The broad vision, overall pattern, and overall atmosphere of the theoretical innovation of the Party in the new era | modernization | overall pattern of Party building

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:33 AM

The centennial history of the CPC has proved time and again that the establishment of the innovative theory of adapting Marxism to China and the times as the guiding ideology of the Party, arming the whole Party and guiding practice, is the valuable experience of our Party in leading the people from victory to victory, and is also an important law for building the Party ideologically and strengthening the Party theoretically. At present, China is in the critical period of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. This is an era that needs theory and can certainly produce theory, and also an era that needs ideas and can certainly produce ideas.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during the sixth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on June 30 to review and summarize the valuable historical experience of the Chinese Communist Party's theoretical innovation, continuously deepen the understanding of the regularity of the party's theoretical innovation, and follow the "two combinations", "Six must adhere to" and other scientific methods to promote theoretical innovation, achieve more fruitful theoretical innovation results in the new era and new journey, and open up a major task for the modernization of Marxism of Sinicization, it is the solemn historical responsibility of contemporary Chinese Communists.

1. Stick to Soul and Root Vein: Fusion New Theoretical Advantages, Climbing New Ideological Peak

Looking back on the hundred years of struggle of the Communist Party of China, the fundamental reason why our party has been able to make great achievements in various historical periods of revolution, construction, reform and the new era, and to lead the people to accomplish arduous tasks that other political forces in China cannot accomplish is that it has mastered Marxist scientific theory and constantly promoted theoretical innovation in combination with new reality, major theoretical achievements have been made, such as Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "three represents", the scientific concept of development, and Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

From the valuable experience of the CPC, which has always adhered to emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, seeking truth and pragmatism, and constantly promoting the modernization of Marxism in China, we can understand the objective law of the party's theoretical innovation: only by combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's reality, and with China's excellent traditional culture, can we achieve the modernization of Marxism in China, can we make Marxism deeply rooted in China, and can we always maintain the vitality and vitality of Marxism; Only by adhering to Marxism can we enrich and develop it, and only by innovating and developing Marxism can we better adhere to and consolidate its guiding position; Only by strengthening the ideological and theoretical construction of the Party can Marxism radiate strong vitality in China and enable the Party to grasp a powerful power of truth; Whenever there is a great turning point in the historical development within the Party and at home, or the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is in a critical period, the CPC will certainly promote theoretical innovation to achieve a major breakthrough, and use innovative theory to guide practice to achieve a historic leap; The theoretical innovation of the Party often arises on the basis of summarizing successful experiences and profound lessons, and even through rectifying chaos and rectifying the root cause, adhering to, defending, and developing truth in the struggle against fallacy; The era is the mother of thought, and theoretical innovation must keep pace with the times. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China always makes original theoretical contributions in scientifically answering major issues of the era. The achievements of theoretical innovation are the inevitable product of the combination of personal creation by leaders and the collective wisdom of the whole party; Every step forward in the theoretical innovation of the Party, arming the entire Party with its innovative theories, we must follow suit. Only when billions of people enhance their historical initiative, scientifically grasp and consciously apply innovative theories into practice, can the Party's innovative theories be transformed into a powerful force for understanding and transforming the world, and create miracles on the land of China; There is no end to practical development, and there is no end to theoretical innovation. To promote theoretical innovation, we must always adhere to the Marxist worldview methodology.

In the new era, we continuously deepen our understanding of the regularity of the Party's theoretical innovation, aiming to achieve more fruitful theoretical innovation results. At present, we adhere to the principles of "two combinations" and "six must be adhered to", and promote theoretical innovation in the new era by focusing on grasping the three basic points.

Firstly, we must adhere to the soul of Marxism and the root of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Because only by adhering to this soul and root can we lay a solid foundation and correct premise for theoretical innovation. Theoretical innovation must speak new words, but we cannot lose our ancestors. Counting the classics and forgetting our ancestors is equivalent to cutting off the soul and root meridians, and ultimately making a subversive mistake of losing the soul and root meridians. Only by deeply rooting Marxism in the rich historical and cultural soil of our country and nation can we continuously move forward and open up new horizons for the sinicization and modernization of Marxism.

Secondly, it is necessary to comprehensively excavate the treasure trove of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization under the guidance of Marxism. On the one hand, using Marxism to activate the vibrant elements of excellent traditional Chinese culture and endow it with new contemporary connotations; On the other hand, inject the great spirit and rich wisdom of the Chinese nation into Marxism at a deeper level, and effectively connect the essence of Marxist thought with the essence of China's excellent traditional culture. Only in this way can we fuse into new theoretical advantages and constantly climb new thinking peaks.

Thirdly, respecting the masses and practice is the lifeblood of the Party's theoretical innovation. The people, only the people, are the true driving force behind the creation of world history. The creative practice of the people is an inexhaustible source of Marxist theoretical innovation. In the centennial struggle of the CPC, the achievements of the modernization of Marxism in China are the crystallization of the practical experience and collective wisdom of the Party and the people. Whether it is Mao Zedong Thought, the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, or the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, they all originate from the wisdom, exploration, and creation of the people. We must respect the pioneering spirit of the people, focus on summarizing fresh experiences from their creative practices, elevate them to rational understanding, extract new theoretical achievements, and persist in discovering and developing truth in practice, using practice to realize and test truth. Efforts will be made to deepen the innovative theories of the Party into the hearts of billions of people, becoming a theory that is grounded, gathers people's wisdom, conforms to public opinion, and gains the hearts of the people.

2. Broaden Vision and Mind: Forming the Great Pattern and Great Weather of the Party's Innovative Theory

All epoch-making theories are the inevitable product of meeting the needs of the times. If we want to create scientific theories to observe, grasp and lead the times, we must reflect the voice of the times, listen to the footsteps of social progress, echo the call from the depths of the people's hearts, and create innovative theories worthy of the times, leading society forward and living up to the expectations of the people.

1. Broadening the big vision and big mind is the requirement of the times for theoretical innovation

Standing in the critical period of the unprecedented changes in the world in a century and the comprehensive promotion of the strategic pattern of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, to promote theoretical innovation, we must answer the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times. In the new era, our party has put forward and answered a set of major issues of the times: what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics to uphold and develop in the new era, how to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics; what kind of modern socialist power to build and how to build a modern socialist power; what kind of long-term ruling Marxist party to build and how to build a long-term ruling Marxist party. Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era was founded, it has achieved a new leap in the modernization of Marxism in China. Standing at the height of the times, answering and solving the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics from the basic questions is the successful experience of the Communist Party of China in innovating the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

2. Recognize the big logic and big trend, and show a stronger and more convincing truth force

We must firmly establish a grand historical view, grasp the development context and correct trend of world history with a broader and longer-term perspective, recognize the logic and general trend of my country's social development and human social development, and grasp the history of Chinese-style modernization Evolution and practical requirements. In the new round of scientific and technological changes, the general pattern of global economic development and the phased characteristics of China's development, we should deepen our understanding of the regularity of promoting high-quality development and building a new development pattern; in the comparison of the fate of Marxist political parties in the world and the realistic test faced by our party in long-term governance, we should deepen our understanding of the regularity of the party's strategic thinking of self-revolution, and comprehensively and systematically put forward scientific ideas and effective countermeasures to solve practical problems, let contemporary Chinese Marxism and 21st century Marxism show a stronger and more convincing power of truth.

3. Form a big pattern and a big atmosphere, and submit new answers that live up to the people and the times.

The party's innovative theory has the characteristics of the people. It not only adheres to the fundamental position of the people's supremacy, but also has the human feelings of the world in mind, and is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind. On the one hand, we insist on seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation; on the other hand, we insist on seeking progress for mankind and great harmony for the world. It embodies the high unity of people's feelings, national feelings, national feelings and human feelings of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and highlights the organic integration of people's position, national ambition, national mission and world responsibility. Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is deeply rooted in the reality of today's world and contemporary China. It is a Sinicized Marxism that scientifically guides the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. If we want to create a new realm of Marxism in the 21st century, we must broaden our theoretical horizons, learn from and learn from all the outstanding achievements of human society with an open mind, and absorb excellent ideological and cultural resources from the "sum of human knowledge" to innovate and develop The party's theory has formed a theoretical pattern and atmosphere that is inclusive and inclusive.

Promoting systematization and physics and chemistry in 3.: the inherent requirement and important way to realize theoretical innovation

At present, promoting and realizing the systematization and learning of the Party's innovative theory is a major theoretical issue. A holistic study of the system and theory of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is conducive to the majority of party members and cadres to fully grasp the scientific theoretical system of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and to deeply understand the research objects of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era., Important categories, basic content, logical structure, philosophical foundation, and spiritual essence, thereby enhancing the initiative and consciousness of the majority of party members and cadres in practicing new ideas.

As the Party's innovative theory advances, the task of arming the entire Party with theory must follow suit.But in theoretical learning and preaching activities, some teachers are enthusiastic about telling stories, do not like to tell theories, or are willing to tell theories, not good at explaining systems. Some are satisfied with finding golden sentences, drawing charts, listing formulas, using analogies, and giving examples, but cannot explain the "ABC" and "therefore" of the theoretical system. If the systematic and theoretical issues of the Party's innovative theory cannot be explained clearly, it will affect the scientific, profound, and effective learning and practice of innovative theory.

Secondly, form a unique set of basic categories and principles, and propose a series of original core viewpoints; Thirdly, this theoretical system focuses on studying the path, theory, system, strategic layout, and overall layout of socialism with Chinese characteristics, including core content and basic strategies such as reform, development and stability, domestic and foreign affairs and national defense, and governance of the party, country, and military, forming a rigorous and logically coherent scientific system; Fourthly, this theoretical system has a profound historical and cultural heritage rooted in the actual situation of the country, built on the basis of Marxist scientific worldview and methodology, and showcases its inherent position, viewpoint, and method.

In order for ideas to be put into practice, there must be people who can transform them into practical strength. This "person" refers to both individuals and the subject of the people, including individuals. By relying on the people as an intermediary, theory can be connected with practice, theory can be transformed into practice, and thought can become material power. Marx said, "The weapon of criticism cannot replace the weapon of criticism, and material power can only be destroyed by material power. Once theory grasps the masses, it will also become material power. As long as theory persuades people, it can grasp the masses; and as long as theory is thorough, it can persuade people. The so-called thoroughness is to grasp the root of things.".Arming the entire Party and educating the people with this new ideology can become a powerful spiritual and material force for realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

In order to transform new ideas into material strength, Party members and cadres must put in effort in learning, understanding, and practicing, achieving the integration of learning, thinking, and application, and the unity of knowledge, belief, and action. Through learning, thinking, and practice, they can enhance political, ideological, and emotional identification, and then more actively and creatively practice new ideas and achieve new achievements.

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