The combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine brings new hope for precise treatment. The incidence of anorectal diseases is increasing year by year.

Release time:Jun 15, 2024 14:05 PM

Today, the 25th Annual Academic Conference of the Colorectal and Anal Diseases Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, hosted by the Chinese Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, announced that colorectal and anal diseases are common but easily neglected diseases. With the development of society, the accelerated pace of life and the increase in workload, the incidence of colorectal and anal diseases has increased significantly. This not only brings huge physical and psychological burdens to patients, but also puts forward new requirements and challenges for clinical treatment.

Crohn's disease is one of the chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases. The incidence of this disease is 20-40/100,000 people. In recent years, reports at home and abroad show that the incidence of this disease continues to rise. About 50% of patients will have perianal lesions, of which about 55% are anal fistulas, and most of them are complex anal fistulas or recurrent fistulas. More and more patients are diagnosed with Crohn's disease with the first onset of perianal symptoms.

Wang Chen, director of the anorectal department of Longhua Hospital, said: The disease has complex causes and is difficult to treat. Deep cavities, anorectal stenosis, and rectovaginal fistulas are even more difficult to treat. Since the clinical manifestations of Crohn's anal fistula are diverse and complex, it is difficult to treat and seriously affects the patient's living standards and mental health.

In recent years, the anorectal team of Gu's Surgery, a traditional Chinese medicine department of Longhua Hospital, has been working hard to actively explore new diagnosis and treatment strategies that combine the advantages of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and multidisciplinary cooperation, significantly improving the quality of life of patients. For anal fistulas caused by Crohn's disease, Gu's Surgery uses special thread-drawing therapy and drug-thread technology as the core and performs laser closure under anal fistula endoscope. At the same time, during the perioperative period, oral and external Chinese medicine combined with biological agents are used to carry out precise treatment of Crohn's disease anal fistulas, effectively improving the healing rate of the disease and protecting the patient's anal function to the maximum extent.

The team also carried out a large number of clinical and basic research, and developed a targeted Chinese medicine preparation, Hongyu Granules, which has now become an in-hospital preparation for clinical use, bringing new hope to patients with Crohn's disease and anal fistula.

It is reported that this academic annual meeting was hosted by the Colorectal Disease Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, co-organized by the Anorectal Disease Professional Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies and the Anorectal Branch of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and co-organized by the Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The meeting lasted for three days, and experts and scholars exchanged technology and shared experiences on topics such as "pelvic floor multidisciplinary and new technologies", "colorectal tumors and inflammatory bowel disease", and "benign anorectal diseases".

The combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine brings new hope for precise treatment. The incidence of anorectal diseases is increasing year by year.
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