Peak traffic and strong convective weather! Emergency reminder from the Ministry of Public Security

Release time:May 05, 2024 14:07 PM

According to the WeChat public account of the Transportation Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, May 5 is the last day of the May Day holiday, and return traffic will continue to run at a high level.

National railways are expected to carry 18.65 million passengers today

On May 5, the national railways will usher in the peak of return passenger flow, with an estimated 18.65 million passengers and 1,710 additional passenger trains.

The National Railway Beijing Bureau is expected to send 1.52 million passengers today, the Yangtze River Delta Railway is expected to send 3.6 million passengers today, and the Guangzhou Railway is expected to send 2.556 million passengers today. Passengers are reminded to pay attention to weather changes when traveling and check ticket information.

Affected by the return trip from the holiday, it is expected that the traffic flow in the direction of the expressway into the city will be heavy today, with peak traffic hours between 16:00 and 18:00.

G1508 Guangzhou Ring Expressway Guangdong Foshan Section, G40 Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway Jiangsu Taizhou Section, G2 Beijing-Shanghai Expressway Jiangsu Wuxi Section, G50 Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway Anhui Xuancheng Section, G80 Guangkun Expressway Guangdong Zhaoqing Section, etc. may occur during peak traffic hours. Traffic jam slows down.

G2 Beijing-Shanghai Expressway Meicun Service Area, G9411 Dongguan-Foshan Expressway Songgang Service Area, G15 Shenhai Expressway Taicang Shaxi Service Area, G1 Beijing-Harbin Expressway Qian'an Parking Area, G20 Qingyin Expressway Zouping West Service Area, etc., parking and resting vehicles It is relatively concentrated, so it is recommended to arrange your itinerary reasonably and travel during off-peak hours.

Peak traffic and strong convective weather! Emergency reminder from the Ministry of Public Security

In addition, according to the national major highway weather forecast jointly issued by the China Meteorological Administration and the Ministry of Transport, from 20:00 on May 4 to 20:00 on May 5, eastern and southern Jiangxi, western and southeastern Fujian, northeastern central and southern coastal areas of Guangdong and other places There will be heavy rain or heavy rain in some areas. It is expected that the G2 Beijing-Shanghai Expressway section from Jiangsu Baoying to Shanghai, G3 Beijing-Taiwan Expressway section from Anhui Tongling to Huangshan, G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway Hunan Yizhang section to Guangdong Shenzhen section, G15 Shenhai Expressway Jiangsu Yancheng to Shanghai section, Fujian Honglu to Yangdong Guangdong Province Sections of the G25 Changshen Expressway from Nanjing to Huzhou in Zhejiang, and the section from the border between Fujian and Guangdong provinces to Shenzhen in Guangdong may be affected. Please pay attention to driving safety when traveling by car.

According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, there will be heavy to heavy rain in some areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places on May 5, and strong convective weather such as thunderstorms, strong winds or hail will occur locally. The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reminds drivers to pay close attention to changes in weather conditions and choose return times and routes reasonably. When driving on rainy days, pay attention to controlling the speed, driving cautiously, maintaining a safe distance between vehicles, and not speeding, forcibly changing lanes, overtaking people, or fatigue. When driving, try not to drive at night.

Toll roads are exempted from tolls until 24:00 today

The toll-free policy for toll highways for small passenger cars with seven seats or less will end at 24:00 today. Friends who are driving back today should plan ahead. If you are still driving on the highway as it approaches 24:00, how can you make good use of the free tolls? With the policy, can we return home safely and smoothly?

The free passage of expressways is based on the time when the vehicle leaves the exit toll lane. When the holiday is coming to an end, if your driving time is close to the free period deadline, which is 24:00 on the last day of the holiday on May 5, as long as you get off the expressway during the free period, you will not be charged highway tolls. However, if you exit the expressway beyond the free period, you will be charged for the entire journey.

Get off the expressway from the nearest toll station before the free toll period ends, and enjoy the free toll policy for the previous trip. Then, after getting on the expressway, even if you miss the free toll period, you only need to pay the toll for the journey back to the expressway.

Drivers should try their best to avoid peak traffic congestion periods, and never speed or drive while fatigued for the sake of "stuck points" toll-free periods to avoid accidents, which may result in more losses than gains.

Peak traffic and strong convective weather! Emergency reminder from the Ministry of Public Security
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