Green territory UP↑China has become the main force in global “greening”

Release time:May 06, 2024 05:18 AM

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we must protect the ecological environment like we protect our own eyes, treat the ecological environment like life, build the foundation of ecological civilization together, and walk the road of green development together. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our country has unswervingly followed the path of ecological priority and green development, and has continued to take new steps in building a beautiful China.

It’s a good time in the world, and the city is full of flowers. The 2024 Chengdu Horticultural Expo has officially opened. In this super large garden covering an area of ​​3,633 acres, the six main buildings account for less than 2% of the total land, while the water system and green space account for more than 90%, most of which retain the original topography. The reserved forest next to the main building contains more than 100 types of native tree species and green plants in Chengdu.

Zhou Jun, member of the Chengdu Expo Executive Committee: Effectively combining our native tree species and original ecological background with our existing landscape reflects the green, ecological and low-carbon vision of our Expo. Overarching philosophy.

The World Horticultural Exposition is a grand event in the world of flower and horticulture that integrates cultural achievements and scientific and technological achievements. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has held a total of five World Horticultural Expositions.

Five years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the opening ceremony of the Beijing World Horticultural Exhibition that we should work together to build the foundation of ecological civilization and follow the path of green development. He proposed the pursuit of harmony between man and nature, the pursuit of green development and prosperity, and the pursuit of love for nature. , pursue the spirit of scientific governance, and pursue the five-point proposition of joint response.

Liu Lili, Deputy Director of the Ecological Protection and Restoration Department of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration: Hosting the Beijing Expo and Chengdu Expo is a vivid practice of practicing Xi Jinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization and building a beautiful China. Over the past five years, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the five-point proposition of taking the road of green development. We have coordinated the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, adhered to the simultaneous expansion of green, green development and green protection, continued to carry out large-scale land greening actions, and continued to build Secure the ecological foundation of Chinese-style modernization.

Today, at the foot of the Great Wall and by the Guishui River, Beijing Expo Park, the venue for the 2019 Beijing Expo, has been transformed into a comprehensive tourist resort, receiving a total of 2.84 million tourists in three years. In order to expand the urban green ecological space, Beijing continues to tap the potential of urban greening. Newly built pocket parks and small green spaces have become places for surrounding residents to get close to nature.

Beijing citizen Li Zunning: When I have time, especially on weekends, I come here for a walk, look at the scenery, and take photos. Now the greening, including water quality, has improved.

Today, China’s green territory continues to expand, becoming the main force in global “greening”:

The preserved area of ​​China's artificial forests reaches 1.314 billion acres, ranking first in the world, and China has become the country with the fastest growing forest resources in the world;

Since the beginning of this century, about one-quarter of the world's new green area has come from China, which has taken the lead in the world to achieve zero land degradation growth.

Today, China's own green development path provides a feasible and replicable reference for global ecological governance. The "Three Norths" shelterbelt project has been designated by the United Nations Environment Program as a global desert "ecological and economic demonstration zone"; the builder of the Saihanba Forest Farm and Zhejiang's "Thousand Village Demonstration, Ten Thousand Villages Improvement" project have successively won the United Nations' "Champions of the Earth Award".

Leonardo Capitaño, Chairman of the International Association of Horticultural Producers: China is at the forefront of the world in ecological civilization construction and has formed an ideological and theoretical system and a scientific and efficient management system for ecological civilization construction. Clear waters and lush mountains are the source of gold and silver. The concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and China's experience is worth learning from the world.

This year, in order to further promote green development and build a beautiful China, our country will increase efforts to protect ecosystems, continue to implement major projects to protect and restore important ecosystems, and launch a number of national key research and development and "unveiling and leading" scientific research projects.

This year, our country will further advance the "Three North Project" and plan to complete the land greening task of 100 million acres nationwide.

This year, our country has actively promoted the construction of the Beautiful China Pioneer Zone, continued to fight the battle against pollution, actively promoted the green and low-carbon transformation of the development model, and continuously improved the diversity, stability, and sustainability of the ecosystem.

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