No mountain or sea is too far away, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng attended the annual meeting of the Organization of American States: Like-minded people

Release time:Jun 28, 2024 07:43 AM

On June 26, 2024, Xie Feng, Chinese Ambassador to the United States and Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States, led a Chinese government delegation to attend the 54th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American States held in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay.

On June 26, 2024, Xie Feng, Chinese Ambassador to the United States and Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States, led a Chinese government delegation to attend the 54th Annual Conference of the Organization of American States held in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, and delivered a speech at the dialogue between member states and observer states. Combining China-Latin America relations and the theme of the annual conference, he elaborated on China's concepts such as "building a new type of international relations" and "building a community with a shared future for mankind."

Xie Feng said that China insists on mutual respect and trust and advocates an equal and orderly multipolar world. All countries, big or small, strong or weak, are equal members of the international community. Global affairs should be handled through consultation, and the future of the world should be jointly controlled by all countries. We should support each other on issues involving each other's core interests, make China and Latin America voices in promoting an equal and orderly multipolar world, and gather China-Latin America forces to create an international environment for peaceful development.

No mountain or sea is too far away, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng attended the annual meeting of the Organization of American States: Like-minded people

Xie Feng pointed out that China adheres to the principle of giving priority to development and advocates inclusive economic globalization. Developing countries should not always be at the low end of the international industrial chain. We must jointly oppose suppression and containment under the guise of "democracy", "human rights", "rules" and "overcapacity" and create an open, fair and non-discriminatory development environment. China has always been a firm member of the "Global South" and a backbone force in promoting the development and revitalization of the "Global South". It will actively expand imports from other developing countries, carry out various forms of mutually beneficial cooperation, help implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and jointly promote economic globalization in a more open, inclusive, inclusive and balanced direction.

Xie Feng stressed that China adheres to inclusiveness and mutual learning to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The simplest wish of mankind is peace and development, but this task has not yet been completed. China's plan is to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, transcend conflict and confrontation with peaceful development, replace absolute security with common security, abandon zero-sum games with mutual benefit and win-win results, prevent conflicts between civilizations through exchanges and mutual learning, and protect the earth's home with green development. Guided by this concept, China adheres to the global governance concept of extensive consultation, joint construction and sharing, practices the common values ​​of all mankind, builds the "Belt and Road" with high quality, implements global development, security and civilization initiatives, and promotes countries to work together to meet challenges and achieve common prosperity.

Xie Feng spoke positively of China's cooperation with Latin America and the relationship between China and the Organization of American States, emphasizing that equal respect is the most distinctive feature of China-Latin America cooperation, common development is the most substantial connotation of China-Latin America cooperation, and openness and inclusiveness are the most valuable orientations of China-Latin America cooperation. Xie Feng said that President Xi Jinping has visited Latin America five times, and China-Latin America relations have entered a new era of equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness and benefit to the people. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of relations between China and the Organization of American States. Over the past 20 years, China-Latin America trade has increased 35 times, reaching nearly US$500 billion last year. China has remained the second largest trading partner of Latin America, and Latin America is the second largest destination for China's overseas investment. China-Latin America cooperation is an independent choice of both sides and meets the needs of both sides. It is not targeted at any third party and is not affected by any third party. China has no geopolitical considerations in Latin America and will continue to uphold the concept of sincerity, affinity and good faith and the correct view of justice and interests, and continue to promote the building of a community with a shared future between China and Latin America.

No mountain or sea is too far away, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng attended the annual meeting of the Organization of American States: Like-minded people

Xie Feng said that there is an old Chinese saying that "those who share the same aspirations do not consider mountains and seas as far away." A Latin American proverb also says, "A true friend can touch your soul from the other side of the world." China will, as always, strengthen dialogue and exchanges, carry out friendly cooperation with the Organization of American States, and work together with countries in the region to create a future of peace, security, prosperity and progress for the world.

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