Xi Jinping inspected and presided over the symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three North" in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia. | Ecology | three North |

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:49 PM

When inspecting and presiding over the symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three north" in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, Xi Jinping stressed

Brave in carrying out missions, fearless of hardships, and meritorious in the long run

Strive to create a new miracle of China's desertification prevention and control in the new era

Cai Qi accompanied the inspection and attended the symposium

He emphasized that strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification, deepening the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three North", is related to China's ecological security, the construction of a strong country, and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. It is a noble cause that benefits the present and the future. We must bravely shoulder our mission, not be afraid of hardships, and work hard for a long time to create a new miracle in China's sand prevention and control in the new era. We must build a more solid green barrier of thousands of miles in the northern region of our motherland, and achieve greater success in building a beautiful China.

From the 5th to the 6th, Xi Jinping, accompanied by Sun Shaofeng, secretary of the party committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, and Wang Lixia, chairman of the autonomous region's people's government, went deep into the nature reserves, modern agricultural demonstration parks, forest farms, and water conservancy departments in Bayannur City.

The Wuliangsuhai Lake, located at the top of the "Jizi Bend" of the Yellow River, is the largest lake and wetland in the Yellow River Basin. It undertakes important functions such as water volume regulation, water quality purification, ice and flood prevention, and is a natural ecological barrier for controlling the sources of wind and sand in Beijing and Tianjin. It is a convergence area of multiple ecological functions in northern China.The direction for the governance and protection of Wuliang Suhai is clear, which requires careful management and care, consistent and long-term efforts, to protect this "pearl outside the Great Wall" and leave a beautiful home with green mountains, beautiful water, and fresh air for future generations.

He pointed out that the demonstration park should truly play a role in promoting modern agriculture, continuously explore, find suitable varieties, technologies, and cultivation methods here, reduce costs, improve benefits, and form replicable and scalable experiences. The Hetao region is blessed with unique conditions. Although there is no shortage of water, it is also necessary to conserve water resources, vigorously develop modern and efficient agriculture and water-saving industries, and not engage in large-scale flooding. Overall, the grasslands in Inner Mongolia have been overgrazed, so it is important to pay attention to recuperation and recuperation.

Since 1978, the forest farm has vigorously addressed the problem of land desertification caused by salinization of cultivated land, with a total of 39000 acres of afforestation.This is a process of rolling stones up the mountain, and a slight relaxation can lead to repetition. Major ecological projects such as the construction of the "three north" shelter forest system can only be completed under the leadership of the CPC. The ecology of the Three North region is very fragile, and sand prevention and control is a long-term historical task. We must continue to do this work well and live up to our ancestors and descendants. The work in the forest farm is very hard and effective, and we need to continue to do it well. Scientific researchers should write papers on the earth, turn the true knowledge formed in practice into papers, and become the true doctors and experts needed by the Party and the people.

Hetao Irrigation District is one of the three super large irrigation areas in China, and has now formed a complete 7-level irrigation and drainage system.We need to continue to improve and enhance the level of scientific water allocation and scheduling. At the same time, it is necessary to keep within our means, establish a diversified investment mechanism, and mobilize social forces as much as possible to participate.

Minister of Natural Resources Wang Guanghua, Party Secretary of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Sun Shaocheng, Party Secretary of Gansu Province Hu Changsheng, and Party Secretary of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Liang Yanshun have delivered speeches successively. Vice Premier He Lifeng of the State Council and officials from relevant provinces and regions submitted written speeches.

He stressed that the CPC Central Committee attached great importance to desertification prevention and control, took desertification prevention and control as the main task of desertification prevention and control, and successively implemented a number of key ecological projects such as the construction of the "three north" shelter forest system project, the conversion of farmland to forests and grasslands, and the control of sandstorm sources in Beijing and Tianjin. After more than 40 years of unremitting efforts, China's national defense sand control work has achieved remarkable achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. The key governance areas have achieved a historic transformation from "sand in and people out" to "green in and sand out", and the protection of ecology and improvement of people's livelihoods have entered a virtuous cycle. The economic and social development and ecological landscape of desertification areas have undergone earth shaking changes. The dual reduction of desertification and land desertification has effectively curbed the hazards of sandstorms and soil erosion. The legal and regulatory system for sand prevention and control is becoming increasingly sound, and the green benefits to the people are significant. This has forged the "Three North Spirit" and set an international model for ecological governance. Practice has proven that the decision made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on sand prevention and control, especially the construction of projects such as the "Three North", is very correct and visionary. China has embarked on a path of sand prevention and control with Chinese characteristics that conforms to natural laws and national conditions.

China is one of the countries with the most severe desertification in the world. Desertification land is mainly distributed in the three northern regions, and desertification areas are highly coupled with economically underdeveloped areas, ethnic minority settlements, and other areas. The ecological disasters caused by desertification, sandstorms, and soil erosion constrain the economic and social development of the three northern regions, posing challenges to the survival and development of the Chinese nation. At present, China's desertification and desertification control are showing a good trend of "overall improvement and accelerated improvement", but the fundamental principles of large area, wide distribution, heavy degree, and difficult control of desertification land have not been fundamentally changed. In the past two years, due to the abnormal impact of climate change, the frequency of sandstorm weather in northern China has increased. The reality shows that the situation of desertification prevention and control in China is still severe. We need to fully understand the long-term, arduous, repetitive, and uncertain nature of sand prevention and control work, further improve our position, enhance our sense of mission and urgency.

We must fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, adhere to the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, take sand prevention and control as the main direction of attack, and build a strong ecological security barrier in the north as the fundamental goal. We should adapt measures to local conditions, set up defenses according to hazards, and implement classified policies, strengthen overall coordination, highlight key governance, mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties, and strive to fight a battle against the "Three North" project in about 10 years, building the "Three North" project into a fully functional and unbreakable green Great Wall and ecological security barrier in northern Xinjiang.

We need to coordinate the ecological protection and restoration of forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts, strengthen the coordination and management of all elements of sand control, water control, and mountain control, and focus on cultivating healthy, stable, and fully functional forest, grassland, wetland, and desert ecosystems. We need to strengthen regional joint defense and governance, break down administrative boundaries, implement coordinated planning for desert edges and hinterland, upper and lower air vents, sand source areas and path areas, and build an ecological protection network that combines points, lines, and surfaces. We need to optimize the structure of agricultural, forestry, and animal husbandry land use, strictly implement land use control, leave sufficient ecological space, and protect the hard won grasslands and forests.

We must make every effort to fight the battle of the Yellow River's "several bends", with a focus on the Maowusu Desert, Kubuqi Desert, Helan Mountain, and other areas. We will comprehensively implement regional systematic governance projects, accelerate the governance of desertified land, protect and restore the wetlands and natural grasslands of the Hetao Plain, and enhance our ability to prevent and control desertification and conserve water sources. We must make every effort to fight the battle of annihilation in the two major sandy areas of Horqin and Hunshandak, scientifically deploy major ecological protection and restoration projects, and concentrate our efforts on fighting the battle of annihilation. We should make every effort to fight the resistance war at the edge of the Hexi Corridor Taklamakan Desert, comprehensively protect the natural forest and grass vegetation in the Qilian Mountains, Tianshan Mountains, Altar Mount Taishan Mountains, Helan Mountains, Liupan Mountains and other regions, strengthen the restoration of degraded forests and grasslands, and ensure the non-proliferation of sand sources.

To make rational use of water resources, we must adhere to the principles of using water to determine greenery, water to determine land, water to determine people, and water to determine production. We must regard water resources as the greatest rigid constraint and vigorously develop water-saving forests and grasslands. We should scientifically choose vegetation restoration models, reasonably allocate forest and grass vegetation types and densities, adhere to the combination of trees, shrubs, and grasses, and create windbreak and sand fixation forest networks, forest belts, and windbreak and sand fixation desert edge forest and grass belts. We need to adapt to local conditions and scientifically promote the application of effective governance models.

Xi Jinping stressed the need to carry out extensive international exchanges and cooperation, implement the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, actively participate in global environmental governance of desertification, focus on strengthening cooperation with neighboring countries, and support the joint construction of "Belt and Road Initiative" countries to combat desertification. Lead countries to carry out policy dialogue and information sharing to jointly deal with sand and dust weather.

We need to improve the funding and policy support system for the "Three North" project, and establish a stable and sustainable investment mechanism. Party committees and governments at all levels should maintain strategic composure, draw a blueprint to the end, work one after another, persistently promote the construction of key projects such as the "Three North", and build a strong ecological security barrier in northern China.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the Central Committee, accompanied the inspection and attended the symposium.

Li Ganjie and others accompanied the inspection and attended the symposium, He Lifeng accompanied the inspection, and Ma Xingrui, as well as officials from relevant departments of the central and state organs, and officials from relevant provinces and regions, attended the symposium.

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