These big names talked about "innovation ecology and new productivity" at the 79th Cultural Forum of Liberation Daily

Release time:May 23, 2024 16:07 PM

The 79th Cultural Forum of Liberation Daily held today, using "innovation" as the medium, brought together five guests, Wang Zhan, Michael Levitt, Guo Yike, Yang Fan, and Gao Bowen, to discuss "Innovative Ecology and New Productivity" Share their wonderful thoughts under the topic.

Wang Zhan, chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences, has been involved in the Shanghai Municipal Government and national decision-making consultation research since the early 1980s, and has been paying attention to the new technological revolution for 40 years. At today's cultural forum, he took "Shanghai-style Culture and Innovation" as the title, starting from Joseph Needham's question, and talked about the relationship between Shanghai-style culture, red culture, institutional innovation, and technological innovation.

Michael Levitt, a tenured professor in the Department of Structural Biology at Stanford University, is the winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and one of the founders of computational biology. Today, with the title "Multidisciplinary Revolution in Biology and Artificial Intelligence", he sorted out the development of modern biology, the impact of physics and chemistry on the development of biology, and the basic science in computational biology. He concluded: Biology, humans, and computers have formed a trinity. With human intelligence plus artificial intelligence, the future world will become a super complex paradise.

Guo Yike, Chief Vice President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, raised an interesting question at the scene - "If large models are the answer, what is the problem?" He analyzed the technical challenges faced by the current development of large models and the inevitable trend of future large model development, shared Hong Kong's experience in building an artificial intelligence ecosystem, and made suggestions for the development of artificial intelligence in Shanghai.

According to Yang Fan, co-founder of SenseTime and president of SenseTime's large device business group, China's current artificial intelligence application market has huge potential, and generative artificial intelligence applications will usher in a big explosion. In the process, artificial intelligence infrastructure will be transformed. It is an inevitable trend. Strengthening the construction of artificial intelligence infrastructure not only cultivates new productive forces in the new era, but also promotes new momentum for industrial development.

The Shanghai Pingtan Troupe recently launched an AI narrative concert called "Mange Xing". This is a cross-border thinking and exploration by the troupe leader Gao Bowen on the combination of traditional art and current AI technology. At this cultural forum, Gao Bowen talked about Jiangnan culture and innovative spirit in his own eyes, and also allowed the audience to see a possibility: using innovation as a catalyst to reconcile technology and culture, produce an unparalleled chemical reaction, and create a shocking and direct impact. A masterpiece of the soul.

This event was hosted by Jiefang Daily and co-sponsored by Shanghai Caohejing Emerging Technology Development Zone Development Corporation. He Qing, host of Shanghai Radio and Television Station’s Integrated Media Center, served as the guest host of this cultural forum.

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In the scenery of Jiangnan, three or five friends dress in simple and rustic attire, light a stove, taste a cup of tea, some play the qin, some draw... Similar scenes not only appear in ancient costume dramas, but also become a popular way of life among some young people. Reconstructing an elegant slow lifestyle and traditional Chinese culture may also be one of the good medicines for correcting the dilemma of modernity and alleviating the inner feelings of urbanites. Xu Mingsong: For a century, Western philosophy has been exploring this topic. In modern society, everyone is just a screw on the assembly line. What is the individual value and self-worth that people pursue after crossing the subsistence line? Marx said this is human alienation, and similar expressions have been made by Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and others. Western philosophers have been pondering the spiritual anxieties of modern people for a hundred years. In the Internet era, society