In order to further deepen the reform and gather the strength of national unity, Yijian·This visit to the Great Wall Garden Community | Sharing | Ethnic Areas

Release time:Jun 25, 2024 12:31 PM

"Further comprehensively deepening reform" is a new journey to advance China's modernization in the new era, and the upcoming Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will focus on studying it.

This inspection trip to Qinghai and Ningxia is not only to diagnose the development of western provinces after the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, but also to prepare for this conference and gather strength for further deepening reform in an all-round way. During the inspection, focusing on "reform", General Secretary Xi Jinping asked Qinghai to "further deepen reform in an all-round way, expand opening up, optimize the business environment, actively connect with major strategies such as the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and promote the construction of the Green Silk Road"; and guided Ningxia to "focus on deepening reforms in key areas and explore reforms with local characteristics."

The diversity and unity of the Chinese nation is a huge advantage for my country's development. To write a practical sequel to comprehensively deepening reform, it is necessary for ethnic regions to find their own position in the overall national development and the power of national unity and common progress. The General Secretary emphasized: "We must vigorously promote the common unity and struggle of all ethnic groups and gather tremendous strength for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation."

During the reform, what will be the basis for the great force of national unity?

Rely on the same frequency of thoughts. "Build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation" is the main line of the party's ethnic work in the new era, and the general secretary has repeatedly emphasized it. This time at the Xining National Middle School in Goluo, the general secretary required when observing the ideological and political class: "Instill the sense of community for the Chinese nation into children's hearts from an early age."

"We must follow the general trend of the Chinese nation's development from history to the future, from tradition to modernity, and from diversity to unity. We must deeply understand and grasp the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, and constantly build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation at a new historical starting point. Lay a solid spiritual and cultural foundation for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation." The General Secretary outlined the plan from the perspective of building a modern civilization for the Chinese nation.

Rely on sharing results. "Take improving people's livelihood and rallying people's hearts as the starting point and foothold for the economic and social development of ethnic minority areas, promote the integration of ethnic minority areas into the new development pattern, achieve high-quality development, continuously improve the capacity and level of public service guarantee, and promote the fair benefit of development results to people of all ethnic groups." The General Secretary pointed out clearly. "People-centered" is the value orientation that must be firmly grasped in further deepening reform in an all-round way.

The Chinese nation is a big family, and all family members should live a good life. During the three-day inspection trip, the new development and good life brought by ethnic unity are visible and tangible. In Qinghai, the Golog Xining National Middle School, built by East-West cooperation, contains the moving practice of ethnic mutual assistance, making it easier for children in the agricultural and pastoral areas of Golog Prefecture to go to school; the thousand-year-old Hongjue Temple is not only a bridge to enhance the connection between the central government of successive dynasties and Tibetan Buddhism, but also contributes to forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and promoting ethnic unity and progress. In Ningxia, in the Great Wall Garden Community in Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, multiple ethnic groups live together in harmony.

Sharing the same thoughts will lay a solid foundation for struggle, and sharing the results will increase the motivation for struggle. To work together, we must also rely on a more ambitious goal. Further deepening reform in an all-round way is closely linked to the big topic of "Chinese-style modernization"; the goal of Chinese-style modernization is to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Time goes back to the 2013 National People's Congress. "To realize the Chinese Dream, we must unite China's strength. This is the strength of the great unity of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups." The General Secretary further explained: "The Chinese Dream is the dream of the nation and the dream of every Chinese. As long as we are closely united and work together to realize our common dream, the power to realize the dream will be extremely strong, and each of us will have broad space to work hard to realize our own dreams."

This time in the Great Wall Garden community, the General Secretary said to the residents: "National unity is very important. Our 56 ethnic groups must hold together like pomegranate seeds. The 56 ethnic groups gathered together are the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation is a big family. Let us work together to promote Chinese-style modernization and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!"

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