See that the General Secretary uses five outstanding features for the "accurate portrait" of Chinese civilization in the world | China | characteristics

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:47 PM

Examine cultural heritage and explore the roots of civilization.

This time, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the National Edition Hall of China and the Chinese Academy of History to attend the forum on cultural inheritance and development and delivered an important speech.

"We must strengthen our cultural confidence, take on our mission, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation."

With its continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace, General Secretary Xi Jinping is an "accurate portrait" of Chinese civilization with five outstanding characteristics, which has profound and thought-provoking implications.


The river flows for thousands of miles and stretches endlessly.

"the ancient Chinese civilization has long been famous all over the world. Together with the ancient Egyptian civilization, the Lianghe civilization and the Indian civilization, it is called the four oldest civilizations in the world. However, the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Lianghe and India were all interrupted later, and only the Chinese civilization has been in a continuous line for 5,000 years and continues to this day. " On September 1, 2011, at the opening ceremony of the autumn semester of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, Comrade Xi Jinping expounded the unique connotation and characteristics of Chinese civilization.

Understanding China from its long-standing historical continuity: Through the continuous efforts of several generations of scholars and the research results of major projects such as the Chinese Civilization Exploration Project, China's million year human history, 10000 year cultural history, and more than 5000 years of civilization history have been empirically demonstrated, answering the questions of "who am I" and "where do I come from", nourishing the cultural confidence of all Chinese people.

From the perspective of the long-standing historical continuity, the path under China's feet today is determined by the outstanding continuity of Chinese civilization, which fundamentally determines that the Chinese nation will inevitably follow its own path.

"Opening up and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics based on the profound foundation of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization, and combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture is a necessary path. This is our regular understanding obtained in exploring the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is the greatest magic weapon for us to achieve success." General Secretary emphasized.


The allusions in the leisurely classics contain innovative and enterprising ideas, such as "Reforming the old and promoting the new", "Although Zhou was an old country, its destiny was to maintain the new", and "Striving for daily renewal, daily renewal, and daily renewal".

In his speech at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "every civilization inherits the spiritual blood of a country and nation, and needs to be passed on and guarded from generation to generation." what's more, we need to keep pace with the times and have the courage to innovate. "

The Chinese nation is a nation full of innovative spirit. In terms of science and technology, the Chinese nation has been "learning from nature and striving for heavenly craftsmanship". From the Han Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty, China's science and technology has always been at the forefront of the world, contributing numerous inventions and creations to human civilization. Looking at culture, learning from the classics of the Han Dynasty, the metaphysics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Neo Confucianism of the Song Dynasty, and the Neo Confucianism of the Yangming period all involve inheriting, absorbing, integrating, summarizing, deepening, developing, and transforming the culture of the previous period, making Chinese culture continuous and flourishing.

"the outstanding innovation of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the enterprising spirit of the Chinese nation in being upright and unconservative, respecting the past and not going back to the old, and determines the fearless character of the Chinese nation that is not afraid of new challenges and has the courage to accept new things." The general secretary said.


A Chinese history is a history of various ethnic groups blending and converging into a diverse and integrated Chinese nation. It is a history of all ethnic groups working together to create, develop, and consolidate a unified great motherland.

The heroic spirit of the Qin and Han dynasties, the atmosphere of the Tang dynasty, and the prosperous era of the Kangxi and Qianlong dynasties are all histories jointly forged by various ethnic groups.

At the Central ethnic work Conference held in 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "the great unity of multi-ethnic groups and the pluralistic unity of all ethnic groups is not only an important wealth left to us by our ancestors, but also an important advantage of our country."

A new era, a new journey.

The power of a ship lies on the sail, and the power of a person lies in the heart. In deep integration, various ethnic groups have their own selves and selves, tightly embracing each other like pomegranate seeds.

"The integration of various ethnic cultures of the Chinese nation, even in the face of major setbacks, has determined the common belief that the land cannot be separated, the country cannot be chaotic, the nation cannot be separated, and the civilization cannot be interrupted. It has determined that national unity will always be the core of China's core interests, and that a strong and unified country is the fate of all ethnic groups." General Secretary's words were resounding.


See that the General Secretary uses five outstanding features for the "accurate portrait" of Chinese civilization in the world | China | characteristics

The the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, with lifelike colored sculptures and exquisite murals, still glow with fascinating legendary beauty after thousands of years of vicissitudes, witnessing the convergence of diverse cultures and the exchange and mutual learning between Eastern and Western civilizations.

"Dunhuang culture shows the cultural self-confidence of the Chinese nation. Only a confident civilization can contain, learn from and absorb the outstanding achievements of various civilizations while maintaining its own characteristics." General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed.

Looking inward, the Chinese Civilization Exploration Project reveals a large number of interesting cultural details, supporting the inclusive characteristics of Chinese civilization: using DNA technology, it is learned that common wheat, yellow cattle, and sheep today are all "immigrants"

Looking outward, China's ancient the Four Great Inventions made indelible and outstanding contributions to the dissemination and exchange of scientific and cultural achievements in the world.

The Chinese civilization has continued and blended with world civilizations.

In February 2023, President Xi Jinping replied to a Greek scholar: "History has fully proved that as long as we persist in inclusiveness, openness and inclusiveness, human civilization can continue to develop and prosper. Today's world is facing great changes not seen in a century, and to resolve the outstanding contradictions and problems faced by mankind, we need to rely on material means to overcome difficulties, and we also need to rely on the strength of spirit. "

At this forum, the General Secretary said thoroughly: "the outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the historical orientation of the Chinese nation's exchanges, exchanges and integration, and the harmonious pattern of the coexistence of various religious beliefs in China. It determines the open mind of Chinese culture to world civilization."

Peaceful nature

"The road is not alone, the world is one family." Being kind to neighbors and harmonious with all nations is a consistent way of Chinese civilization in dealing with the world.

More than 2100 years ago, the Chinese people opened the Silk Road, using not war horses and spears, but camel caravans and goodwill to promote cultural exchanges between the East and the West; More than 600 years ago, Zheng He made seven voyages to the Pacific and Western Indian Oceans, visiting more than 30 countries and regions, opening up maritime trade channels, not occupying an inch of land, leaving behind beautiful stories of friendly exchanges and the spread of civilization with the people along the way.

On his first overseas visit since becoming president, Xi Jinping put forward the concept of a "community with a shared future" to the world at the Moscow Institute of International Relations in Russia.

A year later, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a speech at UNESCO headquarters, profoundly explaining China's concept of civilization in the new era, and pointing out that "exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations are an important driving force for promoting the progress of human civilization and world peace and development."

Promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning can enrich the colors of human civilization, allowing people of all countries to enjoy a more profound spiritual life and create a more selective future.

Let the world's civilization garden be colorful and vibrant.

Following the general trend, shouldering great righteousness, following the main road, and seeking great harmony.

At this forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "the outstanding peaceful nature of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines that China has always been the builder of world peace, the contributor to global development and the maintainer of the international order." it determines that China continues to pursue civilized exchanges and mutual learning rather than cultural hegemony, and that China will not impose its own values and political system on others. It has decided that China persists in cooperation, does not engage in confrontation, and will never engage in a small circle of "the same party and cutting out differences."

This is not only a concept, but also an action.

From proposing to build a community of human health in the face of the epidemic in the century, to calling for a community of global life in the face of environmental degradation, to proposing to build a global development community in the face of the development deficit... Chinese path to modernization vigorously promotes the spirit of self-reliance, strives to enhance the universality of the achievements of modernization, points out the way forward for the modernization process of human society at a historical crossroads, and demonstrates the great country's spirit of upholding world peace and promoting common development.

Author: Shi Fang

Reviewed by: Pan Junqiang

Checked by: Zhu Li

Image: Xinhua News Agency

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