[Strong Country Youth Says·2024] Original | What kind of “force” is the new quality productivity?

Release time:Jun 20, 2024 08:35 AM

What kind of "force" is the new quality productivity? What impact can it have on people's work and life? How can we stimulate the new quality productivity? Dr. Gao Yaozong, winner of the 2023 Shanghai Youth May Fourth Medal Model, Vice President of Advanced R&D and Chief Scientist of Shanghai United Imaging Intelligence, can give us the answer. His job is to empower the medical industry with artificial intelligence and promote deep changes in the medical industry with new quality productivity. In his view, new quality productivity is not an abstract concept, it has long been integrated into our lives.

My name is Gao Yaozong, and I am currently the Senior Vice President of R&D and Chief Scientist at Shanghai United Imaging Intelligent Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Recently, the term "new quality productivity" has become increasingly popular, but what exactly is it? In my opinion, new quality productivity is not only a synonym for high technology, intelligence, and digitalization, but also a force that can actually change our lives and work.

What is the solution to developing new quality productivity?

For a long time, the high-end medical equipment market has been monopolized by multinational giants. In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to accelerate the pace of localization of modern medical equipment during his inspection of United Imaging, which made me determined to return to China to start a business. In 2017, I gave up the generous treatment in the United States and returned to China to join Shanghai United Imaging.

During my undergraduate, master and doctoral studies, I studied in the Department of Computer Science. My research areas were mainly medical imaging and artificial intelligence. After long-term exposure, I feel that the theories in the academic world are very profound and the methods are very innovative, but it is hard to say whether they can be applied in practice. But I believe that the knowledge I have learned must be put into practice. If I can make some contributions to the medical industry with my expertise, my life will be more meaningful.

The needs that doctors discover and accumulate in clinical practice are ready-made and urgently need to be solved. We compare these needs and use our technology to help them solve them as much as possible. Over the past 7 years, our team has achieved many innovative results. It can be said that my daily work is to "deal with" new quality productivity. In this process, I deeply understand that the key to developing new quality productivity lies in the transformation of results. New quality productivity is not just a theoretical concept, but the core goal of our daily work.

What kind of sparks can be created by the collision of technology and medicine?

I have led a team to build an artificial intelligence platform for medical imaging and developed an artificial intelligence reasoning engine suitable for 3D medical imaging. In my opinion, new quality productivity is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a transformation of traditional medical processes.

For example, brain metastases are distributed irregularly, multiple metastases are common, and micro-metastases are very easy to miss. In the past, doctors had to spend a lot of time reviewing patients' brain magnetic resonance images. Now, with the AI ​​system, doctors' pressure on reading images is greatly reduced, and the lesion detection rate is also effectively improved.

We hope to use the power of technology to solve practical problems in the medical field, help doctors improve diagnostic accuracy and work efficiency, and provide additional protection for patients' health.

Can one person achieve innovative research and development by just working hard?

In the field of artificial intelligence, the speed of technology iteration and knowledge update is very fast. As R&D personnel, we must have the enthusiasm to write code, trial and error, and make adjustments!

But as the team grew, I had to withdraw from the front line of R&D and turn to management and marketing. At first, I was worried that I would not be able to keep up with the development of new technologies and doubted whether my daily busyness was worthwhile. But I gradually found that if I did a good job of management and mobilized the enthusiasm of the team, the overall output would be greater than if I worked hard alone. At this time, I began to realize that the work at the macro level is not empty and meaningless, but very real, just like looking up at the sky while working with your head down to ensure that you are moving in the right direction.

Thanks to our efforts, many AI products developed by the team have been used in more than 3,000 hospitals, greatly changing the diagnosis and treatment process. Many doctors have gone from not understanding AI at the beginning to being inseparable from it now. New quality productivity is quietly changing our lives. In the future, I also hope to continue to lead the team to overcome difficulties and allow the majority of patients to enjoy more high-quality medical resources.

Message to youth: Interest is the best teacher. Do as much as possible while you are young, dare to try and make mistakes, and find your own track.

[Strong Country Youth Says·2024] Original | What kind of “force” is the new quality productivity?
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