Why is the car kit market and music festival so important? North Shanghai Internet | Youth | Music Festival

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:07 AM

By the banks of the Wenzaobang River, the Smart Bay Science and Technology Innovation Park, characterized by various container stacking combinations, has long been a well-known check-in destination in Shanghai. In recent months, it has also made frequent appearances on social media platforms. Every weekend, a large number of citizens and tourists from various districts and even surrounding cities in Shanghai flock to the "Box Encounter Smart Bay Car Spare Box Market", opening a "shopping and eating" mode, playing from day to night. At its busiest, the park had over 30000 visitors per day.

Not only this park has become a popular attraction, but in Baoshan District of northern Shanghai, a number of markets such as Zhongcheng Zhigu "Rail Market" and Fangcaoyu "Good Market" have emerged one after another, blooming with vitality. Using the market as a medium, Baoshan District is focusing on the construction of a youth development oriented urban area. Through the joint coordination of resources by the Youth League Committee and various departments, and the exploration and collaboration of market forces, a series of brand markets with distinct themes and rich scenes are being created, connecting young talents and making Baoshan truly a "treasure" of youth that is close and far away.

Why is the car kit market and music festival so important? North Shanghai Internet | Youth | Music Festival

The market opened at my doorstep

"I've heard my friends say it's lively here for a long time, but I didn't expect so many people!" On the evening of June 10th, the reporter met Ms. Zhou and her wife, born in the 1990s, next to the iconic 3D printed concrete bridge in the Smart Bay landscape. They were holding coffee that they had just bought from the owner of the car trunk market and were discussing buying some snacks nearby for dinner. Ms. Zhou said that she has lived in Gu Village for many years and has not visited the park yet. Recently, she saw friends posting photos and sharing the fruits of "buy buy buy" on her social media, which successfully aroused the curiosity of the couple. "The market has reached our doorstep, and if we don't come and take a look, it will become outdated."

Why is the car kit market and music festival so important? North Shanghai Internet | Youth | Music Festival

Mr. Ye and his family, who arrived from Luojing, the northernmost street town in Baoshan, also participated in the Smart Bay Car Spare Car Market for the first time, and their most prominent feeling was that it was "all encompassing.". From Gate 5 to Gate 2 and then towards Wenzaobang, you can see hundreds of car spare booth stalls along the way, including snacks and drinks, flowers and plants, creative handicrafts, technological experiences, and dozens of other categories. Turning into the small road, you can also encounter surprises at the corner. Coincidentally, the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Carnival" was also held here on that day. Mr. Ye also took his son to experience throwing pots and loops, and appreciated more than 20 local intangible cultural heritage projects in Baoshan, such as grass weaving and bamboo weaving. The family attended a lively intangible cultural heritage science popularization class together.

Not only did the residents stroll happily, but the vendors also put on a happy display. Ms. Shen works at a company in the Smart Bay Park on weekdays, and on weekends, she sets up a stall selling sunscreen products in the park. Ms. Shen said that the days when setting up a stall are often much later than working days, but she feels very fulfilled.

Why is the car kit market and music festival so important? North Shanghai Internet | Youth | Music Festival

By setting up offline stalls, some young vendors have gradually shifted from "social anxiety" to "social bully". After 1995, Zhang Junbao was engaged in graphic design in the Internet enterprises in Zhongcheng Zhigu Park, but if I met him on the weekend, I would see a more relaxed and comfortable image of a stall owner. During his college years, Zhang Junbao fell in love with handicrafts, creating cartoon characters such as drip glue, cream glue, and knitting, as well as running his social media account "Lazy King Handmade". Since joining the "Rail Market" in Zhongcheng Zhigu in March this year, he has been pleasantly surprised. Not only have online fans come to him and achieved a record of selling over 2000 yuan worth of handicrafts over a weekend, but he has also met many like-minded young people who make handicrafts and dolls. When asked by the reporter if guarding the booth for a day would be boring, Zhang Junbao smiled and said, "Not at all." In his view, the vendors were more like holding their own crafts and participating in an outdoor park party with the enthusiasm of making friends. "Why not show off and relax while increasing income?"

Shared tastes bring endless joy. In the interview, many citizens and vendors told reporters that if it's just for shopping, you can go to shopping malls and websites, and visiting the market is just to create an atmosphere. With the establishment of word-of-mouth, the influence of several markets has further expanded, attracting not only young people in the Baoshan area, but also vendors and crowds from other areas and even out of town. In Wisdom Bay, there are citizens living in Yangpu and Pudong who go to the market specifically; In Zhongcheng Zhigu, a family of RVs set off from Zhejiang, carrying freshly picked fruits, and will return over the weekend

Why is the car kit market and music festival so important? North Shanghai Internet | Youth | Music Festival

An additional "reason to love Baoshan"

At present, markets are blooming everywhere, and it is not easy to form a brand and make it full of long-term vitality. From some details, it can be seen that Baoshan has gathered government departments and market forces to develop and promote youth creative markets, brainstorming and striving for it.

Why is the car kit market and music festival so important? North Shanghai Internet | Youth | Music Festival

In terms of location selection, several popular market venues, such as cultural and creative parks, science and technology innovation parks, or adjacent residential areas, university campuses, and youth talent apartments, have a certain appeal to young people themselves. The containers in Wisdom Bay, the Songhu Railway ruins and red brick factories in Zhongcheng Wisdom Valley all showcase Baoshan's unique industrial characteristics compared to other regions. After the introduction of creative industries and transformation into a park, the integration of history and modernity has created a wonderful attraction for new and new humanity. The open space and thousands of square meters of lawn in the park also provide unique conditions for market activities. People can bring their children and pets to get close to the blue sky and green grass, slowing down their pace of life.

In order to make the event information reach more people, the Baoshan Youth League District Committee used the "Youth Baoshan" WeChat official account to release a preview and review the content before and after the event, and invited members of the District Youth Federation, the District Youth Entrepreneurs Association, students and parents to participate together. Jointly with the District Housing Management Bureau, District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and other departments, young people from youth apartments such as Xiaoyun Bay, Lecheng Vitality Community, and Baodi Apartments will be attracted to the scene. By publishing exquisite posters and on-site photos on the "Community Connect" platform covering the entire area, more residents can learn about the fresh things at their doorstep. The publicity department of the district committee will include relevant activities in the "Four Seasons, Four Cities, Falling in Love with Baoshan" urban image promotion plan, actively coordinate content creation and media channel resources at all levels, and provide key traffic support. The organizer of the fair also actively operates the Tiktok, Xiaohongshu and WeChat official account account matrix, gives play to the communication power of the social platform, and guides market participants to become event propagandists.

Why is the car kit market and music festival so important? North Shanghai Internet | Youth | Music Festival

Although it is a free market, it does not mean there is no threshold. For vendors, Smart Bay has formed a complete registration and review mechanism to ensure that they have relevant qualifications. It has also established a group of hundreds of vendors for easy communication and management. Zhongcheng Zhigu Park has implemented a "subtraction" approach, adopting a booth elimination system at the end, not seeking large scale, but high-quality, highlighting the characteristics of the park.

In the beautiful moments of gathering, people are pursuing resonance and experiencing heart to heart wandering time and time again. What's more exciting than waving fluorescent sticks together and humming familiar songs engraved in the imprints of youth with those around us? It can be said that the introduction of music festivals has greatly helped Baoshan Market to become popular. After several attempts, the Smart Bay "Box Collection Music Festival" has established its brand by planning and singing well-known Chinese classics and anime songs through theme planning. The affordable form without seats or fees has also made audiences exclaim "this is a warm music festival".

Why is the car kit market and music festival so important? North Shanghai Internet | Youth | Music Festival

The relevant person in charge told reporters that several music festivals held in May and June this year were packed with venues, and nearly a thousand seats in the inner venue were quickly booked within a day and a half. The outer venue also gathered hundreds or even thousands of people attracted by the singers, and the number of online live viewers continued to rise. Among them, the "520 Table Day" special session was particularly popular. The park manager said that the revenue of the vendors selling fluorescent sticks near the stage exceeded 3000 yuan that day, and all the food ingredients in the restaurants were sold out at 6:30 pm that evening.

If the environment is good, talent will gather and career will prosper. "Through preliminary research on young people's lives, consumption habits, and preferences, we found that young people are very eager for outdoor experiences and social activities such as markets and music festivals, and also eager to establish more emotional connections with their work and life areas, forming a sense of identity and belonging." Wei Ming, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of Baoshan District Committee, said that while optimizing policy supply, Baoshan District is focusing on catering to the thoughts and needs of young people, improving talent "soft services", and striving to create a high-quality talent community and a new scene of multi factor integration. "I hope that through these warm activities, we can enhance the perception and closeness of young people towards Baoshan, and give everyone an additional 'reason to love Baoshan'."

Why is the car kit market and music festival so important? North Shanghai Internet | Youth | Music Festival
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