Strive to be a good youth in the new era

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 20, 2024 08:57 AM

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the majority of young people should inherit and carry forward the May Fourth spirit, unswervingly listen to and follow the Party, and strive to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and are willing to work hard." This has put forward clear requirements and pointed out the direction for the growth and development of young people in the new era. As the most active and vibrant force in the entire society, the majority of young people should seize historical opportunities, have lofty aspirations and be down-to-earth, earnestly shoulder the historical responsibilities entrusted by the Party and the people, and strive to write a youthful chapter of taking responsibility for China's modernization.

Firmly uphold ideals and beliefs. Ideals guide the direction of life, and beliefs determine the success or failure of a career. If the young generation has ideals and responsibilities, the country will have a future, the nation will have hope, and there will be a continuous and powerful force to achieve our development goals. Ideals and beliefs are spiritual pillars. With ideals and beliefs, we can inspire the confidence and motivation to forge ahead. Lofty ideals and beliefs are based on a rational understanding of historical laws, basic national conditions and the development of human society, which cannot be separated from the guidance of scientific theories. The majority of young people should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, consciously use the worldview, methodology and standpoints, views and methods of this important thought to observe and grasp the times, correctly view and grasp the relationship between ideals and reality, self-interest and altruism, small self and big self, nation and the world, and deeply cultivate trust in the Party, confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and belief in Marxism, establish a firm ideal of eternal struggle and sincere dedication for the motherland and the people, and consciously integrate the dream of youth into the Chinese dream.

Dare to take responsibility. If young people take responsibility, the nation will have hope. It will take only one or two generations to achieve the second centenary goal. The vast number of young people are at the right time and should not be let down. Contemporary Chinese youth are a generation that moves forward in the same direction as the new era. Dare to take responsibility is a distinctive feature of young people. From vast fields to enterprise workshops, from the front line of scientific research to the snowy border, the vast number of young people are not afraid of wind and rain, bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities, and practice their solemn oaths with actions. Comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization is an expedition full of glory and dreams. The times call on young people to stand at the forefront and be pioneers. At the same time, we must see that the closer we are to the great goal of national rejuvenation, the more severe the risks and challenges. Faced with various contradictions and obstacles on the road ahead, the vast number of young people need to carry forward the spirit of responsibility, rise to the challenge, stand up, continuously enhance the will and tenacity to take responsibility, improve the ability and skills to take responsibility, and strive to turn the grand blueprint into a beautiful reality.

Be willing to endure hardships and work. Towering trees cannot grow in a greenhouse, and any success is not easy to achieve. The younger generation should inherit and carry forward the spirit of hard work, self-reliance, and hard struggle, and abandon arrogance. Being willing to endure hardships and work reflects a strong, self-reliant, and indomitable will, a spirit of not fearing difficulties and willing to make sacrifices, and is the only way for young people to grow and become talents. Young people have relatively insufficient life experience and social experience. They should forge their experience in a broader world and experience more setbacks and tests, so that they can better develop broad shoulders to take on responsibilities and the real ability to accomplish things. The majority of young people should take hardship as an opportunity to temper themselves and as a choice to achieve a better life. They should be brave enough to go to positions with difficult conditions and complex environments to undergo training, and temper their will, increase their talents, and hone their strong ability to take on responsibilities and act in the face of wind and waves and taking on "hot potatoes".

Be willing to fight and struggle. Struggle is the brightest background of youth and the best way for young people to realize their life value. The sails of life ideals must be raised through struggle, and the mission of national rejuvenation must be realized through struggle. The new era is the era of strugglers. The majority of young people should inherit the glorious tradition of permanent struggle, be brave to take on responsibilities, be enterprising, and be good at doing things. They should embody the spirit of struggle in the practical actions of doing every little thing well, completing every task well, and fulfilling every responsibility. They should be the vanguard and the new force in all fields and aspects such as high-quality development, comprehensive rural revitalization, scientific and technological innovation, social services, and defending the country and guarding the border. They should show their youthful actions, youthful style, and youthful strength in promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

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