Kidnapping or burying alive? The "Two Donkeys" in the picture are not wronged. Two Donkeys | Kidnapped and buried alive | Kwai

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 04:12 AM

A few days ago, the "Second Donkey", an online celebrity with 48 million fans on the Kwai platform, suffered an "accident" - he was "kidnapped" and nearly "buried alive" in front of the live broadcast in Qingdao.

The thrilling "case" sparked strong attention, but the plot quickly reversed: according to the report from the Shibei Branch of the Qingdao Public Security Bureau, this farce was purely a "fabricated script for live streaming," with the aim of "earning traffic and attracting fans.". The public security organs have punished the relevant parties in accordance with the investigation, and their accounts have been indefinitely banned by the platform.

On video network platforms, there are many hosts like "Er Lv" who are enthusiastic about posing for photos. In August alone, there have been multiple incidents of video posing that have attracted national attention. The scene of a female rider in Yunnan being robbed of an electric bike while delivering meals late at night, pounding her chest and feet, collapsing and crying loudly, as well as the accompanying "Misfortune Writing", are all sympathetic. However, local police investigation found that the video was deliberately fabricated and filmed. In another video of a female internet celebrity being asked to accompany a stranger for a drink, the innocence and helplessness of the female internet celebrity and the rudeness of the stranger have aroused widespread outrage. However, the local police confirmed that the video was "planned for filming". Looking further ahead, videos such as "Hangzhou West Lake High priced Salvage of Mobile Phones", "Fuyang Woman Beated by Ex Husband", and "Charity Funded 3000 yuan to Poor Elderly People in Daliangshan" have had a huge impact, but all of them are fictional. As for the large number of fake posing videos posted by unknown small and medium-sized accounts on online platforms, they can be seen everywhere and countless.

Some people may think that posing for videos is harmless. Actually, it's not the case. When fictional and staged videos are mixed with real video information without any identification, they first blur the boundary between reality and fiction, polluting the information quality of the cyberspace. Secondly, some posing videos clearly violate public order and good customs, and may even be suspected of breaking the law. This can be seen from the anger of Qingdao citizens towards the "two donkeys". Many citizens believe that the live broadcast of "Er Lv" smears the social security of Qingdao and seriously damages its urban image and reputation. Moreover, "Er Lv" himself is well aware of the destructive power of "kidnapping" and "burying alive" in front of everyone's eyes on the image of a city. During the live broadcast, he uttered lines such as "Has Qingdao not been liberated? Is this northern Myanmar?".

The public order and good customs of a society cannot withstand the repeated malicious consumption and deconstruction of the "two donkeys". The themes of "a female rider being stolen late at night", "a divorced woman experiencing domestic violence from her ex husband", and "the impoverished situation of elderly people in mountainous areas" can easily arouse the audience's sympathy and empathy, inspiring a sense of justice. However, when these video contents are repeatedly falsified, people's kindness and sense of justice are repeatedly consumed. When they face online video information that is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and deeply polluted, they may be full of doubts and dare not believe it easily. In this online ecosystem, it is also difficult for real information to be effectively disseminated, and those who truly need sympathy and help may also gain spectator like suspicion and indifference.

Why did the "Two Donkeys" make fake videos? The answer is, of course, "No gain, no gain.". Some netizens pointed out that "Er Lv Pai Pai" has a long history of criminal record. A video of "Er Lv" being investigated for drunk driving was once widely circulated on the internet, and the exaggerated words and actions of "Er Lv" in the video were believed to be arranged according to the script. Repeated hype like this helped "Erlu" become one of the top anchors with the highest popularity and most fans on the Kwai platform, and thus reaped rich economic returns. Similar to "Er Lv", those internet celebrities of all sizes who are enthusiastic about hype and hype are basically unable to escape the routine of "hype and hype - attracting attention - gaining followers - monetizing traffic - live streaming sales".

The trend of unrestrained filming on video network platforms has become increasingly fierce, and even formed a considerable industrial chain. In terms of topic planning, script writing, casting and shooting, promotion and marketing, and online sales, a relatively fixed operational process has been formed. These assembly lines generally produce a large number of posing videos that flood the online space and urgently require rectification, governance, and standardization.

For online videos that are being filmed, clear identification should first be carried out to clearly distinguish between real information and fictional plots. If the content of the recorded video violates public order and good customs, it should be restricted or prohibited from being published or disseminated. For video accounts that repeatedly violate platform rules, or have obvious subjective malice and serious circumstances, the platform should promptly ban them. For accounts suspected of violating legal regulations, relevant departments should seriously investigate the legal responsibilities of relevant personnel.

It should be particularly vigilant that some video network platforms have already formed a symbiotic relationship with top anchors such as "Er Lv". The platform's indulgence, tacit approval, and even protection have prevented some illegal "internet celebrities" from being held accountable. The platform's algorithm push and assessment rewards help "internet celebrity" anchors harvest traffic, attract followers, and increase followers. The huge fan base of top anchors, their "self generated traffic" physique, and the market appeal of live streaming sales have created a huge source of revenue for video platforms. If this "symbiotic" relationship is not broken, it will be difficult to implement and strengthen the regulatory responsibility of the platform, and accountability will easily flow into a painless "three cups of fine wine". Many chaotic phenomena in online videos will also be difficult to effectively regulate and govern.

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