Shanghai Party Discipline Study and Education Warning Education Meeting Held

Release time:Jun 21, 2024 15:06 PM

The Shanghai Party Discipline Study and Education Warning Education Meeting was held this morning. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, combined with typical cases to find gaps, investigate the root causes, and clarify measures, and guided and educated the majority of party members and cadres to always sound the ideological alarm, tighten the string of discipline, and always have a sense of awe, so as to consciously learn, know, understand, and abide by discipline with stronger thoughts and actions, and better show new spirit and new achievements on the new journey. Chen Jining, secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Gong Zheng, Chairman of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee Huang Lixin, and Chairman of the Municipal CPPCC Hu Wenrong attended the meeting.

Chen Jining pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction have pointed out the direction and provided fundamental guidance for us to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the in-depth development of comprehensive and strict party governance. We must closely combine the study and understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions with the great practice of comprehensive and strict party governance in the new era, improve our political stance, deepen our ideological understanding, and fully realize that strengthening discipline construction is the key to inheriting the party's political advantages, the key to coping with the great changes that have not been seen in a century, the key to achieving the party's central tasks, and the key to promoting the party's self-revolution. We must combine the study and education of party discipline to more deeply understand the historic and pioneering achievements of comprehensive and strict party governance in the new era, more deeply understand the essence and scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, more deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishments", and resolutely achieve "two safeguards". With the attitude of strictly observing discipline and bravely shouldering the mission, we will give full play to the leading role and demonstration and guidance in Chinese-style modernization.

Chen Jining pointed out that the party's political discipline is the "outline" of all disciplines. We must strictly observe the red line of political discipline, be clear-cut about politics, keep in mind the "two overall situations", adhere to the "four puts", and always refine the grand blueprint drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Shanghai into a construction drawing and a real scene from the height of implementing national strategies, safeguarding national interests, and ensuring national security, so as to better serve the overall situation of the country. Always bear in mind the identity of party members, abide by the party's value standards, be of one mind with the party at all times, and be a "clear-headed person" and "honest person" in politics. We must strictly observe the high-voltage line of organizational discipline and effectively strengthen organizational discipline. Adhere to democratic centralism and resolutely implement the "four obediences". We must strictly observe the bottom line of clean discipline, bear in mind that the party is established for the public, abide by honesty and dedication, and always use power impartially, in accordance with the law, honestly, and for the people. We must strictly observe the lifeline of mass discipline, deeply practice the concept of people's city, and with a sense of responsibility of "always worrying about it", we must solve the urgent, difficult, and anxious problems of the masses in a vigorous and resolute manner. We must strictly observe the cordon of work discipline, establish a correct view of political achievements, strictly follow the law, regulations and discipline, fulfill our duties and responsibilities, and continue to thoroughly rectify formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots. We must strictly observe the line of defense of life discipline, strengthen self-cultivation from small things, improve ourselves bit by bit, strictly observe public order and good customs, and strictly observe integrity and ethics.

Chen Jining emphasized that in the face of party discipline, every party member and cadre must know fear, be cautious, and abide by the bottom line, strengthen the study of discipline and rules, maintain a cautious attitude, and keep a firm standard for being an official. Respect the party, the people, and the law and discipline, clarify the boundaries between public and private, right and wrong, emotion and discipline, hold the law and discipline mirror in your heart, hold the law and discipline ruler in your hand, and correctly exercise the power granted by the party and the people. We must earnestly shoulder the important political responsibility of strictly managing and governing the party, clearly stand up to correct the atmosphere, and unambiguously punish and create a political ecology with a clean and upright atmosphere. The "top leader" must assume the responsibility of the first person in charge, and the team members must perform the "one post, two responsibilities" well. Party organizations at all levels must strengthen the "full chain" responsibility and open up the "last mile" of responsibility implementation. We must promote the benign interaction between self-discipline and external discipline, always put discipline in the forefront, insist that discipline is stricter than law and discipline is before law, and insist on catching small problems early and preventing them from happening. Tighten the cage of the system, find the deep-seated reasons from typical cases, plug the loopholes with reform methods, and build a strong defense line with strict systems. Adhere to the party spirit, party style, and party discipline, strengthen the construction of clean culture in the new era, and let cadres constantly temper strong party spirit, temper lofty spirit, and cultivate righteousness. We must promote constraints and incentives in a two-pronged approach, develop the habit of working and living under supervision, and consciously restrain our words and deeds. Create an environment full of righteousness, deepen the implementation of the "three distinctions", and guide the majority of party members and cadres to be clean and capable and work hard. Take the study and education of party discipline as a new starting point, inherit the red gene, continue the red bloodline, work hard with high spirits, make achievements, and strive to create new achievements worthy of the birthplace of the party.

Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee members Li Yangzhe, Zhao Jiaming, Zhu Zhisong, Li Zheng and relevant responsible persons from the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, Municipal Government, and Municipal CPPCC attended the meeting.

Shanghai Party Discipline Study and Education Warning Education Meeting Held
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