These intangible cultural heritages of traditional Chinese medicine have accelerated the inheritance and development of Changning District, including "Lü's Method" and "Zhu's Massage".

Release time:Jun 15, 2024 13:36 PM

The second Saturday of June every year is "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day", also known as "World Cultural Heritage Day". The theme of this year's June 8 is "Protecting and inheriting intangible cultural heritage, continuing the historical context, and writing a chapter of the times". Traditional Chinese medicine, which is closely related to the health and life of the public, also has a rich intangible cultural heritage. How can we better inherit and continue this essence of Chinese traditional culture?

Today, the inheritance and development research base of the intangible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine "Lü's Dui Fa" and "Zhu's Massage" sponsored by the Changning District Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Alliance was officially established, which means that the inheritance and development of the intangible cultural heritage technology of traditional Chinese medicine in Changning District will be accelerated.

Combine "Lü's Method" with rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment

At the end of last year, in order to further integrate high-quality TCM medical resources, enhance primary medical service capabilities, and form a regional TCM service network with coordinated TCM medical resources, prominent TCM brand characteristics, and smooth two-way referrals, the Changning District Tianshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was the lead unit, and 10 community health service centers in the district jointly signed the Changning District Regional TCM Medical Alliance Agreement and the Changning District TCM Nursing Alliance Agreement.

Now that the network has been established, how can we make good use of the platform? Li Hui, director of the TCM department of the District Health Commission, said that in order to make the medical alliance more profound, technology promotion has become an important issue. "Tianshan TCM Hospital is also a training base for the promotion of TCM practice, and 'Lü's Method' is one of its important representatives."

Deputy Dean Yan Lei introduced that "Lü's Method" is a method of diagnosis and treatment combining acupuncture and medicine summarized by the national medical master Lü Jingshan, which has unique therapeutic effects on many difficult diseases. As early as 2018, this inheritance studio settled in Tianshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and accepted Cui Xiao, director of the hospital's rehabilitation department, as its apprentice.

"'Good wine needs no bush'. In addition to our hospital, we also hope that this intangible cultural heritage can be spread across the region. After being refined, inherited, and promoted, it can be combined with rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment to make it flourish in the fertile soil of Shanghai." said Ma Qiayi, the dean of the hospital. Lv Yu'e, the inheritor of the national medical master Lv Jingshan and the deputy dean of Shanxi Acupuncture Hospital, participated in the unveiling of the base.

Inheriting the intangible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine in the form of research bases and training courses is also a pioneering move in Shanghai. In addition to the leading unit, all communities in Changning District are "letting a hundred flowers bloom", and the "Zhu's Massage" practice promotion and training base is located in the Huayang Street Community Health Service Center.

Whether the advantages of a center or a hospital can be promoted to more hospitals is a topic that Zhu Dingcheng, the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage "Zhu's Massage Therapy", has been thinking about in recent years. "Massage has a long history, but nowadays there are not many people who can calm down, study hard, and have the spirit of craftsmanship." He admitted that after the establishment of the base, the first training class recruited a total of 80 trainees, "most of whom have a background in traditional Chinese medicine, but there are also non-traditional Chinese medicine specialists who come with enthusiasm; the oldest is 52 years old, and the youngest is a 19-year-old medical student; some massage doctors hope to take this opportunity to improve their skills, while other doctors can have an additional treatment method, or even start from serving their families and gradually promote it, forming a recognition and inheritance of traditional culture."

More than ten years ago, Shi Xiangdong, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor at Huayang Community Health Center, formally became Zhu Dingcheng's apprentice to learn "Zhu's One Finger Zen". Over the past ten years, this brand rooted in the community has grown bigger and bigger, and was selected as one of the first "Shanghai Community Traditional Chinese Medicine Characteristic Diagnosis and Treatment Service Brands", with patients coming in an endless stream. "Will there be a second or third Shi Xiangdong?" Zhu Dingcheng said with a smile, "I hope that more 'good seedlings' will emerge on the medical alliance platform."

Shen Hongmei, director of the center, said that Professor Zhu Dingcheng has innovated many mechanisms for the inheritance and promotion of intangible cultural heritage technologies, and has become one of the models of Shanghai-style inheritance. "Promoting and developing intangible cultural heritage diagnosis and treatment technologies of traditional Chinese medicine is also an important way for grassroots medical institutions to expand the content of high-quality medical services. We hope to provide more and better high-quality traditional Chinese medicine services to community residents through this platform."

Today, the first training session kicked off. Zhu Dingcheng introduced that the first training session will last for about two months and will consist of eight sessions, hoping to teach the 13 main techniques to the trainees as much as possible. "It is difficult to learn massage through books and pure theory. Three years of practice is not enough." He said frankly, "The training session is the starting point, and we need to take one step at a time. In addition to offline training, trainees can also upload videos of the techniques they practice through the online conference room. We will point out the deficiencies in the movements by reviewing the videos, which is also more intuitive."

Sun Bin, director of the district health and health commission, said that the intangible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine needs to be "inherited in a living form". "The two inheritors of this intangible cultural heritage share the same philosophy as us. We hope that the Changning District TCM Medical Association will continue to create conditions for inheritance activities and promote the intangible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine to take root in Changning District."

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