Technology is moving towards the new | The General Secretary "relaxes and reduces the burden" for them

Release time:Jun 25, 2024 12:31 PM

Study every day On May 28, 2021, at the 20th General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 15th General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the 10th National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology, General Secretary Xi Jinping's words warmed the hearts of all the scientific and technological workers present:

"We must establish a guarantee mechanism to allow scientific researchers to focus their main energy on scientific research, and let scientific and technological personnel devote their main energy to scientific and technological innovation and R&D activities." "We must never let scientific and technological personnel spend a lot of time on some meaningless welcoming and sending-off activities, on unnecessary review and evaluation activities, and on various activities of formalism and bureaucracy!"

Scientific and technological innovation requires strong professional capabilities and long-term time investment. But in reality, the precious time of scientific and technological workers is often occupied by non-scientific research activities. Academician Zhong Nanshan once said frankly: "Now once scientific and technological personnel have done some work, they have a lot of extra work in various aspects, such as being on the stage and making speeches. I have a deep understanding of this. Scientific and technological personnel should spend more time to engage in scientific research and do scientific research with peace of mind. This is very important!"

Gong Qihuang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who was listening to the General Secretary’s speech at the conference, expressed his emotion that the General Secretary really touched everyone’s heart.

Feng Xiaojuan, deputy director of the Thermal Engineering Institute of the Chinese Academy of Metrology, was also excited. She said, "I feel touched that the confusion and troubles I experience in daily life are understood."

Technical personnel from the "China Sky Eye" team are operating equipment and carrying out scientific research.

Technology is moving towards the new | The General Secretary "relaxes and reduces the burden" for them

Under the care of the General Secretary to "relax and reduce the burden" for scientific researchers, Jiang Peng, chief engineer of the "China Sky Eye", led the team to carry out scientific research more attentively in the depths of the mountains. Today, the "China Sky Eye" has discovered more than 900 new pulsars, greatly expanding the limits of human observation of the universe.

In addition to being concerned about ensuring time for scientific research, the General Secretary also pushed for solutions to the problem of rigid scientific research funding management.

On May 30, 2016, the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, the 18th General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 13th General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the Ninth National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology were grandly held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech.

On May 30, 2016, the General Secretary emphasized at the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, the Conference of Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the Ninth National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology that efforts should be made to reform and innovate the use and management of scientific research funds so that funds serve people's creative activities, rather than people's creative activities serving the funds.

With the introduction of policies such as "Several Opinions on Further Improving the Central Government's Scientific Research Project Funding Management Policies" and the pilot implementation of the "lump-sum contract system" in the approved National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund projects, the expectations of scientific and technological workers are gradually coming true.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the care of the General Secretary, my country has successively introduced a series of policies to expand scientific research autonomy, remove obstacles and break down barriers, and continuously delegate power and empower scientific and technological workers and "loosen the reins and reduce the burden."

Technology is moving towards the new | The General Secretary "relaxes and reduces the burden" for them

In Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, a young science and technology worker is carrying out scientific research.

Since 2018, my country has launched a "burden reduction special action" for scientific and technological workers. The action has now been upgraded to version 3.0. According to relevant officials from the Ministry of Science and Technology, as measures are incorporated into systems, projects, and processes, the burden reduction action has achieved positive results.

For example, from application to comprehensive performance evaluation, the number of forms for filling out the National Key R&D Program has been reduced from 57 to 11, achieving "one form for multiple uses and one form for multiple functions"; the informatization method has been fully implemented, and new forms and document templates have been applied to the National Science and Technology Management Information System; the annual report and budget execution report have been merged, and the annual financial final report is no longer compiled separately. This saves a lot of valuable time for scientific and technological workers.

"It won't cause any loss if fewer scientific and technical personnel participate in various occasional and social activities!" "We can't let red tape tie up scientists' hands and feet, and we can't let endless reports and approvals waste scientists' energy!"

These "subtractions" not only contain the General Secretary's deep expectations for unleashing the innovative potential of the scientific and technological team, but also reflect the General Secretary's caring and concern for scientific and technological workers.

Proofreading | Li Shanshan, Wang Zhuojie, Song Chunyan, Li Yingzhuo and Lou Hao

Technology is moving towards the new | The General Secretary "relaxes and reduces the burden" for them
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