Ten questions and answers about new quality productivity | Does developing new quality productivity mean giving up traditional industries? National Development and Reform Commission | Xi Jinping | Gu Yan

Release time:Jun 26, 2024 08:10 AM

China News Service, June 25: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that developing new quality productive forces does not mean neglecting or abandoning traditional industries. We must prevent a rush into things and bubbles, or stick to a single model.

The Policy Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Xi Jinping Economic Thought Research Center, and China News Network jointly produced the "Ten Questions and Answers on New Productivity" expert discussion column, inviting authoritative experts to interpret the new productivity.

How to understand that “developing new quality productive forces does not mean ignoring or abandoning traditional industries”?

Gu Yan, director of the Research Department of the Xi Jinping Economic Thought Research Center, believes that, on the one hand, the development of new productivity is inseparable from traditional industries.

Gu Yan said that the development of productivity follows certain rules, and is usually a process of mutual transformation between "quality" and "quantity". Quantitative change must accumulate to a certain extent before it can cause qualitative change. According to this rule, new quality productivity cannot just pop out of cracks in the stone, but must be formed through a large number of "experiments" and continuous accumulation in various industries, including traditional industries.

Ten questions and answers about new quality productivity | Does developing new quality productivity mean giving up traditional industries? National Development and Reform Commission | Xi Jinping | Gu Yan

In his opinion, traditional industries account for a large proportion of the industrial system, providing a very broad fertile ground and a very solid foundation for the cultivation of new quality productivity. After the new quality productivity is formed, it still needs industry as a carrier to further develop and release. Traditional industries also provide a very broad space and very rich scenarios for the replication, promotion, iteration and upgrading of new quality productivity.

"On the other hand, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries cannot be separated from new quality productivity." Gu Yan said that traditional industries are facing increasingly fierce market competition and must jump out of their comfort zone; at the same time, they are at a critical historical node in a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and are expected to seize new opportunities. This requires traditional industries to accelerate transformation and upgrading, especially to follow the trend and use the new quality productivity to transform from the past cost advantage and speed advantage to technological advantage and overall industrial chain advantage.

"Of course, this transformation has more than one path or model." Gu Yan believes that as long as we aim at the general direction of "high-end, intelligent, and green", whether it is technological breakthroughs, process improvements, skill improvements, or efficient allocation of factors and optimization of industrial organization, we are all using new quality productivity to transform and upgrade traditional industries.

Gu Yan said that in recent years, my country's process of promoting digital industrialization and industrial digitalization has vividly demonstrated the "two inseparables". Digital technology has been widely used in traditional industries and has been able to show its strength. Traditional industries use digitalization to accelerate transformation and upgrading and achieve rebirth. Our research in Quanzhou, Fujian found that traditional shoemaking companies, on the basis of having achieved production automation, can further increase production efficiency by nearly 20% by introducing technologies such as 5G, while reducing management costs by more than 10%.

"In short, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the development of new quality productive forces are inseparable. In the benign interaction between the two, the industry will have higher added value, stronger competitiveness, and greater vitality," said Gu Yan.

Ten questions and answers about new quality productivity | Does developing new quality productivity mean giving up traditional industries? National Development and Reform Commission | Xi Jinping | Gu Yan
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