Strong theory leads to unity of mind

Release time:Jun 20, 2024 08:55 AM

In the magnificent development process of the new era, there are many vivid stories of "people's unity can move mountains". In the fight against poverty, the whole party, people of all ethnic groups and all aspects of society jointly declared war on poverty, and the whole country worked together to overcome difficulties. It was the "people's unity" that created this miracle in the history of mankind; the preparation and hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics were carried out under extremely difficult circumstances. It was the "people's unity" that allowed us to present a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event to the world... Why can we achieve "people's unity"? Fundamentally, it is because of "strong theory".

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Only with a strong theory can we have a clear direction, unity of people and confidence." Our party is the world's largest ruling Marxist party with more than 98 million members. There are big difficulties, one of which is how to always unify thoughts, wills and actions. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the whole party has been closely united around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and has moved forward in unison. This is inseparable from the unity of thought in scientific theory. Unity in thought is the deepest, most lasting and most reliable guarantee for the unity of the party. Our party is in power in a big country with a population of more than 1.4 billion. How can we unite more than 1.4 billion people and make them think and work together? Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, people of all ethnic groups across the country have trusted and supported the party and firmly worked together with the party. This is inseparable from the scientific theory to unite people's hearts and minds. "Strong theory" is an important guarantee for building consensus and uniting people's hearts, and "unity of people's hearts" is an important foundation for the continuous development of the cause of the party and the country. We must deeply understand the truth that only when theory is strong can people’s hearts be united. On the new journey, we must persist in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to unite hearts and souls, ensure that people’s hearts are united, and continuously promote the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

Theory illuminates people's hearts. Scientific theories can illuminate people's hearts with the light of truth. Marxism is like a magnificent sunrise, illuminating the path of human exploration of historical laws and seeking self-liberation. It also illuminates people's hearts and inspires them to work tirelessly for their lofty ideals. As contemporary Chinese Marxism and Marxism of the 21st century, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era firmly adheres to Marxism as its soul and the excellent traditional Chinese culture as its root. It shines with the light of ideals and beliefs, demonstrates the brilliance of cultural subjectivity, and unites the whole party and people of all ethnic groups in the country under common ideals and beliefs, firmly striving for the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Theory inspires people. The unity formed around a clear goal is the most solid unity, and the struggle based on close unity is the most powerful struggle. Scientific theory can enable people to form common goals and pursuits, clarify the direction, and strive for it. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era clearly states that we must uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the general task is to achieve socialist modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. From building a moderately prosperous society in all respects to building a socialist modern power in two steps, the grand blueprint contains both the great future of the Party and the country and the good life of the people; it contains both strategic arrangements made with a long-term perspective and specific plans made around the goal of struggle, which inspire and encourage the broad masses of cadres and the people to forge ahead for the common goal.

Theory unites people's hearts. Theory that comes from the people, is for the people, and benefits the people can be loved, recognized, and owned by the people, and can unite people's hearts. Adhering to the supremacy of the people is a red line that runs through Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Standing firmly on the people's standpoint, grasping the people's wishes, respecting the people's creation, and concentrating the people's wisdom, this important thought puts the people in the highest position, so it can win the support of hundreds of millions of people, unite the strength of hundreds of millions of people, let the people think and work together, and form a vivid situation where all rivers flow into the sea and all valleys return to the stream.

"People's hearts are united" requires theoretical guidance and leadership. We must improve the system of using the Party's innovative theories to arm the whole Party, educate the people, and guide practical work, promote the Party's innovative theories to be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and continuously enhance the political, ideological, theoretical, and emotional identification of the broad masses of cadres and the people with the Party's innovative theories. On the new journey, the advantages of "strong theory" will surely be further demonstrated, and the power of "people's hearts are united" will surely be further exerted. We will surely create a better future in unity and struggle.

Strong theory leads to unity of mind
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