How can documentaries in the new era present a credible, lovable and respectable image of China?, "Dialogue with ASEAN" to be broadcast in October

Release time:Jun 27, 2024 15:32 PM

On June 27, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Radio and Television and the Documentary Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University jointly released the documentary "Dialogue with ASEAN", which is expected to be broadcast in October. The 29th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Documentary Forum, co-hosted by the two parties, was themed "Cultural Mission and Mutual Learning of Civilizations in the New Era of Documentary Films". Excellent documentary filmmakers from China and abroad were invited to gather together to discuss how documentary creation can explore the contemporary significance of traditional Chinese culture and vividly present a credible, lovable and respectable image of China.

According to statistics from "China Audiovisual Big Data", among the TV programs broadcast on satellite channels throughout last year, documentaries ranked third in terms of broadcast time, following TV dramas and news programs. More and more short documentaries are becoming popular with the help of the Internet. How can documentaries keep pace with the development of the times, actively embrace technological innovation, and attract more audiences with new narratives and voices? How can we strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, continue to launch high-quality co-production content, and promote the international dissemination of Chinese stories and the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations?

Chen Hong, executive vice president and secretary general of the Documentary Academic Committee of the China Television Association, pointed out that the biggest change in documentaries in recent years is that the subject matter has become richer, and documentaries on ecological environment protection and literature and history have gradually become popular. This requires the construction of a documentary theory system with Chinese style, Chinese style and Chinese characteristics. "From the practice of Chinese documentary creation, we should improve, sort out and summarize the documentary theory system with Chinese characteristics, and use it to guide the creation of current and future Chinese documentaries."

When making a documentary about the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, Xia Meng, vice president of the China Documentary Society and a documentary director, did not focus on how the war was fought, but rather on how the decision to send troops was made. "Documentary documentaries talk a lot about the past, but the spiritual content can transcend time and space, and that is why it can resonate with the audience."

At the end of last year, Youku released the large-scale historical documentary "History of China" and the immersive science fiction documentary "Moon Hotel" produced with AIGC technology. In the view of Han Yun, director of Youku Documentary Channel of Alibaba Entertainment, AIGC can reconstruct the imaging standards of documentaries. "AIGC makes many impossibilities possible and allows it to present the ultimate future Three-Body Universe. AIGC is very different from ordinary live-action. Its degree of anthropomorphism, realism, and the possibility of exquisite imaging are beyond imagination."

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the China-ASEAN People-to-People Exchange Year. Commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Administration of Radio and Television, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station has produced a large-scale documentary "Dialogue with ASEAN", which focuses on the fruitful results of connectivity, win-win cooperation, and exchanges and mutual learning between China and ASEAN countries in the five major areas of society, economy, ecology, science and technology, and humanities, and showcases the beautiful vision of China and ASEAN member states working together towards a better future.

"Dialogue with ASEAN" will be supported by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Relying on the profound academic background of the Tokyo Trial Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the international production capabilities and vision of the Documentary Center, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station and Shanghai Jiao Tong University have joined forces to create "Tokyo Trial" and "Asia-Pacific War Trial".

In order to further promote academic exchanges and industry practices in the field of Chinese documentaries, and to build a theoretical research institution and practical application base integrating industry, academia and research, Shanghai Jiao Tong University announced the establishment of a documentary center. In the future, the documentary center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University will be based on the national key disciplines of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, focusing on documentary creation, industry research, talent training, and international exchanges. Adhering to the concepts of Chinese aesthetics, Chinese style, and international vision, it will help build a Chinese discourse system for documentaries and tell Chinese stories to the world. The center will form partnerships with major documentary-related institutions to jointly create more major national projects with influence at home and abroad.

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