Gathering a strong force for world economic growth, China's economic development | resilience | transformation

Release time:Jun 27, 2024 07:51 AM

From June 25 to 27, the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions of the World Economic Forum with the theme of "New Frontiers for Future Growth" was held in Dalian, Liaoning. More than 1,600 representatives from the political, business and academic circles from nearly 80 countries and regions discussed topics such as "Global New Economy", "China and the World", and "Entrepreneurship in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" to explore new drivers and new paths for world economic growth. Guests interviewed by our reporter said that China is accelerating the development of new quality productivity, promoting scientific and technological innovation and green transformation, and contributing to global sustainable development. China adheres to open cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results, and continues to provide new opportunities for the world with China's new development, gathering a strong force for world economic growth.

"The Chinese economy has shown strong resilience and vitality"

Since the beginning of this year, China's economy has maintained a positive trend. In the first quarter, GDP grew by 5.3% year-on-year, achieving a good start, and continued to be stable and improving in the second quarter. "The vitality of China's consumer market", "Formulating corporate strategies for China", "The development prospects of China's electric vehicle industry"... At this year's Summer Davos Forum, the sub-forums related to the Chinese economy attracted much attention and were packed.

"Despite a complex international situation, China's economic performance is impressive, with its growth rate remaining at the forefront among the world's major economies." Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, said the World Economic Forum is committed to continuing to work closely with China to promote stable and healthy development of the world economy and jointly address global challenges.

"Representatives from different fields around the world have come to this Summer Davos Forum, hoping to better understand the development of China's economy through exchanges and dialogues, and explore new growth drivers for global economic recovery." Mirek Dušek, executive director of the World Economic Forum, said that against the backdrop of insufficient growth momentum in the world economy, China's efforts to promote the transformation and upgrading of its economic structure and the development of industries such as artificial intelligence, digital technology and clean energy will promote the sustained and healthy development of China's economy.

"As positive factors for China's economy continue to accumulate, new quality productivity will be cultivated and grown faster, and new development momentum will continue to increase." Shin Hak-cheol, member of the World Economic Forum's International Business Council and CEO of LG Chem, said, "China is one of the world's largest chemical markets. We will continue to expand our business layout in China, increase R&D investment in China, and continuously develop more new technologies and new products to meet the needs of the Chinese market."

"The Chinese economy has shown strong resilience and vitality, and we are full of confidence in its economic prospects." David Walcott, founder and managing partner of Jamaica's Normed Consulting Group, said that China is vigorously promoting scientific and technological innovation and increasing research and development and investment in cutting-edge technologies, which will become an important growth point for China's economy in the future.

"China is not only an important market and manufacturing base for Johnson Controls, but also an important source of green innovation and sustainable development in the world." Lang Zhiwen, President of Johnson Controls Asia Pacific, said that with the vigorous development of China's digital economy and the accelerated transformation and implementation of scientific and technological innovation results, he believes that more and more foreign companies will further invest in China and deepen their roots in China.

“Playing an increasingly important role in the global innovation landscape”

Walking into the Dalian International Conference Center, Maz Ali Nadeem, co-founder and CEO of Pakistan's Victor Software Development Company, praised the technological innovation displays such as the "Future Rubik's Cube" created using digital technologies such as naked-eye 3D and the generative artificial intelligence art installation based on biometric technology, saying: "China has an active innovation atmosphere, which has created a good environment for the development of scientific and technological innovation companies. I hope to establish connections with more Chinese partners and further strengthen exchanges and cooperation between Pakistan and China in the field of high technology."

Guests at the meeting said that China is accelerating innovation in areas such as artificial intelligence and new energy, and accelerating the cultivation and development of new quality productive forces, which has not only added strong impetus to China's economic development, but also opened up greater space for international cooperation.

"This forum provides African countries with an opportunity to learn, discuss and draw on experience. The Rwandan government is willing to deepen cooperation with China in areas such as artificial intelligence and digital infrastructure, accelerate the digital transformation of the economy and society, and further enrich the connotation of practical cooperation between Africa and China," said Bola Ingabire, Minister of Information and Communication Technology and Innovation of Rwanda.

"China is accelerating the transformation and upgrading of its economic structure and empowering economic growth by cultivating and developing new quality productivity." Wu Chun, a relevant person in charge of the Boston Consulting Group, said that as the potential of science and technology continues to be released, the Chinese economy is expected to move in a more innovative, green and sustainable direction.

"China attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation. New technologies, new formats and new models are constantly emerging, playing an increasingly important role in the global innovation landscape." Murat Kokorlu, a member of the executive committee of Turkey's Koksan Packaging Industries, had decided to invest in China before attending the forum. He said: "China not only has a vast market, a stable and smooth industrial chain and supply chain, but also a high-quality talent pool, a strong innovation atmosphere and advanced technologies in the fields of green and low-carbon, artificial intelligence, etc. These factors will enhance the competitiveness of enterprises."

"China has unique advantages in the new energy vehicle industry. While meeting domestic market demand, it also enriches international market supply and contributes to global green transformation and sustainable development." Branin Rattanasompa, CEO of New Business and Infrastructure of the Thai National Petroleum Corporation, expressed the hope to strengthen division of labor and cooperation with Chinese partners in the new energy vehicle industry, jointly promote the development of green and low-carbon industries, and create more green economic growth points.

"Contribute China's strength to improving the global economic governance system"

At present, anti-globalization trends such as unilateralism and protectionism are spreading, and global challenges such as geopolitical conflicts and climate change are intensifying. Countries are increasingly calling for unity, cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results. The guests at the meeting believed that China has continued to expand high-level opening up to the outside world, advocated inclusive economic globalization, shared market opportunities with all parties, and jointly sought future development, injecting lasting impetus into world economic growth.

"China is Indonesia's largest trading partner and major source of investment. In recent years, the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has maintained a strong growth momentum." Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, said that under the framework of jointly building the "Belt and Road", the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed ​​Railway provides Indonesian people with a safe and comfortable way to travel, and projects such as the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor" and the "Two Countries, Two Parks" are progressing steadily. "China continues to expand its opening up to the outside world and promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, which will not only provide opportunities for Indonesian companies to enter the Chinese market, but will also promote more resilient and inclusive growth of the global economy."

Nadim said that the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative by Pakistan and China has improved the level of connectivity between the two countries and brought tangible benefits to the people. The two countries' cooperation in digital technology, green transformation, cultural exchanges and other fields has been continuously deepened, which is conducive to promoting common development and prosperity.

"China has strengthened pragmatic cooperation with other countries under the framework of jointly building the 'Belt and Road', continuously enhanced economic and trade ties between countries, and contributed China's strength to improving the global economic governance system." Jiang Liqin, KPMG's managing partner for client and business development, said that China advocates inclusive economic globalization, maintains the stability and smooth operation of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and leads economic globalization in the right direction.

"China has played an important role in upholding multilateralism and promoting global common development." Chang Qide, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations Development System in China, said that China has actively promoted the joint construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative", shared development experience with developing countries, and helped them reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development.

"China's Belt and Road Initiative and global development initiatives have brought opportunities to the African continent." Victor Okun, executive director of the African Youth Initiative Network of Uganda, said that African countries maintain close economic and trade relations with China, and African specialty high-quality agricultural products enter the Chinese market, which helps African countries' economic growth. The two sides continue to strengthen cooperation in the fields of youth training and digital transformation, which will further enhance the development vitality of African countries.

Gathering a strong force for world economic growth, China's economic development | resilience | transformation
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