Written into important documents such as the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Party Constitution

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:00 PM

The recently issued "Outline of the Work Plan for Formulating Central Party Regulations" proposes to "improve the system of opposing privileges" and regards it as an important content and rigid task of the five-year plan for the new round of party regulations formulation.

After the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed "never allowing the practice of privilege" and the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed "resolutely opposing the ideology and phenomenon of privilege", the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized "resolutely eliminating the ideology and behavior of privilege", from "never allowing" to "resolutely opposing" and then to "resolutely eliminating", with the will and action progressing layer by layer. At the same time, for the first time, in the newly revised Party Constitution, "opposing the ideology and phenomenon of privilege" was written into the basic conditions that Party cadres must possess. This marks a new political height for our party to eliminate and govern the issue of privilege, a new historical stage in the struggle against special rights, and a new deepening development in the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and the party's self revolution.

Opposing privileges is the inherent regulation and distinct background of Marxist political parties

Privilege, as the name suggests, refers to special rights and powers that go beyond the scope of equal value and legitimacy. In Marx's view, privilege refers to a special qualification of the ruling class, based on class opposition, to maintain their interests through the political power they hold. Class nature is the fundamental attribute of privilege, which is essentially a form of class oppression and exploitation.

Marx and Engels believed that the root of privilege lies in private ownership and the class division and exploitation system it creates. They advocated opposing and eliminating privilege through the elimination of the economic foundation of privilege, overthrowing the political rule of the privileged class, and abolishing bourgeois legal power. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels clearly pointed out that "Communists are not special political parties opposed to other working-class parties. They have no interests different from those of the entire proletariat." It is obvious that Marx and Engels believed that communists not only need to complete the privileged system of leading the proletariat to eliminate private ownership and exploitation, but also need to become political parties without any privileges or self-interest. The realization of human liberation and ultimately the realization of communist ideals is the theme of Marx's entire theoretical system, as well as the deep motivation and fundamental purpose of Marx's opposition to privilege ideology. Lenin inherited the anti authoritarian ideology of Marx and Engels, believing that the proletarian political party is the advanced ideological class and vanguard of the proletariat. All party members, regardless of their positions, must abide by unified discipline, and there is no distinction between "superior figures" and ordinary party members. He regarded special power and corruption as the major enemies of the party and led the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to effectively carry out a series of anti authoritarian struggles.

As an advanced Marxist party, the CPC has declared that it has no special interests of its own from the very beginning of its founding, established its original intention and mission of unswervingly striving for it, and resolutely separated itself from and fought against various privileged ideas and corruption. The Constitution of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), on the basis of retaining, as always, that "the Party has no special interests of its own except the interests of the working class and the vast majority of the people" and that "members of the CPC are always ordinary members of the working people. Except for their personal interests and work functions and powers within the scope of laws and policies, all members of the Communist Party should not seek any private interests and privileges", added for the first time the content of "opposing the idea and phenomenon of privileges", which further sharpened the political position, value orientation, bright background and firm will of our party's flag against privileges, and also marked that our party's struggle against privileges entered a new historical stage.

Opposing privileges is a major task for the Party's self revolution and comprehensive strict governance of the Party

Adhering to self revolution is a fine tradition, precious historical experience, and important winning weapon of our party for over a hundred years. The history of the party's century long struggle and development is a history of anti special rights struggle and self revolution. Mao Zedong and Huang Yanpei gave the first answer to the fundamental question of how to break free from the historical cycle of chaos and rise and fall in Yan'an's "cave dwelling confrontation" - allowing the people to supervise the government's new democratic path;The nature, purpose, original intention and mission of our party determine that opposing privileges is the internal logic and inevitable requirement for our party to always maintain its progressiveness and purity, youthful vitality and strong vitality, is the major task of the party's self revolution and overall strict governance in the new era and new journey, and is also the essential requirement and value implication of the Chinese path to modernization led by our party.

The CPC has always kept a clear head and a sense of hardship, always kept in mind the nature, purpose and original mission, and always consciously fought against the idea, behavior and phenomenon of privileges. Mao Zedong, as the core of the first generation of central leadership of the Party, devoted his whole life to the noble cause of communism and the fairness and justice of society. During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, socialist revolution, and construction, he always regarded eliminating the ideology of privilege and eradicating the phenomenon of privilege as an important content and task for our Party to strengthen its own construction. Mao Zedong once pointed out that "the only task of the Communist Party is to unite all the people, fight forward without hesitation, overthrow the enemy of the nation, and seek the interests of the nation and the people, without any personal gain." He emphasized that Communist Party members "should be very honest, do more work, and receive less compensation in government work.". In the new era of reform, opening up and socialist modernization, the CPC, with Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao as the main representatives, has raised the building of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption to a height that concerns the life and death of the Party and the country, promoted the construction of a system for punishing and preventing corruption, and constantly promoted the historical process of the fight against privilege.

Taking multiple measures and addressing both symptoms and root causes to resolutely eliminate the ideology and behavior of privilege

We must have a comprehensive understanding of the serious harm that privileges pose to the cause of the Party and the state, and at the same time, we must deeply recognize the long-term, complex, and arduous nature of the ideology and phenomenon of governing privileges. Due to the lingering historical legacy of long-standing feudal privilege ideology, deep-rooted negative ideologies such as "official centered" and "patriarchal system", and the negative impact of Western capitalist privilege system and bourgeois privilege ideology to a certain extent, the social foundation of "leadership priority" and other privileges is still relatively common, and the political ecology within the party that is not conducive to eradicating privileges still has a certain degree of stubbornness and contagiousness. Some party members and cadres have distorted their views on power, world, life, and values, which have brought difficulties and challenges to the anti special rights struggle.

To firmly deepen the fight against special rights, we must first strengthen research on special topics related to anti special rights in the new era. Comprehensively examine and clarify the scope of privileges, analyze their causes and harms, sort out and rectify privileges in a "list" manner, and rectify and eliminate them one by one from easy to difficult, so as to truly implement anti privilege work.

Secondly, further improve the systematic system and implementation mechanism of anti special rights party rules and regulations. At present, our party has formed a relatively complete internal regulatory system based on the "1+4" framework, providing important party rules and legal guarantees for the fight against special rights. The Outline of the Work Plan for Formulating Regulations within the Central Party officially includes "improving the system of opposing privileges" as an important agenda item. In the future, it is important to incorporate privileged governance into the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity, strengthen the organic combination of systematic governance, legal governance, comprehensive governance, and source governance, and focus on institutional governance. In addition to deepening the implementation of a series of documents on work style construction and anti special rights system, such as the "Eight Point Regulations," the construction of anti special rights system should also be an important part of the construction of the Party's self revolutionary institutional norms.

Finally, we will strengthen anti special rights education and special rectification for party members and cadres. We should strengthen education on the nature and purpose of the Party, fine traditions and style of work, Party constitution, Party discipline and Party spirit cultivation, and the spiritual pedigree of the CPC people with the great spirit of party building as the source. We should educate and guide party members and cadres to remember the "three musts", firmly establish the correct concept of power, the concept of political achievements, and the awareness of "people's public servants", and consciously eliminate the idea of privileges from the inner world and the soul. We should promote and educate anti privilege as an important content of socialist core values, and vigorously promote a good social environment for anti privilege.


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