【Guangming Forum】Adhere to the truth and innovate to promote the connotation-based development of ideological and political courses. Teaching content | Ideological and political | Political courses

Release time:Jun 20, 2024 08:57 AM

Ideological and political theory courses are key courses for implementing the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, and are the main position for colleges and universities to achieve ideological and value guidance for college students. General Secretary Xi Jinping recently issued important instructions on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools, emphasizing that we must always adhere to the guiding role of Marxism, use the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics as content support, and use the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture as the foundation of strength, explain the truth in depth, thoroughly and vividly, adhere to the right path and innovate to promote the connotation-oriented development of ideological and political courses, and continuously improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses. This important statement points out the development direction for the construction of ideological and political courses in the new era and provides a fundamental guideline.

Adhering to the principle of keeping the right path and making innovations is an important principle for promoting the connotation-oriented development of ideological and political courses. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the development environment and overall ecology of ideological and political courses have undergone overall and fundamental changes, showing a new atmosphere of vitality. Facing the new situation and task requirements, keeping the right path and making innovations to promote the connotation-oriented development of ideological and political courses is related to the direction and quality of socialist education, and to the fundamental issues of what kind of people to cultivate, how to cultivate people, and for whom to cultivate people. It requires the majority of ideological and political education workers to think deeply and answer seriously in practice.

Keep the mission of establishing morality and cultivating people, and create a new pattern of educating people. The key to continuously opening up a new situation of ideological and political education in the new era is to find the focus and starting point of ideological and political course construction, implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people in all aspects of curriculum construction, grasp the key points of education in the overall design, solve the difficulties of education in the overall promotion, connect the education goals in the creation of teaching content and teaching scenes, build and improve the big ideological and political education pattern, and consolidate the "concentric circle" of education with the same frequency resonance.

To run ideological and political courses well, we must adhere to the theoretical attributes, value attributes and political attributes of ideological and political courses, and insist on advancing them simultaneously with the Party's innovative theoretical armament, in response to the development direction of the times and the development needs of practice. The ideological and political theory course "Situation and Policy" offered by Tsinghua University brings together a high-level teaching team composed of academicians, senior professors of liberal arts, and well-known scholars. Through large-class lectures and small-class seminars, it leads students to deeply understand the process and future of China's modernization, and truly allows students to learn knowledge, exercise their abilities, and shape their values ​​in ideological and political courses, which has won wide acclaim from students.

Improving the attractiveness of ideological and political teaching and allowing students to truly learn, understand, believe in and use Marxism is inseparable from a team of teachers with firm beliefs, profound knowledge and deep theoretical foundation. Only when ideological and political teachers first thoroughly understand the basic theories of Marxism and firmly grasp the innovative theories of the Party can they vividly explain the value charm of scientific theories to students. To promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of ideological and political courses, ideological and political teachers should understand and grasp ideological and political courses from the strategic height of the "two overall situations", innovate around the development of the times, carefully design educational themes and educational forms, and strive to cultivate students' consciousness of participating in the hot development practice, enhance their sense of mission and responsibility in devoting themselves to the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and help them better set great ambitions, understand great virtues, become great talents and take on great responsibilities.

Keep the truth of Marxist theory and create new methods of educating people. The "keeping the right" of ideological and political courses does not mean sticking to the rules, but keeping the direction, position and fundamentals. The most fundamental thing to do a good job in ideological and political courses is to fully implement the party's education policy. Adhere to the guiding role of Marxism, implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the socialist direction of running schools, and use the powerful force of truth to inspire, guide and motivate students. The teaching content and teaching methods of ideological and political courses need to adapt to the changes in the world, national conditions, party conditions, people's conditions and the ideological characteristics of college students, observe the development of the times, and continuously update dynamically, so as to inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, and fully reflect the latest theoretical achievements of the sinicization and modernization of Marxism and the latest practical achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and highlight the tangible coverage and effective guidance of the truth of Marxism for students.

Continuously improving the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses requires handling the relationship between "what we give" and "what students want", strengthening the supply-side structural reform of ideological and political courses, and making good use of various high-quality educational resources to help students resolve their ideological doubts, relieve their worries in learning, quench their thirst for culture, and relieve their psychological pressure. The Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai continues to carry out the "Hundreds of Cultural Relics into the Classroom" activity, bringing precious revolutionary cultural relics into the campuses of universities, middle schools and primary schools, and explaining moving red stories to students, becoming a vivid epitome of the continuous innovation of ideological and political education in various places. With the rapid development of digital technology and information technology, the intelligent means that ideological and political teaching can rely on are richer than before. Being good at using new technologies, new media and new models can not only improve the immersion and experience of ideological and political courses, provide precise and intensive supply of educational resources based on students' interests, personality, abilities, etc., enhance the appeal and centripetal force of ideological and political teaching, but also help expand the educational and teaching elements of ideological and political courses, and build a multi-dimensional and open ideological and political education overpass connecting teachers and students, online and offline, on-campus and off-campus, theory and practice, history and reality, China and the world, so as to promote the formation of a new high-quality and shared ideological and political education ecology.

Keep the teaching content correct and create new teaching language. In the teaching of ideological and political courses, it is very important whether the language has the charm of persuasion. Teaching language is the carrier of teaching emotions. The ability of ideological and political teachers to control classroom language directly affects whether students want to listen, are willing to listen, and love to listen, and is related to the students' absorption effect of learning content. The unique language art can arouse students' strong interest in learning, thereby promoting ideological theories to be better recognized and accepted by students. Therefore, the construction of ideological and political courses should pay attention to improving the discourse system, while ensuring political height and theoretical depth, conveying emotional warmth and improving targeting accuracy. This requires us to find the common points of ideological cognition and the resonance points of emotional communication in the education and teaching of ideological and political courses, accurately analyze and grasp the characteristics of students' ideological development and potential psychological needs, and break through ideological blind spots, lead ideological views, and anchor the orientation in the communication full of true knowledge and true feelings.

The goal of promoting the reform and innovation of teaching paradigms and narrative methods is to improve the relevance and fit between ideological and political classes and the evolution of students' thoughts. In terms of specific methods, the first is to integrate ideology and academicity, work hard on the thoroughness and persuasiveness of theory, and truly explain the truth in depth, so as to guide students to reach ideological identity in the academic discussion of Marxist theory. The second is to combine abstraction with vividness, adhere to the connection between theory and practice, and guide students to correctly view, dialectically understand, and rationally analyze real problems, and firmly believe in Marxism, socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the confidence to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Peking University practices the guiding ideology of "rooting in the land of China to run universities" in the comprehensive reform of ideological and political courses, organizes students to go out of the classroom and go to towns and villages, deeply understand the truth and power of scientific theories in social practice, and truly understand why the Communist Party of China can, why Marxism works, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good. The party's innovative theory embodies the profound insights and valuable experience of our party and country in promoting economic and social development, and the construction achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics are the most vivid and persuasive textbooks. Making the Party’s innovative theories and practical achievements the source of ideological and political education will surely better enhance students’ ambitions, backbone and confidence.

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