Inheriting the red gene and promoting national unity Xing'an League | Red City | Community China

Release time:Jun 27, 2024 07:50 AM

At Hongcheng Primary School in Ulanhot City, Xing'an League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, as soon as the reporter walked into the school gate, he saw 56 pomegranate trees in the pomegranate garden at the entrance. Each pomegranate tree had a sign introducing different ethnic groups.

Planting pomegranate seeds will bring about the blossoming of unity. Wu Nuomin, a fourth-grade student at Hongcheng Primary School, said: "This represents the 56 ethnic groups in our country. There are many seeds in a pomegranate, and they are tightly held together. Our ethnic groups are also closely united like pomegranate seeds."

Before class, students enthusiastically perform the "Red Star Desk Dance"; in daily study, students can choose to participate in various special clubs such as horse-head fiddle performance and Mongolian medicine... Here, students of all ethnic groups study, live, grow and progress together.

Yang Jinhui, principal of Hongcheng Primary School, introduced that the school will integrate the consciousness of the Chinese nation's community into the whole process of moral education and character building, offer 42 special courses such as the essence of Chinese studies, classic recitation, and real-life teaching in the pomegranate garden, promote the use of the national common language in education and teaching, and create a drip-irrigation and heart-warming educational atmosphere.

As a national model league for ethnic unity and progress, Xing'an League has excellent red genes. By making good use of red resources and telling good red stories, it has made red culture an important force in promoting ethnic unity and progress and forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

"In the vast land of Inner Mongolia, the party's policy of regional ethnic autonomy has been put into practice..." Inside the Inner Mongolia National Liberation Memorial Hall, the "little red propagandist" is explaining to visitors in a vivid and emotional manner.

"Training 'little red propagandists' is an important way to inherit the red gene, carry forward the revolutionary spirit, and promote young people to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation." Li Siyu, deputy director of the Propaganda and Education Department of the Inner Mongolia National Liberation Memorial Hall, introduced that in recent years, many "little red propagandists" training and practice classes have been successfully held, and more than 350 "little red propagandists" have been trained.

Today, Xing'an League focuses on developing red tourism with the Inner Mongolia National Liberation Memorial Hall, the May 1st Meeting Site in Ulanhot City, etc., telling the stories of the Chinese nation community and national unity and progress, and integrating the sense of the Chinese nation community into the hearts of people of all ethnic groups.

Cultural identity is the deepest level of identity, the root of national unity and the soul of national harmony. Red culture has injected strong power into Inner Mongolia to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and red landmarks have radiated the light of the times.

At the foot of Hanshan Mountain in Ulanhot City, beside the Taoer River, a simple and solemn two-story building comes into view. On the blue brick wall in front of the building, the four golden characters "May 1st Meeting Site" shine brightly. Relevant units filmed a short situational play, which, through an immersive review of historical scenes, showed the revolutionary enthusiasm of the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia to unite and seek liberation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

In the past year, the May 1st site received more than 3,000 group study sessions and 260,000 visitors.

The Ulanhot Xing'an Lingchuang Exhibition and Experience Center integrates the experience of intangible cultural heritage skills, red research, performances and other functions, showing the diversity and unique charm of Chinese civilization to people of all ethnic groups, and also provides an innovation and entrepreneurship platform for local intangible cultural heritage craftsmen and artisans. It has received more than 170,000 visitors in total;

In Ulanmaodu Sumu, Keyouqian Banner, the situational drama "Red Forests by the Ulan River" performed by grassroots cadres affectionately told the story of "3,000 orphans entering Inner Mongolia", vividly interpreting the friendship of all ethnic groups in the big family of the Chinese nation holding hands and helping each other;

The Chinese nation is one family, working together to build the Chinese dream. The carefully nurtured flower of national unity blooms in the northern border of the motherland, forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and integrating it into the blood of all ethnic groups, building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation.

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