The 60-year-old female cadre who was dismissed from office was expelled from the party and expelled from the party! She had worked with a "tiger"

Release time:Jun 20, 2024 08:48 AM

The Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced on June 20: With the approval of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has initiated an investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Bian Xianghui, former member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former deputy director of the Culture, History and Learning Committee.

Upon investigation, it was found that Bian Xianghui had lost his ideals and beliefs, betrayed his original aspiration and mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the Party, and resisted organizational review; he ignored the spirit of the Central Committee's eight regulations, and illegally accepted gifts, cash gifts, and consumption cards; he violated organizational principles, concealed and failed to report personal matters, did not truthfully explain the problems when the organization inquired, and illegally sought personnel benefits for others; he lost his integrity and illegally owned shares in non-listed companies; he violated work discipline and changed the route without authorization during an overseas inspection; he did not attach importance to family building, and failed to supervise and educate his family; he used public power as a tool to gain personal benefits, and used his position to seek profits for others in business operations, cadre appointments, and project contracting, and illegally accepted huge amounts of property.

After research and approval by the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection Standing Committee and reported to the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, it was decided to expel Bian Xianghui from the party; the Shandong Provincial Supervision Commission will expel him from public office; confiscate his illegal gains; and transfer his suspected criminal case to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law, and the relevant property will be transferred together.

The public resume shows that Bian Xianghui, female, Han nationality, born in May 1963, has a postgraduate degree from the Provincial Party School, and is a member of the Communist Party of China.

He has served in the Shandong Provincial Bureau of Statistics for a long time. In January 2002, he was appointed as deputy director and member of the Party Leadership Group of the Shandong Provincial Bureau of Statistics. In December 2002, he was appointed as member of the Standing Committee of the Weihai Municipal Party Committee and director of the Organization Department. In January 2008, he was appointed as deputy secretary of the Weihai Municipal Party Committee.

In December 2011, Bian Xianghui was transferred to Qingdao Municipal Party Committee as member of the Standing Committee and Minister of Organization, and later served as Minister of United Front Work. In January 2020, she was appointed as Deputy Secretary of Jinan Municipal Party Committee. In January 2022, she was appointed Secretary-General of Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and in January 2023, she was appointed Deputy Director of Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on Culture, History and Learning.

Public information shows that Bian Xianghui also served as deputy head of the Central Fifth Inspection Team.

It is worth mentioning that she has many working contacts with Sun Shutao, vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, who was investigated in March 2023.

Sun Shutao was born in January 1965 in Gaomi, Shandong. He worked at Shandong Agricultural University in his early years and served as the dean of the Forestry College. After 2001, he served successively as deputy mayor of Heze City, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, and president of the Provincial Cadre Academy.

In 2008, Sun Shutao was appointed as the deputy secretary and mayor of Weihai Municipal Party Committee. In December 2011, he was appointed as the secretary of Weihai Municipal Party Committee. In January 2018, he was promoted to the vice governor of Shandong Province. In May of the same year, Sun Shutao was appointed as the deputy secretary and acting mayor of Jinan Municipal Party Committee. In June, he was appointed as the mayor of Jinan. In March 2022, Sun Shutao no longer served as the mayor of Jinan. In January 2023, he served as the vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference until he was investigated. On October 9, 2023, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Sun Shutao was "double-opened".

When Sun Shutao served as deputy secretary of the Weihai Municipal Party Committee and mayor, Bian Xianghui served as deputy secretary of the Weihai Municipal Party Committee. When Sun Shutao served as deputy secretary of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee and mayor, Bian Xianghui served as deputy secretary of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee. From March 2022 to early 2023, both of them were members of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference Party Group.

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