Shangying Big "Fragrance" Floating Industry Expo, with Beauty and Connotation

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:53 PM

"What a fresh and elegant floral fragrance, have you smelled it?" At the booth of Shanghai University of Applied Technology at the 23rd China International Industrial Expo, bursts of floral fragrance attracted people to stop. This faint floral fragrance comes from a set of exquisite bedding.

At this Industrial Expo, Shanghai University of Applied Technology brought the "Xiangxuan No. 1" functional aromatic textiles developed by the collaborative innovation center jointly built by the provincial and ministerial departments of perfumes, essence and cosmetics of the university. As soon as the sci-tech innovation baby with beauty and talent appeared, it attracted much attention and became one of the focuses of the exhibition area.

"With Hemerocallis fulva as the breakthrough point, we took advantage of Shangyingda as the national germplasm resource of Hemerocallis fulva flowers, integrated a number of core technologies such as gene breeding, aroma characterization and compounding, self-adhesive nano microcapsules, non-ionic aromatic additives and friction fragrance release, broke the bottleneck of key technologies for high-quality industrialization of natural flavor in China, and led the scientific and technological innovation of nano flavor essence to reach the international advanced level." Professor Ke Qinfei, director of the Collaborative Innovation Center jointly built by the Ministry of Flavor and Cosmetics, and the leader of the high-level innovation team of "Fragrance Science and Beauty and Health" in Shanghai, introduced.

According to the reporter, the collaborative innovation center jointly built by the provincial and ministerial departments of fragrance, essence and cosmetics has deeply explored the oriental flavor resources, established a database of effective ingredients of Chinese aromatic plants, integrated modern flavor mixing technology, excellent traditional Chinese culture and fashion elements, designed a number of new functional essence with oriental cultural flavor, such as hemerocallis, jasmine and lavender, and invented a number of new technologies for the steady fragrance and resource high-value application of natural spices, such as self-adhesive aromatic nanocapsules, green fragrance and functionalization of textiles, and functionalization of cosmetics aromatic raw materials.

Shangying Big "Fragrance" Floating Industry Expo, with Beauty and Connotation

The booth of the Industrial Expo at Shanghai University of Applied Technology.

"What is the difference between functional essence and traditional essence. Kou Xingran, associate professor of Shanghai University of Applied Technology, introduced the product in detail. "Functional flavor essence not only has pleasant aroma, but also has specific health effects, such as helping sleep, calming nerves, and soothing emotions, which can achieve a 'healing effect' that ordinary essence and flavor do not have." In addition, many enterprises also pay great attention to fragrant fabrics, especially the technical issues such as how many times the product can be washed.

In fact, functional aromatic new materials are widely used in many aspects of daily life, such as textiles, food, cosmetics, washing products, etc. "The aroma persistence of traditional blended and microencapsulated aromatic materials and their products is less than 30 days, while when aromatic materials are 'nano sized' and used in natural textile fiber products, their aroma persistence can reach one year or even longer." Kou Xingran introduced.

At present, functional aromatic new material technology has been industrialized and promoted in well-known enterprises such as Aipu, Bairun, Mercury Home Textile, and Taichang, forming corresponding product standards and achieving significant economic benefits. The related achievements have won 7 national and provincial level awards, and the research and development of fragrant and long-lasting aroma product technology has become an international technological frontier.

Shangying Big "Fragrance" Floating Industry Expo, with Beauty and Connotation
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