[Guangming Times] Let the spirit of scientists nourish more people's hearts Chinese scientists | scientists' | hearts

Release time:Jun 20, 2024 08:55 AM

Since its official opening on May 30, the Museum of Chinese Scientists has attracted many visitors. 147,000 physical objects, 345,000 digital materials, millions of minutes of audio and video... the academic growth process of more than 500 scientists is condensed here. Walking here, many visitors expressed that they were deeply shocked, and some "young visitors" set up the ambition to serve the country with science and technology.

Scientific achievements cannot be achieved without spiritual support. The spirit of scientists is the precious spiritual wealth accumulated by scientific and technological workers in long-term scientific practice. From the "two bombs and one satellite" to hybrid rice, from Beidou navigation to high-speed rail, from the "Chang'e" flying to the "Jiaolong" deep diving... Behind scientific and technological innovation, generations of scientists have vividly interpreted the spirit of scientists with their own actions. More miracles of scientific and technological development and more exciting stories of scientific and technological development, including the opening of the Chinese Scientists Museum today, have witnessed the continuous deepening and highlighting of the contemporary connotation and contemporary value of the spirit of scientists.

The spirit of scientists is rooted in the scientific practice of scientists, and has been continuously enriched and expanded in the historical process of "saving the country through science", "serving the country through scientific research", "revitalizing the country through science and education", and "strengthening the country through science and technology" over the past century. Walking through the exhibition hall of the museum, it is like wandering in the century-long corridor of China's scientific and technological development history. As the largest collection of precious historical materials of scientists in my country, the Museum of Chinese Scientists, with its rich collections and diverse presentations, slowly unfolds to the world a history of the growth and achievements of the Chinese scientist group, a history of the formation and evolution of the spirit of Chinese scientists, and a history of the unremitting struggle of China's scientific and technological cause.

History will never forget that Li Siguang, the "Father of Chinese Geology", faced with the "China is poor in oil theory", creatively studied and concluded that there are vast oil field areas in the three depression belts of the New Cathaysia tectonic system; Nan Rendong, the founder of the "China Sky Eye", has been rooted in the mountains for 22 years and is determined to forge a powerful national weapon; Yuan Longping, the "Father of Hybrid Rice", has worked hard for decades to create a super hybrid rice technology system, making it easier for the Chinese people to have a stable life... Entering the new era, a batch of major innovative achievements have emerged one after another. my country's science and technology undertakings have achieved historic achievements and undergone historic changes, and at a new historical starting point, the clarion call for building a world science and technology power has been sounded.

The spirit of scientists is the projection of the scientific spirit on the scientist group. The two are similar but different. "Science has no borders, but scientists have a motherland." The older generation of scientists in my country have interpreted the patriotic sentiment of "having a great self in mind and serving the country with sincerity" with their own practical actions: "My career is in China, my achievements are in China, and my destination is in China." Qian Xuesen, the "Father of Chinese Spaceflight", made people burst into tears with this lifelong oath; "Go back! Let us go back and sprinkle our blood and sweat on the land of the motherland to water the brilliant flowers." The "Open Letter to Chinese Students in the United States" drafted by nuclear physicist Zhu Guangya made people passionate; "Each of us has a Chinese dream and is working hard for it in our own position. The way I choose is to study quantum physics." The words of Pan Jianwei, the creator of the world's first quantum satellite, make people feel the same... They are concerned about their country and their lives, and they have not only left coordinates for the development of human science on the road of innovation and creation, but also established spiritual monuments for the country and the people.

Maybe not everyone can become a scientist, but everyone can have the spirit of a scientist. We are often shocked by the development of science and technology and impressed by the fantastic ideas of scientists. The demeanor of scientists is cool, like Deng Jiaxian, the "two bomb hero" who "did earth-shaking things and remained anonymous"; the sentiment of scientists is indifferent, like physicist Zheng Zhemin who "if the country needs it, I can even be a plumber"; the feelings of scientists are ambitious, like geophysicist Huang Danian who has the belief that "revitalizing China is the responsibility of our generation" and silently straightens the backbone of national prosperity and national prosperity... We pay tribute to and praise the spirit of scientists, and we should turn this spirit into a driving force for progress. The galaxy of science is brilliant, but it is not towering into the sky and out of reach. As long as we yearn for it and move towards it, "picking the stars with our hands" and "the sun and the moon in our hearts" are not dreams.

When science and technology prosper, the nation prospers; when science and technology are strong, the country is strong. To comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, and to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, we need to promote the spirit of scientists more than ever. The spirit of scientists is the spiritual driving force for promoting scientific and technological progress and is an essential quality for innovative talents. The development of science and technology requires a large number of scientific and technological workers who are rigorous, diligent, perseverant, determined, and deep, like the older generation of scientists, and strive to be the clear stream of the times and the pillars of society. Let the spirit of scientists become the strongest voice of the times, let the advanced deeds of scientists go out of books, classrooms, laboratories, and research institutes, and bring the spirit of science and the spirit of scientists to people and sow them into the hearts of more people.

The inheritance of the scientist's spirit may begin when you stop in front of a manuscript; the cultivation of the scientist's spirit may sprout when you read a line of text; the light of the scientist's spirit may radiate in the contemplation brought by a recording. The power of role models is infinite. Telling the stories of Chinese scientists well and letting innovation and popular science fly together will surely inspire more people to devote themselves to the cause of science.

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