. Her name is Hu Zhihong; His name is Huang Jingchun. They are both junior college students majoring in Home Service and Management at Xuhui Finance and Trade Branch of Shanghai Open University in the autumn of 2020. In January of this year, after successfully graduating, they also applied for undergraduate majors in marketing and administrative management together. Although not a bachelor's degree in home economics, it is also a further education in a new field.

"Mismatch of Education Qualifications" is a Prejudice | New Observations on Education: Graduated from the First Undergraduate Program in Home Economics, "Shanghai Auntie" Becomes a College Student Zhu Chunnan | Home Economics | College Student

Hu Zhihong has been working in the domestic service industry in Shanghai for over 10 years. She grew from a "domestic novice" to a "domestic celebrity" in Shanghai and established "Shanghai Hu Zhihong Home Service Co., Ltd." under her own name at the end of 2022. Two and a half years of study and life quickly passed, and Hu Zhihong learned and delved into professional knowledge like a sponge, making great strides in both professional skills and industry awareness. She systematically connected her knowledge and delved into many theoretical areas that she had not previously encountered.

Hu Zhihong has also received many honors, such as being an excellent lecturer among the top 100 domestic service professionals in Shanghai, the most beautiful and hardworking woman in Xuhui, and the champion of the first Yangtze River Delta Domestic Skills Competition Maternal and Child Project... She said that embarking on the entrepreneurial path of a domestic service professional will transform her skills into service and productivity in Shanghai, train and output more high-quality domestic service professionals for the domestic service industry, and help more people rediscover their life positioning and realize their social value through the domestic service industry.

This month, Fudan University Affiliated High School is publicly recruiting a healthcare worker for fresh graduates with a bachelor's degree or above, an upper age limit of 40 years old, and majors related to the position such as nursing, public health, and preventive medicine. As a result, a female clinical doctoral student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine was selected through the recruitment channels of public institutions in Shanghai and made public. Actually, take a closer look at the responsibilities of this specialized technical position: fully responsible for school health care and epidemic prevention work; Responsible for the medical, healthcare, and infectious disease prevention work of all students and faculty members in the school; Master the health status of all students in the school, record and organize various health information, establish and improve the health records of faculty and students, track and manage chronic diseases, and develop intervention measures.

"Mismatch of Education Qualifications" is a Prejudice | New Observations on Education: Graduated from the First Undergraduate Program in Home Economics, "Shanghai Auntie" Becomes a College Student Zhu Chunnan | Home Economics | College Student

Screenshot of the official website of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security

It can be said that if one is fully competent in this job, a high degree is not excessive. Therefore, just like looking at "home economics", it is more appropriate to say that some people underestimate the work of "health workers" who are responsible for important tasks such as disease prevention and control, health management, and so on, rather than saying that "doctoral health workers" are highly educated. China's economy and society are entering high-quality development, how can the quality of talent recruitment not be high? For the 360 lines, which correspond to nearly 100 primary disciplines in higher education, there is actually a certain degree of matching, hierarchical classification, and each has its own needs.

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Shanghai International Sister City Youth "Play" Summer Camp Experience Traditional Culture, Make Pankou, Learn Paper Cuttings, Make Dumplings International | Youth | Make Dumplings

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Undergraduate voluntary application starts today! These important reminders and suggestions must be read, @ College Entrance Examination Stage | Undergraduate | Volunteer
Undergraduate voluntary application starts today! These important reminders and suggestions must be read, @ College Entrance Examination Stage | Undergraduate | Volunteer

@All college entrance examination candidates, according to the schedule of the college entrance examination, will fill in their undergraduate preferences for all batches except for the comprehensive evaluation batch from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily from July 1st to 2nd, and from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. on July 3rd. The specific contents of this voluntary application include zero voluntary batch, advance batch, art and sports class A batch, local rural special plan batch, special type enrollment, and ordinary batch. The filling method is as follows: Fresh high school graduates in this city will be arranged uniformly by the high school where they are enrolled; Non local fresh high school graduates will be arranged uniformly by the district recruitment office where they apply. It is important to remind candidates that during the voluntary application period from July 1st to 3rd, as the admission of the comprehensive evaluation batch has not yet been completed, candidates who have filled out the comprehensive evaluation batch of voluntary applications still need to carefully fill out other batches of undergraduate voluntary applications

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Not only can you hear Beethoven talk freely in "Moonlight", but you can also achieve precise positioning in three-dimensional scenes, and complete scene analysis through the combination of images and sound. On June 16, at the AI Framework Ecological Summit, the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences officially released the full mode large model of "Zidong Taichu". This model is the 2.0 version upgraded from the 1.0 version of the 100 billion parameter multimodal model "Zidong Taichu". On the basis of voice, image and text three modes, it adds video, sensor signal, 3D point cloud and other modal data, breaks through the key technologies such as multimodal correlation for cognitive enhancement, and has full modal understanding, generation and correlation capabilities. At the meeting, Xu Bo, the director of the Institute of Automation, presented for the first time in real time the "Zidong Taichu" full modal cognitive model in music understanding

Perseverance is a life experience. Lingling Middle School has weak muscles. Candidates complete the college entrance examination: no matter what difficulties they experience. High school | school | college entrance examination
Perseverance is a life experience. Lingling Middle School has weak muscles. Candidates complete the college entrance examination: no matter what difficulties they experience. High school | school | college entrance examination

"The college entrance examination is an experience in our lives. Looking back on the preparation for the entire senior year of high school, we cannot help but marvel at the preciousness of time. No matter what difficulties we have gone through, I believe that as long as we persist, it will become my lifelong wealth. Today, after completing the morning foreign language listening and speaking test of the college entrance examination, Xiao Song, a senior student of Lingling High School, came out of the examination center of East China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Middle School. The senior year graduate sitting in a wheelchair said," Although academic and life are not small tests for me, I have faced many difficulties in adversity and have never given up on my dream of taking the college entrance examination. "Xiao Song suffered from congenital muscular dystrophy since childhood and entered Lingling High School in high school." Later, the school provided him with classrooms on low floors and close to the toilet, making it easier for him to enter and exit, allowing him to face his academic life with more confidence. At school, I met many kind and enthusiastic people