Happy grass, new technology丨Mining grass forest | Juncao | Ningcao

Release time:Jun 26, 2024 05:27 AM

"Mushroom grass, mushroom grass, Min Ning grass, happy grass, the Communist Party is better, or socialism is better." In Ningxia Min Ning, some people made up such a jingle.

Juncao is a tall herbaceous plant that can be used as edible and medicinal fungi. Why is it called "happy grass"? The story began more than 20 years ago.

In September 1996, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decided that Fujian would provide counterpart assistance to the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and the two provinces became “relatives”. Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, concurrently served as the leader of the Fujian counterpart assistance leading group, taking the lead in the counterpart assistance work in Ningxia.

Lin Zhanhui is the pioneer of Juncao technology. In April 1997, Xi Jinping personally sent him to Ningxia to spread Juncao technology.

Lin Zhanhui and his team planted the six boxes of Juncao seedlings they brought with them on the Gobi Desert in Minning Town, where "there are no birds in the sky and no grass on the ground." With the help of the Juncao technology poverty alleviation demonstration base established later, the people who relocated from the mountains of Xihaigu to this place learned to grow Agaricus bisporus with Juncao, and tasted the sweetness of poverty alleviation through industry for the first time. Juncao, which helps alleviate poverty, is called "happy grass" by the locals.

In Minning Town, Yongning County, Yinchuan City, Ningxia, Professor Lin Zhanhui of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University discusses Juncao cultivation techniques with farmers. Photo by reporter Wang Peng

On July 5, 2000, a special award ceremony was held at the Fujian Provincial Government. This was a ceremony specifically for one person, and it was also the first time that Fujian awarded a first-class merit to a scientific and technological worker.

The winner was Lin Zhanhui, and the person who presented him with the award was Xi Jinping, then the provincial governor.

At the award ceremony, Xi Jinping said: "Only when our scientific and technological intellectuals combine their wisdom and talents with the needs of the times can they create outstanding contributions that attract the attention of the world and are welcomed by the people."

In July 2000, Xi Jinping awarded the Fujian Provincial Government's "First Class Merit" Certificate of Honor to Professor Lin Zhanhui of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. Entering the 21st century, Juncao technology has reached a critical period of "no progress or regression" in scientific research and industrial development, and urgently needs strong support from the government. Lin Zhanhui called for the establishment of a Juncao Science Laboratory at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, the inventor of Juncao technology, as soon as possible. But at that time, opinions were very different.

After arranging two inspections and investigations and conducting in-depth research and analysis, Xi Jinping firmly supported the construction of a mushroom grass scientific laboratory, which enabled the mushroom grass technology to achieve great development in the new century.

At present, Juncao technology has been applied and promoted in more than 500 counties in 31 provinces across the country and more than 100 countries around the world.

"It can be said that this cutting-edge technology was developed with the care and support of Comrade Xi Jinping," said Lin Zhanhui.

From Fujian to Ningxia, from Ningxia to the whole country, and even continuously going abroad, under the promotion of Xi Jinping, the small mushroom grass is truly worthy of being the "happy grass" that crosses mountains and seas and benefits mankind!

Happy grass, new technology丨Mining grass forest | Juncao | Ningcao
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