We must adhere to this point and continuously explore the issue of this unprecedented great cause | guidance | great cause

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:35 PM

Adhering to problem orientation has profound theoretical connotations and practical requirements, which is not only a reflection of the scientific worldview, but also a conscious approach to practical methodology. 1、 To understand and grasp current social problems and adhere to problem orientation is to adhere to the method of contradiction analysis and clarify the fundamental problems of the current society. The process of social development is a continuous process of discovering and solving problems, and therefore the existence of problems cannot be denied or feared. The contradiction analysis method, as the fundamental method for analyzing and solving problems, aims to understand and grasp the fundamental problems of current Chinese society through the analysis of contradictions, and ultimately promote the rational resolution of problems and the sustainable and healthy development of society through the resolution of contradictions. To adhere to a problem oriented approach, we must grasp the main contradictions in our society and determine the overall tasks for the current stage. At present, China has entered a critical period of development, a period of reform and tackling challenges, and a period of prominent contradictions. The contradictions we face are even more complex, many of which are inevitable in this stage of development and cannot be avoided or avoided. Adhering to a problem oriented approach, we must fully understand the objective existence of contradictions and problems in China's current development, grasp the main contradictions, distinguish between primary and secondary, and clarify and position the overall task of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. 2、 Promoting theoretical innovation in China in the new era and adhering to a problem oriented approach will inevitably be guided by theoretical innovation. As the fundamental methodology for theoretical innovation, adhering to problem orientation runs through the entire process of theoretical innovation in China today. The innovative theory of the Party in the new era is promoted and realized in answering the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times. Adhering to a problem oriented approach is the inherent logic of the sinicization of Marxism. We are focusing on the practical problems in China and driving the theoretical innovation of Marxism's localization in China. Thus, overcoming and transcending the rigid and dogmatic Marxism, we have moved towards combining with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture. Adhering to a problem oriented approach is the path to the modernization of Marxism. Adhering to a problem oriented approach is an open and developmental process of constantly solving problems and proposing new ones, in order to solve the contradiction between advancing the times and lagging theories. Only in this way can Marxism have contemporaneity and strong vitality. 3、 Promote China's practice and innovation in the new era, adhere to the problem orientation, and focus on the major practical problems of Chinese path to modernization. Adhering to a problem oriented approach is not about capturing and selecting trivial issues in life, but about grasping major issues in reality; Not simply examining the problem, but grasping the regularity of the problem; Not to ask questions, but to answer them and promote theoretical innovation in the process of practical innovation. Adhere to a problem oriented approach and promote innovation and creativity in practice while grasping China's issues. The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an unprecedented great undertaking, and it is in a state of continuous exploration. We must promote practical innovation in understanding, grasping, and solving practical problems. Adhere to the problem orientation and create a new form of human civilization in promoting Chinese path to modernization. The creative practice of Chinese path to modernization not only refutes the various western theories of "demonizing" China, b

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