
Guangming Food Group promotes in-depth and practical theme education, focusing on research topics such as food security and rural revitalization. Food | Employees | Research
Guangming Food Group promotes in-depth and practical theme education, focusing on research topics such as food security and rural revitalization. Food | Employees | Research

Under the trend of aging population, new models of elderly care services, technological breakthroughs in the entire agricultural industry chain, and supply of "rice bags", "vegetable baskets", and "meat plates" are all closely related to people's livelihood. As the main and sideline food supply base of Shanghai's super large city, since the launch of theme education, Guangming Food Group has used the innovative theory of the Party to concentrate and forge the soul, focusing on mission and in-depth investigation and research. "We are focusing on solving the bottleneck problems in food security, rural revitalization, urban supply guarantee, health care, and providing practical services for employees, and deeply practicing the goal of 'making citizens inseparable from light'." said Shi Mingfang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Guangming Food Group. Focusing on key issues and conducting forward-looking research, Guangming Food Group takes reading the original text and learning from the original principles as its fundamental principle, following

Pan Gongsheng: Confident, Conditional, and Capable of Maintaining the Stable Operation of China's Foreign Exchange Market Cross border | Foreign Exchange Market | China
Pan Gongsheng: Confident, Conditional, and Capable of Maintaining the Stable Operation of China's Foreign Exchange Market Cross border | Foreign Exchange Market | China

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Pan Gongsheng, Vice President of the People's Bank of China and Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said, "Over the years, we have accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with external shocks, and the macroeconomic prudential policy tools in the foreign exchange market have become more abundant. We have the confidence, conditions, and ability to maintain the stable operation of China's foreign exchange market." He introduced that since 2023, China's foreign exchange market has been generally stable, with cross-border capital flows tending towards basic balance from a high surplus at the beginning of the year, foreign exchange reserves stabilizing while increasing, and the RMB exchange rate maintaining basic stability at a reasonable and balanced level. Since the middle of April, influenced by various internal and external factors, especially the US dollar index, driven by the US debt ceiling problem, the risk problem of small and medium-sized banks, and the expectation of the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates, has heated up. After the middle of April, the US dollar index

Yi Huiman: Timely introduction of policy measures to further support high-level self-reliance and self-improvement in the capital market | Chairman | Yi Huiman
Yi Huiman: Timely introduction of policy measures to further support high-level self-reliance and self-improvement in the capital market | Chairman | Yi Huiman

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Yi Huiman, Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, revealed that he will timely introduce policy measures to further support high-level self-reliance and self-improvement in the capital market. He introduced that technology innovation enterprises account for over 70% of newly listed companies, and a number of leading industries such as integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals, and new energy have significant clustering effects. "We will deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, adhere to the differentiated and distinctive positioning of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, ChiNext, and Beijing Stock Exchange, explore the establishment of a comprehensive and full cycle product system covering stocks, bonds, and private equity, continuously improve the institutional mechanisms of listed companies' equity incentives and employee shareholding, and promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain, and talent chain."

Yi Huiman: closely monitor and analyze the input risk of international financial markets | capital markets | input risk
Yi Huiman: closely monitor and analyze the input risk of international financial markets | capital markets | input risk

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Yi Huiman, Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, stated that preventing and resolving financial risks is the eternal theme of financial work. Currently, the correlation, correlation, and systematicity of macroeconomic and financial risks have been further enhanced, posing new requirements for the smooth operation of the capital market. "We will work together with relevant parties to strengthen macro analysis, closely track and analyze input risks in the international financial market, improve cross market, cross industry, and cross-border analysis, monitoring and early warning mechanisms, and continuously improve risk response efficiency." He said that we will innovate methods to highlight key points, prudently and orderly resolve bond default risks, continue to increase the rectification of risks in key areas such as fake private equity and local trading venues, continue to promote capital market reform, stimulate market vitality, and strengthen policy coordination with relevant parties

Yi Huiman: Promote the legal inclusion of all types of securities and futures activities in supervision. Yi Huiman | Supervision | Activities
Yi Huiman: Promote the legal inclusion of all types of securities and futures activities in supervision. Yi Huiman | Supervision | Activities

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Yi Huiman, Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, stated that it is necessary to highlight the full coverage of regulation. He said, "This is the reform of the Party and state institutions to further streamline the financial regulatory system and functional division of labor, highlighting the legal inclusion of all financial activities in regulation. We will take the implementation of institutional reform as an opportunity to timely address the shortcomings and loopholes of inadequate and untimely regulation. Based on the principle of substance over form, we will promote the legal inclusion of all types of securities and futures activities in regulation, and continue to improve the regulatory system of various lines and links." At the same time, we will continue to coordinate openness and security. We will unwaveringly adhere to the basic policy of opening up to the outside world, firmly promote the all-round opening up of the market, institutions, and products, solidly promote the filing of overseas listings, and strengthen practical cooperation with the Hong Kong market

We will do a good job in tracking and analyzing new trading methods such as quantitative trading, which may lead to increased stock volatility in recent times. Trading | Market | Analysis
We will do a good job in tracking and analyzing new trading methods such as quantitative trading, which may lead to increased stock volatility in recent times. Trading | Market | Analysis

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Yi Huiman, Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, stated that recently, stock volatility has increased, and the rotation of hot topics in the sector has accelerated. Discussions on quantitative trading, market fairness, short-term speculation of funds, and industry institutional responsibilities have increased. The China Securities Regulatory Commission attaches great importance to the supervision of the capital market, will continue to strengthen the monitoring and supervision of market trading behavior, do a good job in tracking and analyzing new trading methods such as quantitative trading, resolutely crack down on illegal activities such as insider trading and market manipulation, and effectively maintain a healthy market order and ecology. Yi Huiman hopes that industry institutions will always remember the principle of "being entrusted by others and loyal to others", adhere to customer centricity, maintain composure, practice internal skills, continuously improve professional abilities and service levels, improve long-term assessment mechanisms, and actively cultivate more in line with the needs of customers

The government can only cover a small portion, requiring millions of RMB. Central Bank Governor Yi Gang: Achieving the "3060" target funding | Green | Yi Gang
The government can only cover a small portion, requiring millions of RMB. Central Bank Governor Yi Gang: Achieving the "3060" target funding | Green | Yi Gang

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Yi Gang, the President of the People's Bank of China, believed that achieving the "3060" goal requires a large amount of investment in green transformation and green technology. According to relevant calculations, the required funds will reach the level of millions of yuan. With such a large funding demand, government funds can only cover a small portion, mainly by mobilizing social capital participation, fully leveraging the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, utilizing the price discovery and risk management functions of financial instruments, and achieving the optimal growth path under constraint conditions. The financial sector can reduce the cost of social capital participation in green transformation and promote the development of the green finance market by formulating green finance standards, promoting environmental information disclosure, appropriately improving information transparency, and providing low-cost financial support

Need a carrot and a big stick, Central Bank Governor Yi Gang: Tools to achieve the "3060" target | Loans | Governor
Need a carrot and a big stick, Central Bank Governor Yi Gang: Tools to achieve the "3060" target | Loans | Governor

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Yi Gang, the President of the People's Bank of China, believed that achieving the "3060" goal requires a carrot and a stick. The significant increase in carbon emission costs can be understood as a big stick, while moderate increase is a medium stick or small stick, and the support tool established by the People's Bank of China is a carrot in the incentive mechanism. In 2021, the People's Bank of China established two monetary policy tools: carbon reduction support tools and special re loans to support the clean and efficient utilization of coal, to support the development of key areas of carbon reduction. For carbon reduction loans issued by financial institutions to key areas, the People's Bank of China provides re loan funding support at a rate of 60% of the loan principal, with an interest rate of 1.75%, accurately reaching green and low-carbon projects. The refinancing provided by the People's Bank of China to financial institutions must be recovered upon maturity, and financial institutions will issue carbon reduction loans to enterprises

Shanghai opens an international reinsurance trading market for the world, China | System | Global
Shanghai opens an international reinsurance trading market for the world, China | System | Global

On June 8, 2023, the Reinsurance International Board was officially launched at the 14th Lujiazui Forum. The Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau and the Shanghai Local Financial Supervision Bureau jointly issued the Implementation Rules on Accelerating the Construction of the Shanghai International Reinsurance Center, opening a global reinsurance entry business trading market in Shanghai, marking another important step in the construction of the Shanghai International Reinsurance Center. The Implementation Rules have formulated a total of 22 policy measures around improving the infrastructure and institutional system of the reinsurance market, deepening the supply and innovation capabilities of reinsurance products, promoting high-level institutional opening up of reinsurance to the outside world, and enhancing the construction of mechanisms for attracting and cultivating reinsurance talents. In terms of improving the infrastructure and institutional system of the reinsurance market, we will focus on building a new type of reinsurance oriented towards the future through digitization

Welcome foreign institutions to China for business expansion. In these four financial fields, Li Yunze said finance | management | welcome
Welcome foreign institutions to China for business expansion. In these four financial fields, Li Yunze said finance | management | welcome

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Li Yunze, Director of the State Administration for Financial Regulation and Co rotating Chairman of the Forum, stated that he will always adhere to the unwavering opening up of the financial industry to the outside world, and the door to the opening up of the financial industry will only continue to widen. Recently, Faba Bank Wealth Management will open in Shanghai. "We will continue to adhere to the combination of 'bringing in' and 'going out', steadily promote high-level opening up of the financial industry to the outside world, and continue to create a market-oriented, legal, and international business environment." Li Yunze said that in areas such as wealth management, green finance, elderly care and health, and asset management, we warmly welcome foreign-funded institutions with stable operations and excellent qualifications to come to China for business development, and encourage eligible foreign-funded institutions to participate in various business pilot projects. Implement high-quality regional comprehensive economic partnership agreements and continuously improve the level of institutional openness in the financial industry. Optimize cross-border

Li Yunze: Fully Conditioned, Confident, and Capable of Defending the Bottom Line of Systemic Financial Risks Forum | Risk | Ability
Li Yunze: Fully Conditioned, Confident, and Capable of Defending the Bottom Line of Systemic Financial Risks Forum | Risk | Ability

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Li Yunze, Director of the State Administration for Financial Regulation and Co rotating Chairman of the Forum, stated that recent risk events in the international banking industry have had a strong warning significance, although the direct impact on China is minimal. "We will always have a sense of responsibility that we cannot rest assured of at all times, highlight the key points, grasp the pace, and make precise efforts to prudently resolve existing risks and resolutely curb incremental risks. He said that we will play a proactive role in risk prevention and control, respond to various risks and hidden dangers with a more proactive attitude, adhere to early identification, early warning, early detection, and early disposal, and strive to resolve risks in their early stages and timely block the spread of risks.". To improve the level of digital intelligence and truly achieve the goal of "managing people, monitoring money, and strengthening systems for fire prevention", we need to train and penetrate regulatory "embroidery workers" and improve the level of digital intelligence

Li Yunze: A Passionate Forum for Caring for the Entrepreneurship and Development of Private Enterprises | Finance | Private Enterprises
Li Yunze: A Passionate Forum for Caring for the Entrepreneurship and Development of Private Enterprises | Finance | Private Enterprises

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Li Yunze, Director of the State Administration for Financial Regulation and Co rotating Chairman of the Forum, stated that he will effectively enhance the effectiveness of serving the real economy. Specifically, we will increase financial support for new consumption and service consumption, and promote bulk consumption such as new energy vehicles and green household appliances. Strengthen financing guarantees for investment, support major projects such as urban village renovation in mega cities and the construction of public infrastructure for both emergency and urban use. Improve foreign trade credit and export credit insurance services to help enterprises stabilize orders and expand markets. Following the pace of the new round of technological revolution, we will increase support for high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and promote a virtuous cycle of "technology industry finance". Seize the new opportunities hidden in new fields and tracks, and continuously increase advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, and traditional industries

Reinsurance "International Board" officially launched in Shanghai | Finance | International
Reinsurance "International Board" officially launched in Shanghai | Finance | International

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, the State Administration for Financial Regulation and Shanghai jointly released the Implementation Rules on Accelerating the Construction of Shanghai International Reinsurance Center, officially launching the "International Board" of Shanghai Reinsurance. The reinsurance market is a relatively special market that mainly allocates risks to insurance companies. The reinsurance market is an important component of the global insurance market and plays a crucial role in the stability and development of the insurance market. The international reinsurance board in China can attract more global insurance companies to invest and operate in China, which will undoubtedly further promote the development of the Chinese insurance market, enhance the position of the Chinese insurance market, and help promote the construction of the Shanghai International Reinsurance Center. In October 2021, the former China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Shanghai Municipal Government jointly released《

Just to discuss this issue, global financial experts have come to Shanghai. Today, Finance | Shanghai | Global
Just to discuss this issue, global financial experts have come to Shanghai. Today, Finance | Shanghai | Global

Today, the 14th Lujiazui Forum will open in Shanghai. Financial professionals from all over the world will have a big discussion around the theme of "global financial openness and cooperation: new impetus for economic recovery" in the Shanghai center. "In 2023, the rebound of China's economic recovery will contribute one-third, or even more than one-third, to the world economy. For every 1% increase in China's GDP, it will drive economic growth in Asian countries by 0.3%. China's recovery is now very stable and has very strong momentum." International Monetary Fund President Georgieva's recent public statement highlighted China's importance to global economic recovery. How to participate more widely and deeply in China's economic recovery and drive global economic recovery through financial openness and cooperation? Financial people want to find ways to participate in the Lujiazui Forum

What high-quality public resources will be implemented?, The collection of public building and landscape project proposals for the five new cities in Shanghai this year concludes with Architecture | New City | Public Buildings
What high-quality public resources will be implemented?, The collection of public building and landscape project proposals for the five new cities in Shanghai this year concludes with Architecture | New City | Public Buildings

On June 7th, the Shanghai Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau announced that the design plans for 15 public buildings and landscape projects in five new cities in 2023 have come to an end, and will accelerate the gathering of high-quality public resources in the new cities. 15 public building and landscape projects have attracted 45 design units from 9 countries to participate. A batch of excellent design proposals stood out in the layers of evaluation. The proposals presented this time have basically demonstrated the planning and design trends of the new city. For example, highlighting "people's cities" and caring for the needs of the people. In March of this year, relevant departments in Shanghai held an event to solicit opinions from citizens on the construction of the new city. As of March 31, a total of 3786 proposals have been received. These suggestions revolve around transportation facilities, ecological environment, public services, outdoor public spaces, etc., and are provided to the design team in the early stage of the design, as the focus of the scheme design

Promote the Yangtze River Delta to run at a speed comparable to Tesla's in the Shanghai Suzhou agglomeration area, and conduct in-depth investigation and research on Shanghai | Park | Yangtze River Delta
Promote the Yangtze River Delta to run at a speed comparable to Tesla's in the Shanghai Suzhou agglomeration area, and conduct in-depth investigation and research on Shanghai | Park | Yangtze River Delta

The largest "enclave" outside Shanghai, located in Dafeng District, Yancheng, Jiangsu, is one of the important "rice bags and vegetable baskets" for Shanghai residents. In the past five years, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has become a national strategy, and this "enclave" is becoming a "highland" for industrial development. In the past few months, the Party Committee of Lingang Group and its subsidiary Party organizations have combined theme education to clarify 97 research topics, and "Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta" is the focus of Lingang Group's Party Committee theme education. The first provincial-level government level cooperation park between Shanghai and Jiangsu, the Shanghai Suzhou Dafeng Industrial Linkage Agglomeration Zone, located on Shanghai Farm, has become the first stop for Yuan Guohua, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Lingang Group, to conduct research. The total planned area of the Shanghai Suzhou Cluster Area is 33 square kilometers, and Lingang Group is the leading construction unit designated by the Shanghai Municipal Government. Yuan Guohua leads

The Most Beautiful Railway Man Enters Shanghai Jiao Tong University Classroom Duty Officer | Workshop | Classroom
The Most Beautiful Railway Man Enters Shanghai Jiao Tong University Classroom Duty Officer | Workshop | Classroom

On June 7th, the 5th "Most Beautiful Railway People" Advanced Achievements Tour Report Team was invited to Shanghai Jiao Tong University to tell the story of railway people's persistent perseverance, continuous improvement, overcoming difficulties, and serving the people. Shanghai Jiao Tong University has a profound relationship with the cultivation and construction of railway talents. In history, Jiaotong University was once under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Railways, with a discipline closely focused on railway transportation construction and management, making outstanding contributions to China's modern engineering education and railway construction. In recent years, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has established long-term and stable in-depth cooperation with railways, and has gradually participated in scientific research services for railway engineering projects, with increasingly close connections with the railway industry. At the report meeting, Du He, Deputy Director of Xiangshawan Power Supply Workshop in Baotou Power Supply Section of Hohhot Bureau Group Co., Ltd., and Zhengzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd

Is the result packed in a box? The Shanghai Consumer Protection Commission calls for the improvement of the packaging fee rules for takeout, with multiple charges per piece for takeout | merchants | boxes
Is the result packed in a box? The Shanghai Consumer Protection Commission calls for the improvement of the packaging fee rules for takeout, with multiple charges per piece for takeout | merchants | boxes

"I ordered four servings of food, each with a packaging fee of 2 yuan. After discounts, the packaging fee was 6 yuan. However, I only received one package of takeout, and all the food was placed in one box." Ms. Wang, a citizen, recently expressed her confusion on the consumer complaint platform, "Why should we charge consumers non-existent fees?" While takeout meets people's fast-paced living needs, it has also been criticized for excessive packaging and unreasonable packaging fees. How are consumers being "tricked"? How to standardize the disorderly packaging of takeout? The reporter conducted some research. Recently, Xiaofang has encountered a situation similar to that of Ms. Wang, a citizen, which has led to criticism of packaging issues such as "wrong goods and wrong boards". He placed an order at the top barbecue restaurant on a certain delivery platform's "Exclusive Good Shop" and ordered 42 skewers. Upon entering the payment interface, he found that the packaging fee was charged per piece,

We also gained 156 first flagship stores, and Shanghai not only held more than 320 first launch theme days, but also innovated | brands | flagship stores within a month
We also gained 156 first flagship stores, and Shanghai not only held more than 320 first launch theme days, but also innovated | brands | flagship stores within a month

The May 5th Shopping Festival has become a "arena" and "experimental field" that focuses on stimulating the innovation momentum of market entities, cultivating and building new brands, new formats, new models, new products, and new landmarks. In 2022, Shanghai added 1073 new first stores of various types, ranking first in scale and quality among cities in China. Since the launch of the "Shanghai Global New Product Launch Season" on May 7, 2023, within a month, Shanghai has held more than 320 theme day events for domestic and foreign brands, with 156 first and flagship stores competing in the consumer market. This is the information obtained by the reporter from the 2023 Shanghai Consumer Market Innovation Conference held on June 7th. To encourage and guide the innovative development of the consumer market, with the strong support of the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau and the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics, this year the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce focuses on rewarding and supporting annual retail sales

Meng Wanzhou comes to Shanghai to speak out: Huawei will continue to invest heavily in "root technology", and domestic substitution is imperative. GaussDB | Huawei | Domestic
Meng Wanzhou comes to Shanghai to speak out: Huawei will continue to invest heavily in "root technology", and domestic substitution is imperative. GaussDB | Huawei | Domestic

Whenever we open our phone or click on software, data begins to flow. In the information age, data has become a new factor of production. Behind this, databases are the core foundation of the entire information industry, supporting the normal operation of business systems in various industries. Currently, mainstream databases mainly include Oracle's Oracle database and Microsoft ACCESS database, and the industry is almost monopolized by foreign technology giants. The database is known as the "root technology" of the software industry, and domestic substitution is imperative. Today, Huawei released its self-developed distributed database GaussDB in Shanghai, achieving 100% independent research and development of core code. After serving as Huawei's rotating chairman for the first time in April this year, Meng Wanzhou also came to Shanghai as a platform for the GaussDB database. She stated that digitization and intelligence

The average filing price is 49698 yuan per square meter. The fifth batch of new houses in Shanghai this year is about to enter the market with a unit price of | improvement | new houses
The average filing price is 49698 yuan per square meter. The fifth batch of new houses in Shanghai this year is about to enter the market with a unit price of | improvement | new houses

After more than a month, another batch of new houses in Shanghai are about to enter the market. Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News reporter learned today from the Shanghai Housing Management Bureau that in 2023, Shanghai will launch its fifth centralized bulk supply of housing, involving a total of 26 projects. There are a total of 7087 new houses entering the market this time, with an average registered price of 49698 yuan/square meter, distributed in 8 areas including Pudong, Xuhui, Minhang, Baoshan, Jiading, Fengxian, Jinshan, and Qingpu. There are no improved housing units with a unit price exceeding 100000 yuan/square meter among the new houses entering the market this time. 17 projects with an average filing price below 60000 yuan/square meter, accounting for approximately 69.1% of the total area; There are 9 projects ranging from 60000 to 100000 yuan/square meter, accounting for approximately 30.9% of the total area.

Can't you see without a phone? The designer pays more attention to your empathy..., tens of thousands of people in Taiping Lake of Xintiandi every day pursue a cloud space | Sixteen Pavilions | Readable | Suzhou Creek | Digital Ring Nebula | Xintiandi | Taiping Lake | Clock Rhythm
Can't you see without a phone? The designer pays more attention to your empathy..., tens of thousands of people in Taiping Lake of Xintiandi every day pursue a cloud space | Sixteen Pavilions | Readable | Suzhou Creek | Digital Ring Nebula | Xintiandi | Taiping Lake | Clock Rhythm

In 2003, a green plant competition titled "N ü wa Repairs the Sky" in Shanghai won first prize in the Montreal International 3D Flower Bed Competition. This work has a distinct environmental significance - environmental issues are becoming increasingly prominent, and the ozone layer over Antarctica has become hollow. How should modern "N ü wa" fill the sky? Twenty years later, the designer of that year made a self subversion - in Taiping Lake of Xintiandi, people can scan the code of a cube with their mobile phones, and a digital environmental nebula will appear above the Taiping Lake in the real scene of the mobile phone. The color of the nebula and the light and shadow interweave and change, depending on the real-time air quality AQI index. When the air quality is good, the nebula is blue-green with a hint of translucency; When the air quality is worrying, the colors are varied and colorful. Two environmentally friendly space art pieces with an age difference of 20 years present a transition from tangible to virtual, from plant materials to AR images.

What does the Lujiazui Forum rely on to attract global attention? Over the past 15 years, the forum has focused on economics, finance, and other related topics
What does the Lujiazui Forum rely on to attract global attention? Over the past 15 years, the forum has focused on economics, finance, and other related topics

Tomorrow, the 14th Lujiazui Forum will open in Shanghai. Since its establishment 15 years ago, this high-end dialogue and exchange platform in the financial field has become a business card for Shanghai and also a business card for China's finance to go global. An interesting coincidence is that the first Lujiazui Forum started in 2008, when people were concerned about when the global economy could improve and recover under the impact of the financial crisis. And what everyone is more concerned about in this forum is obviously how finance can help global economic recovery after the epidemic. The questions are similar, but the answers are not exactly the same. Every time global financial professionals come to the Lujiazui Forum, they are searching for answers to financial development issues in the real world. Over the past 15 years, some answers have gradually become clear, while others are still being explored. Perhaps this is why the Lujiazui Forum has caught the world's attention

The second section of Shanghai's first marine ecological restoration project was successfully completed | ships | restoration
The second section of Shanghai's first marine ecological restoration project was successfully completed | ships | restoration

At 11:00 am on June 6th, as the "Heli 6" ship slowly drove out of the construction area, the water structure construction of the second section of the Shanghai Lingang Coastal Marine Ecological Protection and Restoration Project was fully completed. This project is the first marine ecological restoration project funded by the Ministry of Natural Resources of China in Shanghai. The project focuses on ecological restoration and includes the construction of 18 oyster reefs and 3 wetland bubbles in the intertidal zone. The second section is located at the southeast corner of Shanghai - outside the Nanhuizui Sea View Park, known as the "East China Sea Balcony". "In our area, there are strong winds and small winds every day. The wind and waves are too strong, and the tide and water are too shallow. The shortest window period for construction in a month is only 12 days." Song Yonghua, the project production manager, said that the construction operations on water in this area are greatly affected by wind, waves and tide. Since the ship entered the site for construction last October, it has been only 2 months

Shanghai Forward Design Center Embarks Electric Transformation, General Motors China Proma Debuts Design | Model | Shanghai Forward Design Center
Shanghai Forward Design Center Embarks Electric Transformation, General Motors China Proma Debuts Design | Model | Shanghai Forward Design Center

On June 5th, General Motors China unveiled a new design model at its Forward Design Center in Shanghai, named "Proxima", which is a luxury car designed for Chinese consumers. This model is built on a pure electric platform. From the appearance, the biggest feature of this model is the dual door design without B-pillars, with the doors flipping up and opening, providing a brand new convenient experience for getting in and out. The interior of the car is made of 100% sustainable materials, reflecting new design trends such as human-computer interaction and sustainability. Norris, Vice President of Design for General Motors China and International Operations, introduced that the Proxima project is a luxury car designed for young drivers in China, integrating the demand for electric vehicles in the Chinese market and the rugged personality of American muscle cars. It will provide General Motors with

Entering the waters of the Yangtze River Estuary, 30 Chinese sturgeons, a nationally protected first-class animal, are endangered | Rouge | Water area
Entering the waters of the Yangtze River Estuary, 30 Chinese sturgeons, a nationally protected first-class animal, are endangered | Rouge | Water area

New members have joined the wild populations of Chinese sturgeon and rouge fish at the mouth of the Yangtze River. At the 2023 Shanghai Rare and Endangered Aquatic Organisms Proliferation and Release Event held yesterday, as the release channels opened one by one, 30 Chinese sturgeon, a national first-class protected animal, and 20000 Chinese rouge fish, a national second-class protected animal, entered the Yangtze River Estuary waters along the slide and embarked on their journey home. The proliferation and release activities of rare and endangered aquatic organisms in Shanghai have been held continuously for more than 20 years.In May of this year, the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Commission, together with multiple parties, jointly issued the "Further Regulations on Agricultural and Rural Development"

Why are you still worried that medical waste collection and transportation may not be fast enough? "One South, One North, One Island, One Center" has a daily disposal capacity of over 400 tons of medical institutions | garbage | capacity
Why are you still worried that medical waste collection and transportation may not be fast enough? "One South, One North, One Island, One Center" has a daily disposal capacity of over 400 tons of medical institutions | garbage | capacity

In various public places and units, hospitals with high pedestrian traffic generate a large amount of household and medical waste. However, due to factors such as building layout and surrounding road traffic environment, the collection and transportation efficiency of these high-risk waste often cannot reach the ideal state, and it is still a "bottleneck" for many old medical institutions in central urban areas. With the empowerment of technology, Shanghai is gradually overcoming these "bottlenecks", continuously improving the collection and transportation efficiency of medical waste and medical waste in medical institutions, and minimizing the impact and risks on medical institutions and the surrounding environment as much as possible. Quick: Under normal circumstances, the amount of medical waste generated in a region is directly proportional to the level of medical development and disposal capacity of the region. At present, Shanghai's medical waste disposal capacity is among the top in the country, and it has formed a system of "one south, one north, one island, and one middle school"

YoY growth of 142%, Tesla Shanghai factory delivered 77695 Tesla vehicles in May | Sales | YoY
YoY growth of 142%, Tesla Shanghai factory delivered 77695 Tesla vehicles in May | Sales | YoY

On June 5th, the China Passenger Car Market Information Joint Conference released an estimated sales volume of new energy vehicles. Tesla's Shanghai Super Factory delivered 77695 units in May, a year-on-year increase of 142% and a slight increase compared to the previous month. Tesla achieved a high growth rate in delivery volume in May, partly due to last year's low base, and partly due to the gradual rise of the domestic new energy vehicle market. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the national new energy passenger vehicle market is returning to strong growth characteristics in May, and sales will reach a new high this year. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) estimated that wholesale sales of new energy passenger vehicle manufacturers nationwide in May were 670000 units, an increase of 11% month on month and 59% year-on-year. Recently, Tesla has experienced issues such as shareholder meetings and CEO Musk's visit to China, which has brought high attention to Tesla. Tesla has also made many adjustments to boost sales.

Milk tea starts at a minimum of 6 folds, and milk tea and fruit juice should hold a "Happy Party" in Pudong. The shopping festival enters the second half of the journey, with fruit juice | tea drinks | parties
Milk tea starts at a minimum of 6 folds, and milk tea and fruit juice should hold a "Happy Party" in Pudong. The shopping festival enters the second half of the journey, with fruit juice | tea drinks | parties

The coffee festival is still in full swing, and the "Happy Party" of new tea drinks such as milk tea and fruit juice has kicked off in Pudong. From June 6th to 13th, as one of the series of activities of the 4th "May 5th Shopping Festival", the one week "Pudong Sunshine Summer Culture Week" will be held, during which the first Pudong Juice Milk Tea Festival will be held to lead the new trend of tea consumption. In recent years, freshly made and sold milk tea, fruit and vegetable juices and other beverages have been deeply loved by consumers, and new tea shops such as "internet famous milk tea shops" and "internet famous juice shops" have emerged continuously. At the launch ceremony, the Pudong New Area Chamber of Commerce reached a strategic cooperation agreement with invested millions of yuan in red envelopes, and in 15 well-known landmark shopping malls in Pudong, such as Bailian Century and Zhengda Plaza, Baiguoyuan, Xianfeng Fruit, Cut Fruit NOW and CoCo, DQ, Jasmine Yogurt, Lele Tea, etc

To achieve the three "firsts" within the State Grid system, State Grid Shanghai Shibei Power Supply Company has obtained the carbon neutrality certificate | Shibei Company | State Grid Shanghai Shibei Power Supply Company
To achieve the three "firsts" within the State Grid system, State Grid Shanghai Shibei Power Supply Company has obtained the carbon neutrality certificate | Shibei Company | State Grid Shanghai Shibei Power Supply Company

Yesterday, State Grid Shanghai Shibei Power Supply Company was officially awarded the "2022 Carbon Neutrality Certificate" by the Shanghai Environmental Energy Exchange. Shibei Company became the first prefecture level power supply company in the State Grid system to achieve self circulation operation carbon neutrality practice, carbon forward trading practice, and "carbon management+carbon finance+carbon neutrality" integrated application practice. In May of this year, State Grid Shanghai Shibei Power Supply Company launched the first integrated innovation practice of "carbon management", and completed the 2022 carbon neutrality work of Shibei Company through the process of "evaluation, carbon borrowing, cancellation, and repurchase". As the first step in the integration and innovation of "carbon management", Shibei Company takes its own carbon emission level as the starting point to carry out the 2022 office carbon emission accounting work, and conducts in-depth exploration of production and office energy consumption in the office area. The staff visited the company on site