Education Review: Contributing to the development of a strong country in science and technology

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 26, 2024 13:03 PM

Contribute educational strength to accelerate the construction of a strong country in science and technology

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Awards Conference, and the Conference of Academicians of the Two Academies were held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping awarded the National Highest Science and Technology Award winners and delivered an important speech, emphasizing that if science and technology prosper, the nation will prosper, and if science and technology are strong, the country will be strong. China's modernization must be supported by the modernization of science and technology, and the realization of high-quality development must rely on scientific and technological innovation to cultivate new momentum. We must fully recognize the strategic leading position and fundamental supporting role of science and technology, anchor the strategic goal of building a strong country in science and technology by 2035, strengthen top-level design and overall planning, and accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly summarized the important experience of the development of science and technology in the new era, expounded the important role of scientific and technological innovation in promoting China's modernization and achieving the second centenary goal, and systematically explained the basic connotation and main tasks of accelerating the construction of a strong country in science and technology under the new situation, pointing out the direction for doing a good job in science and technology in the new era and providing a fundamental guideline.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has promoted the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, put forward the strategic task of accelerating the construction of an innovative country, continuously deepened the reform of the science and technology system, and vigorously promoted the self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology. From a number of major original achievements in basic frontier research, to a new leap forward in strategic high-tech fields, to new achievements in innovation-driven high-quality development, my country's science and technology has achieved historic achievements and undergone historic changes, and the important role of scientific and technological innovation in promoting Chinese-style modernization and achieving the second centenary goal has been fully demonstrated.

Colleges and universities are the main force of basic research and the source of major scientific and technological breakthroughs. They are an important part of the national strategic scientific and technological forces and the national innovation system. They have made important contributions to promoting the historic achievements and historic changes in my country's science and technology. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, colleges and universities have insisted on serving the country as the highest pursuit of scientific and technological work in colleges and universities, adhering to the "four orientations" and serving the "major issues of the country", and constantly advancing the breadth and depth of science and technology. The scientific and technological innovation capabilities of colleges and universities have been rapidly improved, major achievements have emerged one after another, and institutional and mechanism reforms have continued to advance in depth. In the field of basic research, colleges and universities aim at the forefront of world science and technology, dare to challenge the most cutting-edge scientific problems, are willing to sit on the bench, and dare to be tree planters and well diggers, and promote the realization of forward-looking basic research and major breakthroughs in leading original achievements. They are the main force of basic research worthy of the name. In the field of key core technologies, hundreds of colleges and universities insist on problem-oriented, rushing to the most urgent and pressing problems, breaking through a number of key core technology "stuck neck" problems, effectively supporting the implementation of a series of major national projects and the casting of a large number of major national heavy equipment, and becoming the source of major national scientific and technological breakthroughs. Universities have made active and effective efforts to promote economic and social development, and have made remarkable contributions to their services. They have used outstanding innovations to write an excellent answer to serving the country through science and technology, and have truly written their papers on the land of the motherland.

In order to contribute to the acceleration of building a strong country in science and technology and to contribute to the strength of education, we must fully recognize the strategic leading position and fundamental supporting role of science and technology, anchor the strategic goal of building a strong country in science and technology by 2035, and strengthen top-level design and overall planning. At present, the world is undergoing a major change that has not been seen in a century, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is developing in depth, profoundly reshaping the global order and development pattern. Scientific and technological innovation has become a decisive factor affecting economic prosperity and national security, and is the commanding height of international competition. Science and technology have never had such a profound impact on the future and destiny of the country, and have never had such a profound impact on the happiness and well-being of the people as today. my country's science and technology has achieved historic achievements and undergone historic changes, but there are also some shortcomings and weaknesses, which requires us to further enhance the sense of urgency, further increase the intensity of scientific and technological innovation, and seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological competition and future development. We must fully uphold the leadership of the Party, give full play to the advantages of the new national system, improve the system of centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee over scientific and technological work, build a coordinated and efficient decision-making and command system and organizational implementation system, accelerate the transformation of scientific research paradigms and scientific research organizational models, and lead and promote new changes in scientific and technological innovation; we must deeply grasp the laws of scientific and technological innovation, comprehensively deepen the reform of the science and technology system and mechanism, coordinate the construction of various innovation platforms, strengthen the optimal allocation of innovation resources, accelerate the formation of a more efficient innovation system, remove the obstacles that restrict scientific research and innovation, and continuously create a good environment and soil so that the seeds of innovation can continuously break through the ground; we must deepen the integrated reform of the education, science and technology talent system and mechanism, improve the mechanism of collaborative education between science and education, and accelerate the cultivation and creation of a large-scale, rationally structured, and high-quality innovative talent team.

In order to contribute to the acceleration of building a strong country in science and technology, we must accurately grasp the new situation and new tasks facing the scientific and technological innovation of universities, and fully demonstrate the mission and responsibility of universities as the national strategic scientific and technological force. Universities are the concentrated intersection of education, science and technology, and talents. They have gathered a large number of top scientists, academic backbones, and energetic young teachers and students. They have many intertwined disciplines and first-class scientific research and innovation platforms. They are the main force of basic research and the source of major scientific and technological breakthroughs. They are the key force to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. In order to further increase the intensity of scientific and technological innovation, seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological competition and future development, and fully demonstrate the mission and responsibility as a national strategic scientific and technological force, colleges and universities must accurately grasp the new situation facing scientific and technological innovation, give full play to their own advantages, integrate their own development into the historical mission and responsibility of building strategic scientific and technological forces and promoting scientific and technological self-reliance, and take serving the country and benefiting the people as the value orientation and highest pursuit of scientific and technological work in universities; they must aim at the world's scientific and technological frontiers and major national strategic needs to promote scientific research innovation, continuously improve the level of original innovation in the field of basic research and the ability to solve key core scientific problems and "bottleneck" problems; they must establish and improve a system and mechanism for the deep integration of innovative talent cultivation and high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, strengthen the construction of the national strategic talent team, continuously gather and cultivate high-level innovative talents, vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, and encourage the vast number of scientific researchers to be ambitious, patriotic and dedicated, and committed to innovation.

In order to contribute to the acceleration of building a strong country in science and technology, we must persist in and continuously enrich the important experience of the development of science and technology in the new era, and continue to write a new glory of colleges and universities to effectively support high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that in the practice of the development of science and technology in the new era, we have continuously deepened our understanding of laws and accumulated many important experiences, mainly: adhering to the overall leadership of the Party, adhering to the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, adhering to innovation-driven development, adhering to the strategic orientation of the "four aspects", adhering to stimulating innovation vitality through deepening reform, adhering to promoting a virtuous cycle of education and science and technology talents, adhering to cultivating an innovative culture, and adhering to open cooperation in science and technology for the benefit of mankind. These important experiences are rooted in the rich practice and great achievements of the development of science and technology in the new era. The education system, especially the vast number of colleges and universities, must deeply understand and fully implement them. We must adhere to the overall leadership of the Party, have the great interests of the country in mind, be good at planning the Party's major plans, adhere to the "four aspects", adhere to innovation-driven development, and take scientific and technological innovation as the core topic to promote the development of colleges and universities and improve the quality of talent training, and further provide strategic support for achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance.

On the new journey, it is a glorious mission and a heavy responsibility to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and build a strong country in science and technology. Now there are only 11 years to achieve the goal of building a strong country in science and technology. Time is running out and we must seize the day. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, strengthen our confidence, overcome difficulties, work hard, and climb to the top, shoulder the mission and responsibility of universities as national strategic scientific and technological forces, and continue to advance the breadth and depth of science and technology. In order to accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, accelerate the construction of a world science and technology power, and contribute the wisdom and strength of education to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, we will write a wonderful chapter that is worthy of the times and the people.

Source | China Education Daily, June 26, 2024

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