High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

Release time:Jun 20, 2024 07:17 AM

News: As an old industrial base, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, has more than 60% of traditional industries. At present, traditional industries are facing the profound changes of "intelligent transformation, digital transformation and network connection", that is, intelligent transformation, digital transformation and network connection. Construction machinery is a major advantageous industry in Xuzhou. How to make this advantageous industry move towards the future? "High-quality Development Research Tour" went to Xuzhou together.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

Walking into the production workshop of an excavator factory in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, a special space caught the reporter's attention. A whiteboard and several conference tables, this small space built next to the production line is called the "Innovation Studio". Whether it is the verification of R&D results or problems on the production line, they can be solved here in the first time.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

The members of the studio are upgrading the intelligent weld detection system. This new system is like a "digital doctor" for the excavator. It can intelligently identify defects in the excavator's boom during the welding process through online 3D scanning. The members' innovative achievements are mainly concentrated in a probe that is less than the size of a palm.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

Fang Rongchao said that with this breakthrough technology, the current intelligent detection has increased its efficiency by 120% compared with manual detection, and the detection rate has also increased from 82% to 100%, but the road to innovation has never been easy.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

The results of innovation are also reflected in small details. The reporter saw booms with a weight difference of 30 tons on the same production line. The intelligent transformation allows these "big guys" to be produced flexibly. The reporter also found that each component has a QR code. This exclusive "ID card" allows them to be assembled in an orderly manner. Every 8 minutes, an excavator is off the production line. The significant improvement in production quality and efficiency has given the team members confidence in innovation.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

There are six more innovation studios like this one inside the factory, which continue to inject vitality into the development of the company. At present, the company has obtained more than 800 patents. The staff told reporters that their innovation and research and development are also supported by strong digital technology. Through 5G technology and cloud service platform, the entire life cycle of the product can be monitored and traced from a piece of steel plate to the final production line.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

Since the beginning of this year, Xuzhou has built 900 new 5G base stations, totaling more than 19,500. Through the application of technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing, many traditional enterprises are actively "going to the cloud." What kind of energy can this "cloud" release? Let's continue to look.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

The industrial Internet platform in Xuzhou has established cooperation with more than 70,000 enterprises in more than 80 industries. If this "cloud" wants to connect people, equipment, information systems and the entire industrial system, the first step is to connect the equipment.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

On this industrial map, we can see that the platform's farthest cooperation is in Brazil, 18,000 kilometers away, the deepest reaches a mine more than 1,000 meters underground, and the highest reaches the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Through big data and artificial intelligence analysis, the platform can improve production efficiency for traditional industries, predict risks in advance, and ensure production safety.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

Zhang Qiliang told reporters that the next step for this "cloud" is to better serve people, which is also a new trend in the future. Therefore, they not only cooperate with manufacturing companies, but also work with design companies on the "cloud". The advantages of the two platforms are used on a device that can be remotely operated.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

Lu Yilin told reporters that the power of this "cloud" can be even greater. Relying on the cloud platform, they can understand the market and customer needs more accurately. From the cockpit to a button on a spare part, they have done countless data analysis and experiments.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

Many companies told reporters that in the wave of technological innovation, there are still some more difficult and profound problems that require strong scientific research forces to break through. Now Xuzhou has established an integrated industry-university-research platform consisting of leading companies and many universities, which is injecting new vitality into traditional industries.

High-quality development research trip | Walking on the "cloud" construction machinery "digging into the future"

At the construction site of Xuzhou Metro Line 4, the seemingly traditional subway tunnel excavation now uses cutting-edge technology. The reporter saw that the staff set up more than 100 sets of sensors on the site, which can summarize data in real time to form a risk assessment report and also realize "exploration while digging". What the reporter did not expect was that the technology provided by a deep earth engineering laboratory a few kilometers away.

This laboratory deep underground is equipped with hundreds of sets of receivers, which can "explore the way" for the tunnel boring machines in the subway 50 meters in advance.

During the reporter's interview, a "cross-border cooperation" seminar was taking place, and R&D personnel from different institutions were challenging the "bottleneck" problems in the field of engineering machinery.

In order to truly restore the multiple scenes in the project, the team even moved the drilling and detection equipment that would be used in the Qingdao undersea tunnel underground.

Li Xiaozhao said that breaking the monopoly is not a matter of one day or one night, but depends on patience and perseverance. Now, the "guided coring" technology they developed has reached the world's leading level, the deep space comprehensive experiment has also started, and the underground supercomputing center is being tested as planned. This industry-university-research alliance not only promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, but also makes traditional industries face the future.

Since the beginning of this year, Xuzhou has vigorously promoted the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and accelerated the transformation of scientific achievements. In the first four months, Xuzhou's investment in new energy, intelligent equipment and new materials manufacturing industries increased by 100.7%, 36.7% and 51.2% respectively, gradually forming a matrix of integrated development of traditional industries, emerging industries and future industries.

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