Don't make things difficult for ordinary people, do things online

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 14, 2024 14:17 PM

Have you ever encountered this situation? When you call the customer service hotline, you always hear the friendly robot voice, but you can't summon the human customer service. Things that can be explained in two or three sentences can't be solved after a long time. In the digital age, similar situations seem to be becoming the norm. In particular, it is a general trend to handle all kinds of government services online through apps, public accounts, mini-programs, etc. However, many people have also reported that sometimes handling government services online is more troublesome and time-consuming than offline, and machines are not as efficient and convenient as manual work. A little search will reveal many similar cases. For example, in some places, you can apply for a citizen card on the app, but the waiting time offline is even longer; in some places, not only can you not make an appointment for online services, but it is even more difficult to get a number offline; in other places, they claim to vigorously explore the online "handling complaints immediately", but in actual operations, it is difficult for multiple departments to effectively link up, not only the efficiency of handling affairs has not been improved, but it has also increased a lot of troubles in online operations, and even because of data barriers, the people who handle affairs have to fill in the same information repeatedly. In recent years, more and more government services can be handled online. Relevant data show that the scale of online government service users in my country has reached 973 million people, and "one-stop service" is becoming a common situation. There is no doubt that online services can integrate the resources of various departments more quickly, allowing people to run less errands and departments to do more work, which greatly improves the overall efficiency of work. But this does not mean that all work can be completely replaced by online work. Generally speaking, government affairs suitable for online handling should be standardized and standardized matters with relatively simple processes. If some government affairs that are not suitable for online processing are simply moved online, the effect may not be better. One of the important reasons is that offline situations are often complex and specific, and specific problems need to be analyzed in detail during the actual implementation process, and even some flexible adjustments need to be made. This cannot be achieved by relying solely on the situation grasped online. The more online services develop, the more we need to be wary of over-reliance on them. In fact, the more work is transferred to online, the more functional departments need to run more errands offline. Otherwise, how can we fully understand the actual situation and solve practical problems with only online second-hand information? Problems caused by over-reliance on online services have occurred before. Some people handle online affairs, but because the approval standards of the service departments are mechanical and single, their online applications have been repeatedly rejected. In fact, as long as the staff go offline to take a look, they can solve the problem by making some flexible adjustments without violating the principles. However, the relevant departments rely on online services blindly, which turns "fine management" into "neck management", causing public dissatisfaction. This actually reflects that some grassroots staff are obsessed with the working idea of ​​"doing things according to the rules". Doing things only according to the regulations without considering the actual situation is actually the most labor-saving approach, because there is no need to go deep into the grassroots, no need to spend energy, no need to handle it flexibly, and no risk. However, it is obviously impossible to cover all the real details and problems based on the established regulations and non-first-hand information, and some contradictions and conflicts in grassroots management and services have arisen from this. Specifically

Don't make things difficult for ordinary people, do things online
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