Harbin's "May Day" firepower continues! How do Internet celebrity cities become popular? , “Prepare goods more than half a month in advance”

Release time:May 05, 2024 15:56 PM

During the ice and snow tourism season, Harbin is “popular”. The vast number of tourists who traveled thousands of miles here not only saw the ice and snow in the true sense, but also felt the warm hospitality of the Harbin people.

When the ice and snow tourism season comes to an end, Harbin also made an agreement with tourists to "stay in Harbin and never say goodbye" and "if the spring breeze has faith, come back to Harbin again." At the same time, many people also have doubts: "Can Harbin, which has successfully emerged from the ice and snow tourism season, still be able to catch this 'wealth and wealth' in the spring and summer of 2024?"

During this year's "May Day" Golden Week, a reporter from the Securities Times went to Harbin for on-site interviews and learned that although the ice and snow tourism season has passed, Harbin is still popular, with a large number of foreign tourists arriving, which has enabled the city to start a "people follow the herd" model. Popular attractions such as Central Street, Sophia Cathedral, and the Evidence Exhibition Hall of the 731st Invaders of the Japanese Army are attracting huge crowds and are very popular. The Harbin tourism market is ushering in the "Four Seasons".

At 8:25 on May 1, Mr. Han and his wife from Beijing arrived at the 731 Exhibition Hall. Although there were still 35 minutes before the opening of the 731 Exhibition Hall, there was already a long queue at the entrance. An hour later, the reservation applet of the 731 Exhibition Hall showed that both May 1st and May 2nd were fully booked.

"I saw the exhibition hall on a short video before. I was very shocked after watching it, so I chose to visit here as the first stop when I came to Harbin." Mr. Han told the Securities Times reporter, "I didn't expect the 'May Day' gold There will be so many people coming to visit on the first day of the week. Fortunately, we have made reservations in advance.”

Xiao Wu from Anshan, Liaoning Province, just got off the train on the morning of May 1 and dragged his suitcase directly to the 731 Exhibition Hall. "We college students should receive patriotic education, not forget the national humiliation, and remember the history." Ms. Wu said.

In the 2023/2024 ice and snow tourism season, the 731 Exhibition Hall and Harbin Pharmaceutical No. 6 Printmaking Museum have become important check-in places for foreign tourists after coming to Harbin.

The Harbin Pharmaceutical No. 6 Printmaking Museum is located in the Harbin Pharmaceutical Group No. 6 Pharmaceutical Factory. The Harbin Pharmaceutical No. 6 Factory is called the "Northeast Louvre" by tourists because of its magnificent European-style architecture and exquisite Baroque reliefs.

When the Securities Times reporter arrived at the Harbin Pharmaceutical No. 6 Factory, a large number of tourists were queuing up in an orderly manner to enter the Harbin Pharmaceutical No. 6 Printmaking Museum to reap a long-lost visual feast.

As Harbin's old internet celebrity check-in spots, Central Street and Sophia Cathedral still attract many foreign tourists during the "May Day" Golden Week. The Byzantine-style Sophia Cathedral is a landmark building in Harbin and one of the places where the Russian Princess Brigade visits.

On the first day of the May Day Golden Week, the place was bustling with people. As of 14:00 on May 1, the number of visitors to the Sofia Scenic Spot has reached more than 80,000, and the number of visits to the tourist sites has reached more than 8,000.

Central Street is the most famous pedestrian street in Harbin, famous for its unique European-style architecture. It has begun to receive a large number of tourists on the evening of April 30. At noon on May 1st, Central Street was crowded with people. Tourists walked slowly on Central Street while tasting the famous Madier popsicles.

During an interview in Harbin, a Securities Times reporter learned that in order to welcome the "May Day" Golden Week, relevant departments in Harbin have created ten high-quality tourist routes for foreign tourists.

For example, the International Architecture Appreciation and Urban Strolling Style Routes can take tourists through Central Street, Chinese Baroque and other historical and cultural blocks, the former consulate complex on Red Army Street, etc., and enjoy the Baroque, Byzantine, Art Nouveau and other fusion styles. Old buildings, immersive experience of Harbin's unique European style.

The appointment and bookish corner of the Art Palace allows tourists to wander in the grand theater, concert hall, and various specialty bookstores, indulge in the beauty of audio and video, swim in the sea of ​​books, and truly experience the "city of world music" and "East Asian culture". The artistic enjoyment and cultural sublimation brought by Harbin, known as the capital of China.

On April 30, the Ctrip platform released a data report, which took stock of the "little sun" cities during the "May Day" period by integrating data from the China Weather Network and the Ctrip platform. Due to the sunny temperament of "May Day", Harbin was included in the list of "Little Sun" cities, and the popularity of travel increased by 30%.

Harbin launched the "people follow the herd" model during the "May Day" Golden Week. According to statistics, the passenger flow of Harbin Metro on May 1 was 1.4094 million. The passenger flow of many key stations was busier than during the Spring Festival travel period. Stations such as Central Street set new highs in passenger flow.

However, according to the observation of a reporter from the Securities Times, unlike the 2023/2024 ice and snow tourism season, most of the tourists who went to Harbin during the "May Day" Golden Week were mainly tourists with northern accents, and the number of tourists with southern accents was relatively small.

During the "May Day" Golden Week, a large number of foreign tourists poured into Harbin, which also stimulated the development of the entire local industry chain of food, accommodation, transportation, travel, shopping, entertainment and tourism.

Zhang Ting is the person in charge of a cultural and creative store near Central Street in Harbin. The usual business hours of the cultural and creative store are from 11:00 to 19:00. With the advent of the "May Day" Golden Week, Zhang Ting has extended the store's business hours to 22:00. .

"The 2023/2024 ice and snow tourism season and the previous Qingming Festival holiday allowed us to accumulate valuable experience. We started stocking up more than half a month in advance and extended our business hours starting from April 30." Zhang Ting told a reporter from the Securities Times, "Since Judging from the situation on the first day of Golden Week, both passenger flow and turnover have increased significantly compared with usual times, which is basically in line with our expectations.”

A store staff of a national chain hotel in Harbin told a reporter from the Securities Times that the hotel has 87 customers. From May 1 to May 3, all the rooms have been booked, and there are still a few rooms available on May 4.

"According to our registration information, the majority of tourists visiting Harbin during the 'May Day' Golden Week are tourists from Heilongjiang Province, Jilin, Liaoning, Beijing, Shandong and other places. Southern tourists may have just visited during the 2023/2024 ice and snow tourism season Harbin, so the enthusiasm for traveling again is not particularly high at this stage. However, as the Heilongjiang summer tourism promotion conference continues in major cities across the country, especially the Ice and Snow World Fantasy Ice and Snow Museum is expected to be completed in June, when tourists can immerse themselves in it all year round. The fun of experiencing real ice and snow in a unique way will also be a great attraction for southern tourists.”

When foreign tourists go to Harbin, in addition to admiring the beautiful scenery, they are also attracted by the local delicacies. Iron pot stew, butchered pig dishes, pot-wrapped pork, red sausage, Madier popsicles, Russian food and other special delicacies have become popular attractions for foreign tourists when they arrive. The key choice after Harbin. In an interview, a Securities Times reporter learned that during the May Day Golden Week, many food shops near Central Street saw queues waiting for tables.

On May 1st, a staff member of an iron pot stew shop near Central Street said: "Since 11:30, queues have started to line up in the store, and most of the customers are foreign tourists. Based on past experience, this situation will change from May 1st to May 4th.”

"Around 11 o'clock, the store is already full, and now we can only queue up and wait for a table. Since there are many customers in the queue, even if the queue starts now, it is not sure when the queue will be available." A Russian restaurant owner The waiter told the Securities Times reporter.

According to a reporter from the Securities Times, relevant government departments in Harbin launched a spring tourism escort operation during the "May Day" Golden Week, striving to ensure that tourists pursue the poetry and distant places in their hearts.

In terms of food safety supervision for tourism, Harbin not only supervises tourism-related hotels and hotels to ensure food safety, but also strengthens food safety supervision for small local restaurants such as morning and night markets, food stalls, beer festivals, "farmhouses" and "fishing villages" Strengthen efforts to ensure fresh raw materials, traceable sources, and environmental hygiene, and comprehensively eliminate food safety hazards in catering services; relevant government departments have strengthened supervision and inspection of Harbin red sausage and other product production and operating enterprises to ensure the quality of Harbin local specialty foods purchased by tourists Safe and reliable.

In terms of tourism-related price order supervision, the relevant government departments in Harbin have carried out price rectification on local specialty catering units such as "iron pot stew and butchered vegetables", and have violated the laws of price fraud and other illegal activities such as the use of "yin and yang menus", etc. Investigate seriously.

Harbin's "hot out of the circle" in the 2023/2024 ice and snow tourism season began with the Ice and Snow World ticket refund incident. However, due to the timely and positive response of Harbin's relevant departments and the adoption of appropriate and powerful solutions, public opinion quickly reversed.

This incident finally turned a bad thing into a good thing. It not only attracted the attention of Chinese people to Harbin, but also inspired countless "southern little potatoes" to be enthusiastic about traveling to Harbin.

Facing the vast number of tourists from all over the country, Harbin has launched the "fancy fans" mode, making this provincial capital city located in the northernmost part of my country appear on the hot search again and again.

When Harbin became popular, there were endless discussions about why Harbin became popular, how Harbin can maintain its popularity, and whether Harbin will continue to be popular next year. Ice and snow tourism is the main feature of Harbin. After the end of the 2023/2024 ice and snow tourism season, the outside world is particularly concerned about whether Harbin will still be favored by foreign tourists.

During the previous Qingming Festival holiday, major tourist attractions in Harbin were extremely popular, successfully continuing the popularity of the 2023/2024 ice and snow tourism season.

As of press time of the Securities Times reporter, Harbin has not released specific data on tourists received during the "May Day" Golden Week. However, according to on-site interviews and observations by Securities Times reporters in Harbin, during the "May Day" Golden Week, Harbin's cultural tourism market is still very hot, and the spring tourism economy is bursting with great vitality. The outside world's previous doubts are expected to be dispelled.

Reports from local media in Harbin can also support the observations of Securities Times reporters to a certain extent. According to reports, this May Day, a large-scale reality show "Looking at Heads" will be staged in major scenic spots in Harbin. At 8:15 on May 1, the Harbin Sun Island parking lot was full. At 9:34 on May 1, the Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Museum put up the "war-free card". After logging into the visit reservation platform, it was found that the visit reservations for May 1, May 2, and May 3 were full. At 12:00 on May 1st, the parking spaces in the Northern Forest Zoo area of ​​the Huaguoshan station area of ​​the Hamu Expressway were full...

It is worth mentioning that during the "May Day" Golden Week, Harbin was not the only popular Internet celebrity city. Before Harbin, Zibo, Shandong became popular for its barbecue. During this "May Day" golden week, Zibo is still very "hot". In March this year, Tianshui, Gansu Province became one of the top restaurants in the country because of its bowl of spicy hotpot. On the first day of the "May Day" Golden Week, the number of tourists in major scenic spots in Tianshui City showed explosive growth, with Maiji Mountain and Xianrenya scenic spots attracting many tourists.

"If we do not take into account the special factors that caused Zibo's explosion, the emergence of certain cities in recent years is essentially the result of the transformation and upgrading of the consumption structure." Ding Zhaoyong, associate professor at the School of Economics of Jilin University, said that people's current travel is no longer The traditional sightseeing tour is leaning towards "eating", "entertainment" and "shopping" among the "six elements" of tourism.

Especially in recent years, with the support of social software, people have shown their feelings more through sharing or sharing mode, and "checking in" has become a must when traveling. From this perspective, given that the influence of traditional media is gradually declining, the urban marketing of relevant government departments also needs to change channels in a timely manner.

Careful observation can reveal that whether it is Zibo, Harbin or Tianshui, they all first form hot searches on the Internet, and then city managers create public opinion about hospitality, and then form positive feedback. The key to the problem is how to maintain this continuous "hot search". Spicy and piping hot."

"Letting friends from far away stay instead of making a one-time deal is the core of the problem." Ding Zhaoyong said that tourism is not an "addition" but a "multiplication". Tourism should be used as a medium or carrier to showcase local advantages and potential, from " From "flow" to "retention" and then to "stock", the corresponding city management also needs to change its mind and ideas.

"Zibo, Harbin, Tianshui, etc. are all 'Internet celebrity cities' created by leveraging short video communication." Song Xiangqing, vice president of the China Society of Business Economics and chairman of the Free Trade Port Committee, told the Securities Times reporter that short videos can be shot immediately Instant transmission has a wide audience, is fast and efficient, and has the characteristics of intuitiveness and immediacy. In addition, short video communicators are mostly young people, making the dissemination of city image, specialty goods and services faster and more efficient.

Song Xiangqing said that based on the overall strategy of urban image communication, the system construction of urban services and cultural promotion has gradually revealed a distinctive personality in the exploration and presentation of urban cultural connotations in Internet celebrity cities, achieving organic results in shaping the city's image and efficient communication of characteristic projects. Integrate and further amplify the cultural content and attraction, thereby forming a lasting city brand image display.

Internet celebrity cities have made young consumer groups the main beneficiaries of commercial catering and local attractions through the classification and promotion of city image video content. Especially in terms of form selection, the communication groups have become younger, more fashionable and more social. It tilts towards sex and entertainment, fully displays the culture and spirit of the city, and can inspire young people who are curious about new things to be "emotional" and "chasing trends", thereby extending the popularity of "Internet celebrity cities".

"Short video communication based on urban characteristics is three-dimensional and multi-dimensional, and it is more popular among people." Song Xiangqing said that the rise of Internet celebrity cities fully demonstrates the cultural characteristics of cities. Among the characteristics of cities that the public likes, cultural charm always ranks first. The first one. Although Zibo is famous for its barbecue and Tianshui is famous for its spicy hotpot, these foods cannot attract the enthusiasm of consumers from other places for a long time. What really attracts and retains customers is urban culture. The creation of a city's image is dynamic and must exist in the entire communication chain. Only when countless nodes converge together can a collection of city images be gradually formed.

Song Xiangqing believes that the logic that content is king has never been out of date. If Internet celebrity cities want to become popular, they must not only make the content of short videos close to life and down-to-earth, and the narrative method be flexible and interesting to arouse resonance, but also deepen the interpretation of cultural connotations and Innovation and dissemination are necessary prerequisites. We must reshape a unique city image on the basis of clarifying its own city positioning and deeply exploring the city's characteristic culture. "Internet celebrity cities need to constantly pay attention to and enhance their strength in other aspects such as the industrial economy, so that they can continue to attract a flood of 'attention.'" Song Xiangqing said.

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