Exploring the integration of culture, sports and tourism into the new scene of the metaverse, "Nanxiang Yuangu" opens

Release time:Jun 26, 2024 16:48 PM

The opening ceremony of "Nanxiang Yuangu" and the press conference of "2024 Shanghai International AIGC Creation Competition" were recently held at Sunac West Ring Center in Jiading. Real hosts and digital virtual hosts jointly issued "digital identity tickets" to guests, and the original theme song "Song of Nanxiang Yuangu" was presented in the form of a dance music show combining reality and virtuality.

At the Shanghai Metaverse Technology and Art Center on the 16th floor of Nanxiang Yuangu, virtual guides guide visitors to experience the new feelings brought by technology and art. The exhibition content spans the fields of "Metaverse Entertainment", "Metaverse Sports" and "Metaverse Tourism". Multi-modal interactive technologies such as posture capture and voice and gesture recognition bring visitors an immersive three-dimensional visual feast.

Relevant person in charge introduced that the companies settled in Nanxiang Yuangu demonstrate the future trend of the integration of technology and humanities. Some of them build fascinating metaverse gaming experiences and promote game development through large-scale language models; some focus on the innovation and application of science and technology art, digital audio and vision, hyper-realistic virtual-reality interaction and immersive sensory experience, and use digital interactive technology to provide preventive protection of cultural relics and collections, digital asset construction, and immersive exhibitions combining virtual and real for many well-known museums and art gallery IPs, cultural and archaeological projects, and intangible cultural heritage projects; others promote the application of generative AI technology in the Chinese market, and use AIGC and other technologies to integrate IP culture into colorful life scenes such as animation design, games, and trendy toys.

Nanxiang Town focuses on generative artificial intelligence AIGC, accelerates the vigorous innovation of Metaverse and application scenarios such as entertainment, sports, and tourism, and builds "Nanxiang Yuangu" into an important carrier area for the development of digital economy in Jiading. "Nanxiang Yuangu" relies on the space carrier of Sunac West Ring Center and Yaoji Energy Research Center with an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters to build a new scene of cultural, sports and tourism content, and an immersive interactive new content creation industry cluster development zone, focusing on AIGC key technologies, application middle layer and Metaverse innovation service fields.

This event is guided by the People's Government of Jiading District, Shanghai, hosted by the People's Government of Nanxiang Town, and undertaken by Shanghai Blue Sky Economic City. It aims to promote the development of the metaverse industry and promote the innovation and application of AIGC technology.

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