Experts: Different scenic spots need to "adapt to local conditions", and many domestic scenic spots have cancelled the reservation system

Release time:Jun 26, 2024 05:27 AM

On June 20, Beijing, China National Radio reported that the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism announced that the peak summer tourism season is approaching. In order to continuously improve the basic services of tourist attractions, all tourist attractions in Beijing have cancelled the reservation requirements, except for tourist attractions such as the Forbidden City and the National Museum and units open to the public. This has also attracted widespread attention from netizens. Previously, cultural and tourism departments in Shanghai, Suzhou and other places have announced the cancellation of real-name reservations for scenic spots.

Why did the scenic spot cancel the reservation requirement? How to better ensure the tourist experience after the scenic spot cancels the reservation? In this regard, the reporter interviewed relevant experts.

On June 20, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism published an article titled "Proposal on Improving the Basic Service Quality of Summer Tourist Attractions and Practicing Civilized Tourism". The article mentioned that in order to continuously improve the basic services of tourist attractions, all tourist attractions in the city have completely cancelled the reservation requirements, except for tourist attractions such as the Forbidden City and the National Museum and units open to the public.

Previously, some places in China have announced that real-name reservations will be cancelled for cultural and tourism venues and scenic spots. On June 7, the Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism Bureau of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, announced that in order to further promote the prosperity and development of the city's tourism industry, improve the quality and efficiency of scenic spot operations, and enhance the experience of citizens and tourists, except for some key scenic spots and museums, all other A-level scenic spots, cultural venues, and religious venues in Suzhou City have cancelled real-name reservations.

On June 10, the Shanghai Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau issued an announcement stating that except for some popular scenic spots and cultural and tourism venues in the city that require real-name reservations or real-name ticket purchases, the remaining A-level tourist attractions and art galleries, museums, etc. will continue to fully implement the no-reservation measure for visits.

Ma Aiping, director of the China Tourism Market Research Center of Beijing International Studies University, said that at present, domestic scenic spots have implemented reservations for tickets mainly due to two reasons. First, because some scenic spots are popular all year round, with almost no difference between off-season and peak season, in order to control the flow of visitors and meet the needs of tourists, advance reservation measures for scenic spots have been introduced, which has a positive role in improving the tourists' visiting experience. Another reason is that in the past, based on the needs of health and safety prevention and control, to avoid excessive gathering of people and strictly control the number of visitors, major scenic spots have introduced a reservation system.

Ma Aiping believes that today, Beijing, Shanghai and other places have canceled real-name reservations for some scenic spots, but some popular attractions still require advance reservations. This is a timely adjustment made under the circumstances of restoring normal life, implementing flexible and effective management, and the starting point is to facilitate and benefit the people.

Wei Xiang, a researcher at the Institute of Finance and Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that the original intention of establishing the reservation system was to limit the flow of tourists and enhance the travel experience of tourists. In addition, it is also the particularity of some scenic spots. For example, in order to strengthen the protection of cultural relics, cultural relics venues limit the number of visitors. Therefore, different scenic spots should balance the choice of ticket purchase mode based on their own service quality and protection needs.

Experts: Different scenic spots need to "adapt to local conditions", and many domestic scenic spots have cancelled the reservation system

Expert: Whether to cancel reservations, scenic spots need to "adapt to local conditions"

The announcement of the cancellation of the reservation system for scenic spots has attracted widespread attention from netizens. The reporter noted that some netizens are worried: "After the cancellation of the reservation, will there be too many people on site, resulting in a wasted trip?"

"I would like to give a thumbs up to this policy adjustment." Mr. Li, a citizen of Shanxi Province, told reporters that sometimes, when a person takes his whole family out for a trip, he needs to make an appointment on a mobile phone app or mini-program. These operations are inconvenient for the elderly and children, and sometimes one person has to fill out information for several people, which is very annoying.

Ma Aiping analyzed that whether to cancel reservations or not, scenic spots in various places need to adapt to local conditions. In her opinion, an important feature of tourism products is the unevenness in geographical space, that is, different attractions have different appeals to tourists, and iconic attractions will inevitably attract more tourists, which puts higher requirements on management. Therefore, advance reservations for popular attractions are very necessary to avoid crowds, ensure the quality of tourists' experience and protect the safety of cultural relics.

"For tourists, canceling reservations will make it more convenient for people to travel and visit." Ma Aiping said that canceling reservations at scenic spots will help promote the construction of other surrounding places. In the long run, this will help divert tourists and allow tourists to experience more local characteristics.

Wei Xiang believes that whether to cancel scenic spot reservations should be based on the principle of ensuring tourists' travel experience. In his opinion, for some market-oriented scenic spots of a business nature, for example, theme parks can leave the decision on whether reservations are required to the market and let consumers make the choice. For public welfare venues and scenic spots, in order to ensure equal welfare and fairness, a combination of online reservations and offline ticket sales can be used to meet the demands of various groups as much as possible.

Zheng Ning, director of the Law Department of the School of Cultural Industry Management at Communication University of China, said that for scenic spots that cancel the reservation system, corresponding supporting services should be provided to ensure the tourist experience. At the same time, scenic spots can rely on technology to guide passenger flow, monitor the flow of tourists in real time, and release information to the public in a timely manner. In order to avoid congestion, tourists can choose to travel during off-peak hours or change their travel routes.

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