With the future of mankind in mind and the well-being of the people in mind—Diplomatic Chronicles of the Chinese Head of State in the Spring of 2024

Release time:May 05, 2024 16:11 PM

May 5, 2024, the beginning of summer. President Xi Jinping's special plane took off from Beijing and flew through the clouds and fog to Paris, the capital of France, thousands of miles away. At the invitation of French President Macron, Serbian President Vucic, Hungarian President Šuyuk and Prime Minister Orban, President Xi Jinping paid state visits to the above three countries from May 5th to 10th.

Since the beginning of this year, President Xi Jinping’s foreign affairs schedule has been very busy, and the head of state’s diplomatic activities have been exciting and fruitful. Responsible for national rejuvenation and human progress. In the spring of 2024, under the guidance of President Xi Jinping, major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics has written a new and colorful chapter towards the glorious future of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

“Treating others equally is a distinctive character of China’s diplomacy”

On March 27, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing once again witnessed the busy scene of major country diplomacy. President Xi Jinping met here respectively with representatives of the U.S. business community and strategic academia, Dutch Prime Minister Rutte, and Sri Lankan Prime Minister Gunawardena——

Facing nearly 20 heavyweights from the United States who were visiting at the same time, President Xi Jinping profoundly explained the way for China and the United States to get along: "As long as both sides regard each other as partners, respect each other, coexist peacefully, and cooperate for win-win situations, China-U.S. relations will get better. ";

Meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, President Xi Jinping discussed economic globalization again: "You lose and I win, and the binary opposition thinking of black and white has long been outdated. A truly safe world should be a world of deep integration and interdependence";

When meeting with Sri Lankan Prime Minister Gunawardena, President Xi Jinping mentioned the spirit of the Rice Rubber Agreement of "independence, self-reliance, solidarity and mutual assistance": "Continuously deepen the strategic cooperative partnership between China and Sri Lanka of sincere mutual assistance and ever-lasting friendship"...

Since this spring, President Xi Jinping has held dozens of foreign affairs activities. The compact diplomatic schedule of the head of state has condensed into a fruitful spring, demonstrating the diplomatic style of a large Eastern country that has the future of mankind in mind and the well-being of its people.

A big country must act big and shoulder big responsibilities. In the face of various global challenges, whether major countries cooperate or confront each other has a bearing on the future and destiny of mankind.

On March 19, 2024, members of the middle school student delegation from Washington State in the United States took a group photo in front of the Qianqing Palace in the Forbidden City. Photo by reporter Li Xin

On the afternoon of April 26, President Xi Jinping met with US Secretary of State Blinken. Looking back on the 45 years of ups and downs in Sino-US relations, President Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the two countries should be partners, not rivals; they should achieve each other's achievements, not hurt each other; they should seek common ground while reserving differences, instead of vicious competition; they should be true to their words and resolute in their deeds. , rather than saying one thing and doing another.

Since the meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States in San Francisco last November, Sino-US relations have stabilized, but negative factors in the relations between the two countries are also prominent. This year is a U.S. election year, and the development of Sino-U.S. relations is facing more noise.

On April 2, President Xi Jinping had a phone call with President Biden at request, and proposed several major principles that should be adhered to in handling Sino-US relations this year - peace is the most important, stability is the most important, and trust is the basis.

"Two major countries like China and the United States cannot live without exchanges or dealings, let alone conflict or confrontation. They should respect each other, coexist peacefully, cooperate for win-win results, and continue to move forward along a stable, healthy, and sustainable path. They should not The way back.” President Xi Jinping’s words are both a summary of the past and a guide to the future.

On February 9, 2024, in Moscow, the capital of Russia, vehicles drove past Chinese New Year themed decorations. On the same day, the "Chinese New Year in Moscow" cultural event was launched in the center of Moscow, the capital of Russia. Photo by reporter Bai Xueqi

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. On the eve of the 2024 Spring Festival, the two heads of state exchanged New Year greetings. President Xi Jinping pointed out that looking back on the road we have traveled, we have withstood many trials and tribulations. Looking to the future, China-Russia relations are facing new development opportunities. On March 18, the day President Putin won the re-election, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message. On April 9, President Xi Jinping met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in Beijing. The strategic guidance of heads of state diplomacy has injected strong impetus into the steady progress of China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era.

Europe is an important pole in a multi-polar world. From the successive visits of leaders of many EU countries to China, to the leaders of China and Germany taking a walk on the Diaoyutai, to President Xi Jinping being invited to pay state visits to France, Serbia, and Hungary, a series of important high-level interactions have made people full of expectations for the development of China-EU relations.

Neighboring countries and China are neighbors that cannot be moved away, and the vast number of developing countries are China's natural partners.

On April 17, 2024, passengers took photos with a high-speed EMU of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway on the platform of Halim Station in Jakarta, Indonesia. Photo by reporter Xu Qin

On April 1, President Xi Jinping met cordially with Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Prabowo at the Great Hall of the People. This visit to China comes just over ten days after Prabowo won the presidential election.

In the past 10 years, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and current Indonesian President Joko Widodo, China-Indonesia relations have developed comprehensively and rapidly. Witnessing with his own eyes a series of important cooperation achievements such as the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, President-elect Prabowo expressed his "full support for the development of closer relations between Indonesia and China."

"China views China-Indonesia relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, and is willing to deepen all-round strategic cooperation with Indonesia and build a China-Indonesia community with a shared future with regional and global influence, so as to bring more benefits to the two peoples and contribute to regional and world peace. "Making positive contributions to China's development, stability and prosperity," President Xi Jinping pointed out.

Nauru, a pearl in the Pacific. In January this year, on the basis of the one-China principle, China and Namibia officially resumed diplomatic relations. Since then, relations between the two countries have developed rapidly. On March 25, President Xi Jinping held talks with Nauruan President Adion, who was in China for a state visit.

"China has always maintained that all countries, regardless of size, strength, wealth, or poverty, are equal members of the international community." "China-Nauru relations are one of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, and mutual support." "We firmly support Nauru's independent path in line with its own country." Development path based on national conditions”... President Xi Jinping’s words demonstrate the distinctive character of China’s diplomacy of treating others as equals and the firm pursuit of fairness and justice.

As President Xi Jinping pointed out, "Friendship has no priority. As long as it is started, there will be a bright future. Cooperation, no matter how big or small, as long as it is sincere, will have fruitful results." This spring, for the common bright future of the people of all countries, China and all parties Through close interaction, friends from Asia, Africa, Europe, the United States and Oceania came one after another.

On the afternoon of March 15, President Xi Jinping and Angolan President Lourenco, who was in China for a state visit, announced that they would upgrade China-Angolan relations to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

"At present, the collective rise of developing countries is unstoppable. Whether it is global governance or development and prosperity, the global South should not be absent. China is a reliable friend and sincere partner of African countries on the road to safeguarding independence and promoting development and revitalization." President Xi Jinping's words are resounding .

President Lourenço said, "We feel at home when we come to visit China"; President Bio of Sierra Leone happily said that "we will return to Sierra Leone with good memories"; Dominica Prime Minister Skerrit expressed sincere emotions, "China's Support and cooperation can be seen everywhere in Dominica"; Maldives President Muiz lamented, "Maldives-China cooperation, especially the joint construction of the 'Belt and Road', has benefited the Maldivian people a lot"...

Those who have the world in mind will have friends all over the world. Maintaining the stability of relations between major powers, working hand in hand with neighboring countries, and seeking revitalization with countries in the Global South... Under the guidance of heads of state diplomacy, China's all-round, multi-level, and three-dimensional diplomatic layout continues to deepen.

"There is no way out of 'decoupling and breaking links', open cooperation is the only option"

On April 9, 2024, middle school students from China and Germany visited a company in Zhongguancun Software Park, Beijing. Photo by reporter Zhao Xu

On April 16, President Xi Jinping met at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse with German Chancellor Scholz, who was on an official visit to China. Meetings, walks, lunches...the two sides had in-depth exchanges for more than three hours focusing on the development of Sino-German relations, practical cooperation, and international and regional hot issues.

As the world's second and third largest economies, China and Germany are both founded on industry and support free trade and economic globalization. In response to the new situations and changes in global trade in recent years, President Xi Jinping has taken a clear stance, pointing out that “both sides must be wary of the rise of protectionism” and “carry forward the distinctive features of mutual benefit and win-win results to achieve mutual success.”

Just a month ago, President Xi Jinping went to Hunan for his first local inspection after the conclusion of the National Two Sessions. On March 18, at the Sino-German joint venture BASF Shanshan Battery Materials Co., Ltd., President Xi Jinping emphasized, “China’s door will open wider and wider. We are willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with countries around the world and welcome more foreign companies to invest and develop in China. ".

Meeting with foreign leaders and going to local areas for investigation and research, the scenarios are different, but the concept of open cooperation remains consistent.

"The historical trend will not change. There is no way out for 'decoupling and breaking links'. Open cooperation is the only option." No matter how the international situation evolves, China has always stood on the right side of history, promoting development with openness, seeking win-win results with cooperation, and pursuing win-win results with China. New developments provide the world with new opportunities.

This year is another important year for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up. Under the personal promotion of President Xi Jinping, a series of measures to expand high-level opening up have been intensively introduced.

The mutual visa exemption agreements with Singapore and Thailand officially came into effect on February 9 and March 1 respectively; starting from March 14, a trial exemption for ordinary passport holders from Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg was implemented. visa; further improving the convenience of payment for overseas personnel coming to China... The continuously optimized policies and measures demonstrate China's sincerity in opening up and cooperation, and also bring more opportunities for deepening friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and foreign countries.

The "Action Plan for Solidly Promoting High-Level Opening Up and Greater Efforts to Attract and Utilize Foreign Investment" was released, and the national version of the negative list for cross-border trade in services was released for the first time... A number of opening-up measures were implemented at an accelerated pace, further broadening the space for foreign investment, optimizing the business environment, and enhancing Foreign investment confidence in developing in China.

China's measures to expand high-level opening up will reap the rewards of two-way commitment and win-win cooperation with China. This spring, the number of foreign tourists visiting China has increased significantly, and heads of multinational companies seeking business opportunities in China have also come in droves.

This is the Boao Forum for Asia International Conference Center taken on March 22, 2024. Photo by reporter Yang Guanyu

On March 26, the Boao Forum for Asia 2024 Annual Conference kicked off, and many foreign entrepreneurs gathered in Hainan. On the same day, the first landmark event of "Invest in China" was held in Beijing. More than 140 entrepreneurs from 17 countries and regions and representatives of foreign business associations in China participated in the event. The day before, the 2024 annual meeting of the China Development Forum had just concluded, with executives from nearly a hundred multinational companies present.

On March 24, 2024, the 2024 annual meeting of the China Development Forum opened in Beijing. Attendees applauded after the guest spoke. Photo by reporter Li Xin

During Chancellor Scholz's visit to China, hundreds of companies competed for seats during his accompanying visit to China. In the end, heads of companies such as Siemens, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Bayer successfully obtained their "boarding passes." Visiting Chongqing, Shanghai and Beijing successively, well-known multinational companies went deep into China to explore more development opportunities.

On April 26, 2024, the signing ceremony for deepening strategic cooperation between Shenyang City, Liaoning Province and the BMW Group was held in Shenyang. This was an interview with Qipze, Chairman of the BMW Group. Photo by reporter Pan Yulong

The Chinese market continues to attract the attention of the global business community. "Continue to invest in China, cultivate deeply in China, and win in China," President Xi Jinping's sincere message has become a firm action for multinational companies.

In the first quarter of this year, 12,000 new foreign-invested enterprises were established in China, a year-on-year increase of 20.7%; the actual amount of foreign capital used was 301.67 billion yuan, an increase of 41.7% compared with the fourth quarter of 2023. In the first quarter, China's GDP grew 5.3% year-on-year. Many international institutions have raised their forecasts for China's full-year economic growth.

In response to the so-called "China peaking theory", President Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "China's development has gone through various difficulties and challenges to get to where it is today. It did not collapse because of the 'China collapse theory' in the past, and it will not collapse because of the 'China peaking theory' now. And peaked.”

In response to the recent hyping of the so-called "overcapacity" topic by some people in the West, President Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that "China's exports of electric vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic products, etc. not only enrich the global supply, alleviate global inflationary pressure, but also contribute to the global response to climate change." and make great contributions to the green and low-carbon transformation." We must "adhere to a market perspective and a global perspective, proceed from economic laws, look at production capacity issues objectively and dialectically, and explore more cooperation."

These few words reflect a leader of a major country's firm defense of the legitimate development rights of the Chinese people and his deep consideration for the common well-being of people of all countries in the world.

From the perspective of “country first”, the world is inevitably small and crowded; from the perspective of a shared destiny, there are opportunities for cooperation everywhere——

When meeting President Xi Jinping in Beijing, Angolan President Lourenço said sincerely that the cooperation between Angola and China "can be regarded as a model of mutually beneficial cooperation" and welcomed more Chinese companies to invest in Angola to help Angola's national development and revitalization;

President Simina of the Federated States of Micronesia visited China for 8 days, visiting Guangdong, Shandong and other places, and expressed the hope to further strengthen cooperation in sister provinces and states, marine fisheries, medical education, infrastructure and other fields;

President Shan Dorji of Suriname sincerely stated that President Xi Jinping has proposed important global initiatives such as the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and the Global Development Initiative, and advocated an equal and orderly world multipolarity and inclusive economic globalization, which is very important to safeguarding multilateralism and promoting world peace. Peace and sustainable development are of great significance, and Sudan supports them and is willing to strengthen cooperation with China to jointly promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind;

Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, China is unswervingly developing itself while also opening its arms to benefit the world. People from more and more countries have seen from China that as things change, win-win cooperation is always the way forward.

"Strive to contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the cause of human peace and development"

Major changes unseen in a century are accelerating, and the world has entered a turbulent period of chaos and chaos. Climate change, geopolitical conflicts, lack of trust, uneven development... Faced with various difficulties and challenges, people are eager to listen to China's solutions.

April 8, Great Hall of the People. President Xi Jinping met cordially with Mr. and Mrs. Merieux, chairman of the French Mérieux Foundation.

Talking about the international situation with international friends, President Xi Jinping pointed out: "China has always advocated peace, not war, called for an end to war, promoted peace, and promoted the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind."

On April 1, 2024, the audience visited the "Forbidden City and Versailles - Sino-French Exchanges in the 17th and 18th Centuries" exhibition at the Forbidden City in Beijing. Quick photo by reporter Jin Liang

In the face of the changing international situation, China has always stood on the side of historical progress and fairness and justice. China is not a party or participant in the Ukraine crisis, but it has been promoting peace talks in its own way. Since the crisis escalated in an all-round way, President Xi Jinping has successively put forward the "four shoulds", "four commons" and "three points of thinking", personally communicated in depth with leaders of various countries and the heads of the United Nations, and dispatched the Chinese government's special representative for Eurasian affairs to conduct two rounds of Shuttle diplomacy.

On April 16, when meeting with German Chancellor Scholz, in order to promote an early and peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis, President Xi Jinping proposed to grasp the "four musts and four don's" principle: First, we must focus on the overall situation of peace and stability, and do not seek selfish interests. Second, we must cool down the situation and not add fuel to the fire. Third, we must accumulate conditions for the restoration of peace and not further intensify conflicts. Fourth, we must reduce the negative impact on the world economy and not undermine the stability of global industrial and supply chains.

On many international and regional hotspot issues, China is unswerving in its determination and actions to maintain peace: it has pushed the United Nations Security Council to pass relevant resolutions on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, continued to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip, and supported various Palestinian factions to achieve internal reconciliation through dialogue and consultation. , strengthen internal unity; mediate and facilitate relevant parties in the Myanmar conflict to hold peace talks in Kunming, Yunnan, and reach important results such as a formal ceasefire agreement...

I sent a message of condolences to the heads of state of the two countries regarding the serious terrorist attacks in Iran and Russia respectively, expressing my firm support for the efforts to maintain national security and stability; I sent a message of condolences to the President of Chile regarding the severe wildfires in Chile, encouraging the affected areas to overcome difficulties and rebuild their homes. …When other countries encounter major changes, President Xi Jinping is always the first to send condolences. The world-wide sentiments of leaders of great powers warm people's hearts.

"The earth is so big, and human beings face so many common challenges. The ancient Chinese talked about 'working together in the same boat,' and I think we need to 'work together on the planet' now." "You"... In meetings with people from all walks of life from various countries, President Xi Jinping has repeatedly talked about the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and explained China's plan to answer the questions of the times and the world in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

This spring, China also welcomed a batch of young guests from across the Pacific.

On March 18, a song "On the Field of Hope" was sung at the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University. Students from Lincoln Middle School and Stracon Middle School in the United States sent this cheerful and affectionate Chinese song to their Chinese friends. The beautiful singing won applause from everyone present.

"Friendship! The biggest gain in China is definitely friendship." Jack, a student from Lincoln Middle School, said excitedly, "Everyone gathered around and sang loudly. It was so wonderful! Only at this moment did I realize that we have so much in common."

Last November, President Xi Jinping announced in San Francisco that China would invite 50,000 American teenagers to come to China for exchange and study in the next five years. With the care of President Xi Jinping, the first batch of more than 20 American middle school students came to China for an exchange visit from January 24th to 30th. Subsequently, many groups of young friendship envoys flew across the ocean to visit one after another to experience a real, three-dimensional and comprehensive China in person.

"The hope of China-US relations lies in the people, the foundation lies in the civil society, the future lies in the youth, and the vitality lies in the localities." Under the care and promotion of President Xi Jinping, direct flights between the two countries have increased, business circles and local provinces and states have close exchanges, youth exchanges are active, and cultural and sports interactions are Cooperation on giant panda protection is progressing in an orderly manner. The friendship and goodwill between people have expanded paths and added confidence to resolve political barriers and tighten people-to-people ties.

Telegrams and letters connect the sincere friendship between leaders of major countries and people from all walks of life in various countries——

Send congratulatory messages to Finnish President-elect Stubb, Pakistani Prime Minister-elect Shahbaz and other foreign leaders on their election, expressing their good wishes to promote healthy and stable development of relations with other countries; and Brazilian President Lula to the seventh theoretical session of the Communist Party of China and the Brazilian Workers’ Party. The seminar sent a congratulatory letter, expressing its willingness to deepen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in state governance; it also responded to representatives of Kenyan students and alumni of Beijing Jiaotong University, encouraging them to learn professional knowledge well, continue traditional friendship, and tell the story of China-Africa friendship...

The plan for the year begins with spring. Two years ago, also in the spring, President Xi Jinping proposed the global security initiative for the first time, systematically expounding the position and proposition of promoting world security and maintaining world peace and tranquility, emphasizing that mankind is an indivisible security community.

Last year, it was also the time of Spring and Bright Ming Dynasty. Faced with arguments such as the "clash of civilizations" and "superiority of civilizations" theories, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Civilization Initiative, promoting all parties to use exchanges of civilizations to transcend estrangement, mutual learning among civilizations to transcend clashes of civilizations, and inclusiveness among civilizations. Superior beyond civilization.

Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions are gaining more and more widespread recognition. As Brown, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda who is visiting China, said, China actively promotes the lofty vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind by proposing the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative, global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization initiative. , use their own practical actions to promote the world's common development and prosperity, benefit the people, and show unparalleled leadership and charisma in the world.

On January 30, 42 newly-appointed foreign ambassadors to China climbed up the white marble steps at the Great Hall of the People and handed their credentials to President Xi Jinping one by one in front of the giant mural "So Many Beauties".

In the Beijing Hall, facing the expectant eyes of envoys from various countries, President Xi Jinping made a firm and powerful declaration: "The world today is not peaceful. China, as always, has the future of mankind in mind and the well-being of the people in mind, and strives to contribute to the cause of peace and development of mankind." The Smart China Plan advocates an equal and orderly world multipolarity and inclusive economic globalization, promotes the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and works together to build a better world.”

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