Why choose this time? What will be the future decision-making process?, Hot Questions and Answers | Israeli Prime Minister disbands the wartime cabinet Israeli government | including | Q&A | Israel

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 17, 2024 17:08 PM

According to reports, Israeli media said on June 17 that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has officially dissolved his six-member wartime cabinet.

Israel's wartime cabinet was established on October 12 last year after being approved by the parliament. It was joined by five people including Gantz, the leader of the main opposition Unity Party, to deal with wartime affairs. On the 9th of this month, Gantz announced his withdrawal from the wartime cabinet and called for early parliamentary elections. Since then, the collapse of the wartime cabinet has become a widely expected step.

Now, more than a week later, the wartime cabinet has been dissolved. What does Netanyahu's move mean? What impact will it have on Israel's political situation and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News interviewed Niu Xinchun, executive director of the Institute of Chinese Arab Countries at Ningxia University.

Liberation Daily·Shangguan News: It has been more than a week since Gantz left the wartime cabinet. Why did Netanyahu announce the dissolution decision at this time?

Niu Xinchun: Israel's wartime cabinet is composed of six people, aiming to build consensus between the government and the opposition, including former and current military leaders with rich military experience. Among them, three core members have voting rights, namely Prime Minister Netanyahu from the ruling party, Defense Minister Galant, and Gantz from the opposition party.

Gantz was once the commander of the Israeli army and defense minister, and is a representative of the center-left in Israel. As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict drags on, the differences in the wartime cabinet have become increasingly public. More than a week ago, Gantz announced his withdrawal from the wartime cabinet, which was due to his dissatisfaction with Netanyahu's Gaza policy and the fact that his party's poll ratings have been declining and that staying in the wartime cabinet may not be of much benefit. Prior to that, Gantz had issued an ultimatum to Netanyahu to complete the post-war governance plan for Gaza before the 8th of this month.

With Gantz's withdrawal, the two people with voting rights in the wartime cabinet both belong to the ruling coalition. The wartime cabinet, which symbolizes cooperation between the government and the opposition, is now in name only.

Over the past week, Netanyahu has been hoping to find other candidates in the opposition to maintain the so-called "national unity cabinet", but it is estimated that he has not found one. Therefore, the dissolution of the wartime cabinet is inevitable.

Liberation Daily·Shangguan News: What does the dissolution of the wartime cabinet mean, and what impact will it have on future decision-making?

Niu Xinchun: The war cabinet was a symbol of unity between the government and opposition in Israel in the face of crisis, and its members included representatives of the center-left forces. After the dissolution of the war cabinet, the image of unity between the government and opposition collapsed.

However, the war cabinet is only a temporary body to handle war affairs and is not responsible for proposing or issuing bills or executive orders that are not related to the war. The dissolution of the war cabinet will not lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Netanyahu's ruling coalition. Currently, the ruling coalition has more than half of the 64 seats in the parliament, and its ruling position is not affected.

According to Israeli sources, Netanyahu said that he would not form a new wartime cabinet, and important decisions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict might be made at small temporary meetings. If so, the Israeli government's war decisions would basically return to the previous security cabinet.

Israel's security cabinet is composed of six parties, including several far-right parties and conservative religious parties. Due to the participation of far-right forces, this government is also called Israel's "most right government" by the media. In the past few days, Israel's Minister of National Security Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Smotrich, who are from the far-right party, have expressed their desire to join the wartime cabinet, but Netanyahu reportedly did not agree.

However, the far-right parties are a force that Netanyahu must rely on in the ruling coalition. After losing the center-left forces, the far-right forces will have greater restraining power. In the future, the security cabinet may take a tougher stance when making war decisions, which will reduce the possibility of reaching a ceasefire agreement in Gaza in the near future, and the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon may escalate.

If the Israeli government's policies continue to "move to the right," the more neutral and pragmatic faction in the ruling coalition may withdraw. If more than four people withdraw, the ruling coalition will lose its majority in the 120-seat parliament and face the risk of collapse.

Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News: Israel said that the Israeli army has implemented a "tactical military suspension" in parts of the southern Gaza Strip since the 15th. Next, what developments in Israel's political situation and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are worth paying attention to?

Niu Xinchun: There are two directions that deserve special attention. One is the stability of the Israeli government. Can the ruling coalition formed by Netanyahu and the extreme right-wing parties continue? Will Israel hold a new general election? The outside world believes that Netanyahu's ruling position is worrying. But a new sign recently is that the support rate of Netanyahu's Likud Group has rebounded compared with the previous period.

The second is whether a temporary ceasefire can be achieved on the battlefield. At present, indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas have not yet begun. The extreme right-wing parties in the Israeli government clearly oppose the Gaza ceasefire plan supported by the United States.

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