What kind of rich connotations does it have?, Chinese path to modernization creates a new form of human civilization

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:38 PM

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China regards "creating a new form of human civilization" as one of the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization.For more than a hundred years, the CPC has led the Chinese people through arduous struggle, successfully explored a modernization path suitable for China's national conditions, and created a Chinese miracle in the history of human civilization. The new form of human civilization created in the historical process of promoting Chinese path to modernization is the product of the combination of the socialist system and modernization, which fully reflects the Chinese characteristics and has rich implications.

The organic combination of the leadership of the CPC and multi-party cooperation has created a new form of human party system civilization

The multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC is a basic political system in China, which is different from the western multi-party rotating governance. Its advantages are: first, as participating parties, the democratic parties are close friends with the CPC who treat each other with sincerity, solidarity and cooperation. Unlike the opposition parties or opposition parties in some countries, they are afraid that the world will not be chaotic and oppose for the sake of opposition, and are bent on attacking each other to replace them. The second is that one party's long-term governance is conducive to improving decision-making efficiency and implementation effectiveness. It is widely recognized that China can accomplish great things in promoting modernization, and has already achieved many great things that other countries cannot; The third advantage of one party's long-term governance lies in the continuity of policies and political stability. It will not frequently change the country's internal and external policies due to changes in political parties like in multi-party countries, so that more consideration and planning can be given to the long-term development of the country.

The report of the 20th CPC National Congress clearly pointed out that the essential requirement of Chinese path to modernization is to adhere to the leadership of the CPC, adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics, achieve high-quality development, develop people's democracy throughout the process, enrich the people's spiritual world, achieve common prosperity for all people, promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and create a new form of human civilization. Among them, "adhering to the leadership of the CPC" ranks first. The leadership of the CPC is the fundamental guarantee for creating a new form of human civilization, and is also an important implication of the new form of human civilization.

The organic combination of the leadership of the Party, the people being the masters of the country, and the rule of law has created a new form of human legal civilization

The people being the masters of their own country is an essential requirement of socialist democratic politics, and governing the country according to law is the basic strategy for the Party to lead the people in governing the country. The Party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for the people being the masters of their own country and governing the country according to law. Party spirit and people's character are highly unified. It is the original intention and mission of the CPC to do everything for the people, believe in the people, rely on the people, and work wholeheartedly for the interests of the people. In order to realize that the people are the masters of the country, the Party has led the people to establish the fundamental political system of the People's Congress system.

Since the end of the Cold War, Western countries led by the United States have vigorously promoted the "one person, one vote" universal democratic system to Asian, African and Latin American countries, but it has not brought widespread prosperity and stability to these countries. Instead, there have been economic recession, political corruption, frequent coups, tribal conflicts, street riots, proliferation of terrorist organizations, and rampant populism. In the past 20 years, the ever-changing world has gradually made people understand a truth: the "one person, one vote" universal democratic system is not, as some Western countries promote, the most perfect and advanced social system in human society, and democracy does not necessarily lead to good governance. At present, the "one person, one vote" universal suffrage system advocated by Western countries has been alienated from the fact that it is not the voters who choose their representatives, but rather the "representatives" who try their best to make the voters elected. The essence and essence of democracy are becoming increasingly weak, and formalist democracy has led to populism and manipulating public opinion, which has become the norm in Western democratic chaos.

China's democratic centralism, people's democracy in the whole process and consultative democracy can avoid the "gaming" of democratic elections, the "capitalization" of democratic operations, and the "short-sighted" of democratic decision-making in Western countries, so as to effectively ensure that Chinese path to modernization moves forward according to the common will of all people.

The organic combination of socialism and market economy has created a new form of human economic civilization

Market economy is currently the most efficient way of resource allocation in human society, and it is an economic civilization that emerged in the process of world modernization. It originated in Western capitalist countries and was once considered the "patent" of capitalist countries. For a long historical period, whether in socialist countries or capitalist countries, people believed that only capitalism could develop a market economy, and socialism could not develop a market economy. Under the premise of adhering to seeking truth from facts and liberating the mind, Deng Xiaoping pointed out that the market economy is a method of developing production and a means of regulating the economy. Capitalism can be used, and socialism can also be used. This scientific judgment has guided the Chinese people in the great reform practice of organically integrating socialism and market economy. China's economic development has achieved remarkable achievements that have attracted worldwide attention and created a new form of human economic civilization.

Developing a market economy under socialist conditions and gradually achieving common prosperity not only reflects the universal principles of the market economy, but also reflects the basic characteristics of the socialist system, balancing efficiency and fairness, enabling the superiority of the socialist system and the strengths of the market economy to be better utilized. This is a great creation of the CPC and a major contribution of socialism with Chinese characteristics to the development of human civilization.

The organic combination of Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture has created a new form of human spiritual civilization

Marxism is an advanced theory, ideology and culture generated in the process of world modernization history, the fundamental guiding ideology for our Party and country building, and the soul and spiritual home of the CPC. The excellent traditional culture of China is the root and soul of the Chinese nation, as well as the cultural heritage of the new form of human civilization.

This high degree of compatibility indicates that the organic combination of Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture has a profound historical and cultural foundation as well as a mass foundation.This important discourse profoundly reveals the profound connotation and internal logic of combining Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture to create a new form of human spiritual civilization. From the perspective of enhancing historical consciousness, strengthening cultural confidence, and achieving national rejuvenation, we can build modern spiritual civilization of the Chinese nation in a broader cultural space and make positive contributions to the development of human civilization.

The organic combination of Chinese path to modernization and world modernization has created a new form of modern civilization for the peaceful development of human society

Chinese path to modernization is an important part of world modernization, and world modernization is the external environment and driving force of Chinese path to modernization. Chinese path to modernization is not "westernization", but fully absorbs the advanced elements of human society modernization, abandons the hegemonic logic of colonialism, aggression and expansion in the process of western modernization, and walks out of a modernization path of peaceful development.

Taking the path of peaceful development is a strategic decision made by our party based on an accurate judgment of the trend of the times, which is in line with the fundamental interests of the people. With strong facts, we firmly counterattack the theories of "civilization conflict", "civilization game", "civilization centeredness", and "end of history". The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China conveys China's firm determination and confidence to pursue the path of peaceful development and modernization, opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics, insists on "following our own path", insists on "following our own path", never interferes with the development model of other countries, and will not force the export of "Chinese experience" or "China plan". It eloquently refutes the "China threat theory". The CPC, which loves and pursues peace, maintains and defends peace, led the Chinese people to create a "strong but not hegemonic" road of modern development, with the "the Belt and Road" as the starting point to promote the construction of a win-win cooperation and open system, with the "common values of all mankind" as the basic axis to promote the construction of new international relations, with the "community of shared future for mankind" as the concept to promote all countries to follow the path of peaceful development, and with the "multilateralism" as the principle to unremittingly promote and improve global governance.

Chinese path to modernization, based on the values and norms of civilization, such as diversity of civilizations, mutual learning of civilizations, and dialogue of civilizations to promote development, has thoroughly innovated the historical view of single civilization of western countries based on the so-called strength. It insists on transcending civilization estrangement by civilization exchange, civilization conflict by civilization mutual learning, and civilization superiority by civilization coexistence. It has achieved a critical transcendence of the "civilization conflict theory" and the "national power must prevail" logic of western modernization in theory and practice. Drawing on the essence of traditional Chinese culture, Chinese path to modernization advocates that the diversity of human civilization is the driving force, source, condition and foundation for the sustainable development of human civilization. Relying on the brilliant achievements of Chinese path to modernization, it strongly advocates the construction of a historical narrative force for the common and equal participation of people from all over the world, and depicts a consensus civilization landscape that conforms to the general will and common needs of all mankind.

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