Why is this China-ROK dialogue attracting attention? , held for the first time after the upgrade, restarted after 9 years South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Yoon Seok-yeol | Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Release time:Jun 18, 2024 13:57 PM

On June 18, the China-ROK Vice-Ministerial Diplomatic and Security Dialogue 22 was held in Seoul.

This is the first time the two countries have resumed diplomatic and security dialogue in nine years, and it is also the first time that a vice-ministerial-level 22-day dialogue has been held. In addition, this round of dialogue happened to coincide with the start of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to North Korea, so it attracted special attention.

However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry stated that the timing of the dialogue between China and South Korea was based on the needs of the development of bilateral relations and had been agreed upon long ago and had no special connection with other countries.

Bilateral relations, the Korean Peninsula and other regional and international situations are considered important topics of this round of dialogue.

According to public information, China and South Korea launched a diplomatic and security consultation mechanism in 2002 and have held five dialogues in total.

In 2013, China and South Korea held their first diplomatic and security department-level dialogue in Beijing. The most recent department-level dialogue was held in Seoul in 2015.

However, the mechanism was suspended due to the turmoil caused by South Korea's deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system, which led to the deterioration of relations between the two countries.

In 2020, the two sides agreed to upgrade the dialogue to the vice-ministerial level and agreed to hold the first dialogue after the upgrade as soon as possible.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang held bilateral talks with South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol during the ninth China-Japan-ROK leaders' meeting last month.

The two sides agreed to hold high-level strategic dialogues between diplomatic departments and 22 vice-ministerial diplomatic and security dialogues at an appropriate time, and to launch the China-ROK 1.5-track dialogue and exchange mechanism at an appropriate time.

The consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries is seen as the final word in facilitating this vice-ministerial level 22 dialogue.

According to information released by the foreign ministries of China and South Korea, the Chinese representatives attending the meeting were Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong and Deputy Director of the International Military Cooperation Office of the Central Military Commission Zhang Baoqun; the South Korean representatives were First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Hong-kyun and International Policy Officer Lee Seung-beom of the Ministry of National Defense.

Judging from the topics of the previous 22 China-ROK dialogues, the two sides usually exchange views on regional and international situations such as cooperation in the fields of diplomacy and security and the Korean Peninsula issue.

This time is no exception. According to information released by China and South Korea, international and regional issues of common concern such as bilateral relations and the situation on the Korean Peninsula are the main topics.

However, the coincidence in time between the first round of vice-ministerial-level 22-day dialogue between China and South Korea and Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to North Korea has triggered speculation and interpretation from the South Korean and Western public opinion.

Some South Korean media believe that the two sides may discuss Putin's visit to North Korea, Russia-North Korea cooperation, etc. In view of the continuous rapprochement between North Korea and Russia, South Korea should properly manage its relations with China and use the 22nd dialogue to intensify its work with China on issues related to North Korea.

In response, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on the 17th that the establishment of the 22-dialogue mechanism, the upgrading of the dialogue level and the timing of the consultation and dialogue between China and South Korea are based on the needs of the development of bilateral relations and have been agreed upon long ago, and have no special connection with other countries. The two sides have maintained communication on the specific time of the dialogue based on the schedules of their respective leaders and bilateral exchanges, and agreed to hold it on June 18 this year.

The outside world believes that compared with the "forcible" connection with Putin's visit to North Korea, the launch of the vice-ministerial level 22 dialogue between China and South Korea at this time has other more important significance.

First, it will help promote the continued improvement of China-ROK relations.

After the Yoon Seok-yeol government came to power in May 2022, China-South Korea relations cooled for a time because of its pursuit of value-based diplomacy and one-sided policy toward the United States.

Recently, in order to break the governing dilemma and respond to domestic dissatisfaction with unbalanced diplomacy, the Yoon Seok-yeol government has gradually adjusted its China policy and sought to improve relations with China. China-South Korea relations have tended to ease from tension.

On the 13th of last month, the South Korean Foreign Minister visited Beijing again after 6 and a half years; on the 26th of the same month, Li Qiang and Yoon Seok-yeol held a bilateral meeting at the China-Japan-South Korea Leaders' Meeting. This round of high-level interactions is believed to have further eased the political atmosphere in relations between the two countries.

South Korean public opinion pointed out that Tuesday's dialogue was held against the backdrop of Seoul seeking to stabilize South Korea-China relations.

The launch of the vice-ministerial diplomatic and security dialogue between the two sides is seen as another sign of improvement in bilateral relations.

Generally speaking, diplomatic and security dialogue is an important way for the two countries to strengthen communication, enhance understanding and enhance cooperation. This round of China-ROK vice-ministerial level 22 talks is also expected to play a similar role.

It is worth noting that bilateral relations were listed as the top priority by both China and South Korea in this round of dialogue.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarded how to improve and develop bilateral relations and deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields as the focus of the dialogue. The South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs also gave priority to bilateral relations when introducing the topics.

The outside world noticed that when Li Qiang and Yoon Seok-yeol met last month, they reached a consensus on accelerating the second phase of negotiations on the China-ROK Free Trade Agreement, ensuring the safety of the production and supply chain, and promoting cultural and youth exchanges. In this round of 22 dialogues, politics, security, economy and trade, and cultural exchanges are considered to be topics of concern to both sides.

Second, seek consensus to ease the recent tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

In recent times, the situation on the Peninsula has remained tense, sensitive and complex, and the confrontation between the relevant parties has intensified.

In response to some South Korean conservative civil political groups dropping anti-North Korean leaflets into North Korea using balloons, North Korea recently floated thousands of "junk balloons" into the air towards South Korea.

In response, South Korea suspended the full effect of the September 19 Military Agreement between South Korea and North Korea on the 4th of this month. The South Korean military subsequently stated that it would resume all military activities along the military demarcation line and the northwestern islands.

Then, on the 9th, South Korea resumed broadcasting messages to North Korea near the military demarcation line after a six-year hiatus. North Korea said that if South Korea launched provocations by dropping leaflets and broadcasting messages at the same time, North Korea would respond in a new round.

According to a report by China News Service citing Yonhap News Agency, at around 8:30 a.m. local time on the 18th, 20 to 30 North Korean soldiers crossed the military demarcation line and retreated after the South Korean military broadcast a warning and fired warning shots.

According to the South Korean side, this is the second time that North Korean soldiers have crossed the border recently. On June 9, about 20 North Korean soldiers also crossed the military demarcation line and withdrew to the North Korean side after the South Korean army fired warning shots.

South Korea believes that the recent crossing of the border by North Korean soldiers may be related to North Korea's frequent operations in the demilitarized zone.

Regarding the 22nd dialogue, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that they would have necessary communication on international and regional issues of common concern. The South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs also mentioned that they would exchange views on issues of mutual concern such as the Korean Peninsula, regional and international situations.

Since its establishment, the China-ROK Diplomatic and Security Dialogue has provided an important platform for maintaining peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

However, when talking about the recent situation on the Korean Peninsula, the messages released by China and South Korea show their respective concerns and demands.

South Korean public opinion said that with the increasingly close relations between North Korea and Russia and North Korea's constant provocations, South Korea may use this dialogue to once again call on China to play a constructive role on the North Korean issue and emphasize the necessity of stabilizing the situation on the Korean Peninsula through enhanced communication.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that China has always been committed to maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula, supports relevant parties in improving relations through dialogue, and opposes any words or actions that exacerbate tensions. It hopes that relevant parties will remain calm and restrained and play a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula.

This vice-ministerial-level 22nd dialogue will undoubtedly provide an opportunity for the two sides to communicate in depth, seek consensus, and jointly inject stability into the situation on the peninsula.

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