Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3A Global Alumni Center is located in Caohejing Development Zone to create a comprehensive scientific and technological innovation ecological platform

Release time:Jun 19, 2024 07:45 AM

The world's only "Shanghai Jiaotong University APEX Laboratory, ACM Class, and ACM Competition Team Alumni Center" was built in Caohejing Development Zone. On June 18, the unveiling ceremony of the 3A Global Alumni Center and the signing ceremony of the alumni ecological strategy were held.

Ding Kuiling, President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Pan Xiaogang, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Talent Work Bureau, unveiled the 3A Global Alumni Center; Cao Liqiang, Secretary of the Xuhui District Party Committee, and Weng Kaining, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Lingang Group, attended the ceremony.

It is reported that the 3A Global Alumni Center was jointly built by Caohejing Development Zone and the 3A Alumni Association of Shanghai Jiaotong University. It aims to attract 3A alumni and high-quality projects to Shanghai to start businesses and provide alumni with all-round support such as talent services, cross-border services, scene co-creation, and ecological integration. Currently, among the 1,200 3A alumni, 45 are employed in world-class universities, and 49 entrepreneurs have founded 64 companies, including 4 listed companies. Outstanding alumni include TVM, XGBoost author, Carnegie Mellon University assistant professor Chen Tianqi, Sora framework designer Xie Saining, 2024 Sloan Award winner Yang Diyi, Yitu Technology founder Lin Chenxi, Fourth Paradigm founder Dai Wenyuan, Senyi Intelligence founder Zhang Wendian, Lanma Technology founder Zhou Jian, Ruizhan Network founder Zhao Zhongyi, etc.

Ding Kuiling said that top AI talents are precious resources and wealth. As a key intersection of educational and technological talents, the university should fully tap and inspire the power of alumni while doing a good job in attracting and cultivating talents on campus. The 3A Alumni Association has inherited the outstanding academic tradition of Jiaotong University and has continued to cultivate high-quality talents for many years. It is an important "business card" of Jiaotong University. With the establishment of the 3A Global Alumni Center, he hopes that the 3A Alumni Association will do a good job of "linking" and "functioning", become a communication platform and bond among alumni, and gather the "stars" of alumni into "a fire", so that the Alumni Center will become a gathering place for the world's top talents and an engine for Shanghai's top talents.

Weng Kaining said that Lingang Group is building an innovative ecological integrated service provider with the park as the carrier. Caohejing Development Zone is the core park and core brand of the group, and is also a fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship of the "Jiaotong University system". The establishment of the 3A Global Alumni Center will inject powerful scientific and technological resources into Caohejing Development Zone and become another famous name card of "Science and Technology Innovation Caohejing".

At the ceremony, Yu Yong, distinguished professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and founder of 3A, introduced the situation and future prospects of 3A Global Alumni Center. Gu Lun, Party Secretary and Chairman of Caohejing Management Company, signed a strategic cooperation agreement on alumni ecology with representatives of 3A alumni companies, including Kezhi Technology, Yizhi Electronics, 4Paradigm, Lanma Technology, Boyu Education, and Mozhi Technology. The agreement will take the alumni center as the source point, complement the advantages of Caohejing Development Zone, and jointly create a new artificial intelligence ecology.

In the future, the 3A Global Alumni Center will become a comprehensive scientific and technological innovation ecological platform integrating talent services, academic exchanges, and venture capital services, play a hub and link role, promote full-process innovation, full-factor aggregation, and full-chain acceleration, and contribute to the construction of the "Shanghai Highland" of artificial intelligence.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3A Global Alumni Center is located in Caohejing Development Zone to create a comprehensive scientific and technological innovation ecological platform
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