Three precious messages from President Xi

Release time:May 05, 2024 08:50 AM

At the invitation of President Emmanuel Macron of the French Republic, President Vucic of the Republic of Serbia, President Šuyuk of Hungary, and Prime Minister Orban, President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to the above three countries from May 5 to 10.

China has a deep relationship with France, Serbia and Hungary, starting with the three precious heartfelt messages received by President Xi.

With a cowhide cover, a red-painted lip, and a gold-gilded spine, this original French version of the first "Introduction to the Analects of Confucius" published in France in 1688 is a national gift with special significance.

In March 2019, President Xi Jinping paid his second state visit to France. In Nice, France, President Xi Jinping met with French President Macron.

Before the meeting, President Macron presented this book to President Xi Jinping and introduced that the early translation and introduction of "The Analects" had inspired the philosophical thoughts of Montesquieu and Voltaire.

There are only two original copies of this "Introduction to the Analects of Confucius" in existence, and the other is collected in the Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet in Paris. President Xi Jinping said: "This gift is very precious. I will take it back and store it in the National Library of China."

This book witnesses the long history of cultural exchanges between China and France.

President Xi Jinping has paid state visits to France twice, and President Macron has paid state visits to China three times. From a night in Nice to a tea party in Yuyuan to a meeting in the Pine Garden, President Xi Jinping and President Macron had in-depth exchanges. Cultural factors are present throughout.

On the evening of November 5, 2019, in Shanghai’s Yu Garden, the water corridors and pavilions were filled with light and shadow.

Xi Jinping and his wife visited the garden together with Macron and his wife who were visiting China, stopping from time to time to admire the scenery of Jiangnan gardens, and also watched Kun Opera and Yue opera performances.

President Xi Jinping said, my wife and I chose to entertain Mr. and Mrs. President in Yu Garden, hoping that you can appreciate the beauty of Chinese gardens and traditional Chinese culture. The forms of cultural and artistic expression are different, but the spiritual experiences they bring to people in different countries are the same, and different cultures can coexist harmoniously. As representatives of the two major civilizations of the East and the West, China and France should respect each other, communicate and learn from each other, each appreciate their own beauty, and share the same.

During the exchanges and interactions between the heads of state of China and France, there was this impressive scene——

On April 7, 2023, in Songyuan, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, President Xi Jinping and President Macron walked in the garden, chatting while walking, stopping from time to time to admire the unique scenery of Lingnan Gardens with interest. This is an informal meeting without a tie.

Following the distant and melodious sound of "Mountains and Flowing Waters", President Xi Jinping and President Macron came to the Baiyun Hall of Pine Garden to enjoy the guqin performance.

President Xi Jinping introduced to President Macron, "This is a very beautiful story in ancient China. It tells the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, which embodies 'bosom friends'. Only 'bosom friends' can understand this piece of music." President Xi He also asked the staff to send a copy of the score to President Macron.

"In the past two days, our friendly and in-depth exchanges have enabled me to further appreciate China's long and splendid history and culture, and enhance my understanding of modern China's governance concepts." When leaving, President Macron thanked President Xi Jinping.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. Sino-French cultural exchanges, friendship and hope.

In Serbia, there is a city called Smederevo. The city houses Serbia’s largest steel production enterprise, the Smederevo Steel Plant, which is inextricably linked to China.

The Smederevo Steel Plant was founded in 1913 and was once known as the "Pride of Serbia". At its peak, it contributed 40% of the city's fiscal revenue. The work and life of nearly one-third of the residents depended on this steel plant. closely related.

However, in the late 1990s, due to declining competitiveness, the Smederevo Steel Plant was in trouble and was even on the verge of bankruptcy.

The turning point came in April 2016. Under the framework of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative, China's HBIS Group acquired the Smederevo Steel Plant and established HBIS Serbia Steel Company, promising 5,000 employees from the original steel plant. No one will be fired.

Two months later, during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Serbia, he made a special trip to the Smederevo Steel Plant.

To express their gratitude, the workers used the steel produced by the factory to "customize" a special gift for President Xi Jinping - a commemorative plaque with a silhouette of the Smederevo Steel Plant, which is engraved with the steelmaking blast furnace, exhaust chimney, and processing workshop. Silhouette of waiting factory building.

△Workers of the Smederevo Steel Plant presented President Xi Jinping with a commemorative plate engraved with the silhouette of the factory on a steel plate.

At the Smedelevo Steel Plant, President Xi Jinping said sincerely: "We must fulfill our commitments, including introducing advanced technology, opening up a broader market, ensuring local employment, and benefiting the people's livelihood."

Promises must be kept and action must be resolute. Chinese companies have introduced more than 20 technologies and management systems; implemented proportional reuse of waste slag, and used "economic materials" to produce higher-standard steel... Less than half a year after the acquisition, the steel plant turned a profit and became Serbia's No. 1 in 2018 Large export enterprise.

A few days ago, 30 Serbian employee representatives from HBIS Group's Smedelevo Steel Plant wrote to President Xi Jinping, introducing the recent development of the steel plant and its important contribution to the improvement of local people's livelihood, and expressing their gratitude to President Xi Jinping for his personal care and promotion of the project. Affection.

On April 29 this year, President Xi Jinping wrote back to Serbian employees of HBIS Group’s Smederevo Steel Plant, encouraging them to make new contributions to China-Serbia friendship. President Xi Jinping emphasized that the good development of the Smedelevo Steel Plant is a vivid practice of China and Serbia’s high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and a successful example of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries.

Not only this steel plant, but the Zemun-Borca Bridge across the Danube River is affectionately called the "Chinese Bridge" by the locals; the E763 highway is an important passage for Serbia to the sea, and also an important link for Chinese companies in Europe. The first highway built; in May this year, the Serbian national football stadium project undertaken by a Chinese company held a foundation laying ceremony at the project construction site in Belgrade... The depth and breadth of cooperation between China and Serbia continue to expand and deepen.

△On October 17, 2023, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with President Vucic of Serbia, who was in China to attend the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum.

Not long ago, Serbian President Vucic accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from China Central Radio and Television and said that the current trade volume between China and Serbia has reached 6 billion US dollars, and the specific areas of cooperation between the two countries include industry, tourism, infrastructure, etc. The two countries have not only made great progress in economic and trade relations, but also demonstrated trust and confidence in each other on the international political stage.

President Vucic said that all walks of life in Serbia have been looking forward to President Xi Jinping’s visit for a long time. President Xi is a "true friend" of Serbia. He will create a "feeling of home" for President Xi's visit and hopes that President Xi will feel the "sincere love" of the Serbian people for him.

The iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia is getting closer and closer, and the road is getting wider and wider.

There is a Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. When you walk into the school gate, you will see a precious group photo.

This started 15 years ago. In October 2009, during his official visit to Hungary, the then Vice President Xi Jinping made a special trip to the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School to inspect, presented teaching materials and teaching equipment to the school, and worked with the school teachers. Photo taken with students.

Erdei, the principal of the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, recalled that the weather was cooling down at that time, and President Xi was afraid that the children would catch cold, so he specifically asked them to go back indoors quickly. He always smiled at the children and chatted with them cordially about poems and nursery rhymes.

The Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School is the first public full-time school in Central and Eastern Europe that uses Chinese and the language of the host country to teach.

△Students from a Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school display coloring pictures with elements of the Winter Olympics.

More than ten years later, an exchange of letters across mountains and seas once again brought the school attention.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2023, Hu Lingyue and Song Zhixiao, students of the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, wrote a letter to President Xi Jinping and his wife, Professor Peng Liyuan, on behalf of all students in the school. They paid New Year greetings according to Chinese customs, told about their feelings of studying Chinese at school for 12 years, and expressed that they would go to China to attend university and contribute to Hungary-China. Friendly desire to contribute.

Soon after, they received a reply from President Xi. In the letter, President Xi Jinping recalled the exchanges with teachers and students at the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School in 2009, "I know that you have persisted in learning Chinese for a long time and are determined to contribute to China-Hungary friendship. I applaud you." President Xi welcomed After graduating from high school, students go to China to study at university. I also hope that more and more Hungarian teenagers will like to learn Chinese and learn Chinese, and have the opportunity to walk around and see China, and learn more about today's China and its history and culture. Strive to be an envoy to carry forward and develop the cause of China-Hungary friendship.

Now, Hu Lingyue and Song Zhixiao have come to Beijing and become students at Capital Normal University. In their college life, they have "cross-cultural experiences" every day. For example, China eats a lot of rice, while Hungary eats a lot of potatoes and bread; Hungary is accustomed to using knives and forks, but here we use chopsticks; the two countries also have a home-cooked dish "potatoes" with similar combinations Stewed beef"……

Hu Lingyue and Song Zhixiao majored in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. Their dream is to become teachers after graduation and "tell Chinese stories and culture to Hungarian students."

Chinese language education and cultural exchanges have become an important part of China-Hungary relations.

On October 17, 2023, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who was in China to attend the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum.

President Xi Jinping pointed out that Hungary was one of the first countries to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with New China, and the traditional friendship between the two countries has a long history. In recent years, China-Hungary relations have always maintained high-level development. China is willing to continue to be good friends and partners with mutual trust and win-win cooperation with Hungary.

△On October 17, 2023, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who was in China to attend the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum.

Starting from March 14 this year, China has implemented a pilot visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders from six countries, including Hungary. Hungary responded quickly and implemented visa facilitation arrangements for China. Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto said that further agreements have been reached with Chinese airlines, and the number of Chinese cities with direct flights to Budapest will increase to seven: Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Ningbo, Xi'an, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. State-to-state relations rely on people-to-people ties, which promote exchanges and understanding between the people of China and Hungary, which is conducive to expanding space for cooperation and promoting common development.

President Xi Jinping’s first overseas visit this year is not only for the three countries, but also for Europe as a whole. This visit is the first visit by a Chinese head of state to Europe in the past five years. It is of great significance to promoting the overall development of China's relations with France, Serbia, Hungary and China-Europe. It will also inject new momentum into the peaceful development of the world.

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