What experiences are worth learning from in high-quality development?, Top global cities such as New York, London, Tokyo, Paris, etc

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 22:04 PM

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that "high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country" and made new arrangements for deepening high-level reform and opening up.Implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the plenary session of the Municipal Party Committee, and comprehensively promoting high-quality development, is a global core task facing Shanghai at present.

Looking at the world, what are the experiences of top cities such as New York, London, Tokyo, and Paris in high-quality development? Summarizing and appropriately drawing on its beneficial experience is of great significance for Shanghai to promote high-quality development and build a socialist modern international metropolis with global influence.

1、 Timely promote the transformation from a capital driven strategy to a technology innovation driven strategy, and explore new paths for high-quality development in digitalization and intelligence.

Establishing a city development strategy that conforms to the trend of technological and industrial development evolution, always leading the trend and direction of global industrial development and technological change, is the basic guarantee and necessary path for high-quality development. After the 2008 global financial crisis, top cities around the world such as New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo began to rethink their urban development strategies, fully seizing and leveraging the opportunities and advantages of emerging technologies such as information, data, and the Internet of Things. They comprehensively reshaped a new high-tech ecosystem conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship from strategic, planning, institutional, and talent aspects, promoting the transformation of the development model that relied on financial capital in the past to an intelligent development model driven by technological innovation. It can be said that striving to build the world's most technological, innovative, and entrepreneurial capital has become the primary common strategy for these top cities in promoting high-quality development.

For example, the One New York 2050: A Prosperous and Fair Urban Development Plan formulated and implemented in New York puts forward a new development vision of "growth, equality, sustainability, and resilience", and regards building a smart city as the main path and means to achieve the vision. It focuses on guiding entrepreneurs in the fields of Internet application technology, social networking, smart phones, and mobile application software to combine technology with New York's traditional competitive industries such as finance, culture, and fashion, to explore new growth points and new business models of the Internet economy, and constantly open up new tracks, create new value, and accumulate new momentum for urban economic growth. In the past decade, New York's increasingly complete high-tech ecosystem has attracted and gathered 10% of doctoral degree recipients, 10% of National Academy of Sciences academicians, and nearly 400000 scientists and engineers in the United States. It has also successfully attracted technology giants such as Google, Amazon, and IBM to settle in, providing nearly 300000 jobs and $30 billion in salary income for New York every year, second only to the finance industry. The London City Government has released and implemented a new round of spatial development strategy, the "London Plan 2021," in 2021, committed to building a smart city by enhancing digital infrastructure and improving urban planning and functional design through various types of data. In March 2021, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government launched the "Future Tokyo Strategy" for the next 20 years, proposing to take the opportunity of responding to the COVID-19, promote the digital transformation of the city through the construction of data highways, including the establishment of data sharing and utilization systems, the promotion of administrative digitalization and remote office.

2、 We will focus on building global platforms such as headquarters economy and global asset management centers, strengthen and enhance the global resource allocation function, and comprehensively improve the level of urban economy.

The global allocation function of resource elements is the core function of global cities and an important symbol of their high-quality economic development. The strength of the global resource allocation function directly determines the position of a city in the global urban network.

Firstly, cultivate and gather the headquarters of Fortune 500 companies. According to the 2022 headquarters data of Fortune Global 500 companies, there are 36 in Tokyo, 23 in Paris Saint Germain, 17 in New York, 14 in London, and 13 in Seoul. France has a total of 25 Fortune Global 500 headquarters, of which 23 are located in the Î le de France region, with a concentration rate of up to 92%. 81% in Seoul, South Korea, 77% in Tokyo, Japan, and 74% in London, UK, with a relatively high concentration. Compared to other countries, China has 54 outstanding companies in Beijing, 12 in Shanghai, and 10 in Shenzhen, with a significantly smaller number.

Secondly, to shape a strong global financial transaction service capability. Wall Street in New York has the world's largest cluster of financial institutions, controlling 40% of global financial assets; London accounts for 20% of global cross-border lending, 40% of non UK stock trading, 32% of foreign exchange trading, 43% of over-the-counter derivatives trading, and 70% of international bond trading in the secondary market, providing financial services to partners around the world.

Finally, building a strong global wealth management center. The 2023 Global Asset Management Center Evaluation Index Report, compiled by the China Europe Lujiazui International Financial Research Institute, shows that in 2023, New York, Paris, and London ranked among the top three in the global asset management center evaluation index, while Shanghai remained sixth globally. The construction of a global asset management center is conducive to further improving the construction of Shanghai's financial system and promoting the further upgrading of Shanghai's international financial center.

3、 Efforts will be made to promote cultural and artistic oriented urban renewal, comprehensively improving spatial economic density.

Continuously promoting the transformation of industrial structure from industrialization to service-oriented, vigorously implementing cultural and creative industries and modern cultural and artistic oriented urban renewal, designating new spatial units such as "creative enterprise zones", "cultural and artistic blocks", and "urban innovation blocks", creating the maximum value and highest economic density with the least space and land, is an intuitive manifestation of the high-quality development of mega cities, and is also the main approach of top cities in the world.

London aims to promote sustainable economic development by increasing land plot ratio and employment density, enhancing land use efficiency and economic activity density, and enhancing land use function mixing for conditionally mixed industrial plots. The aim is to meet the supply of industrial space, create site value, and tap into the potential of urban spatial development. The per capita GDP is a core indicator reflecting the quality of economic development. The data shows that in 2021, the average GDP per square kilometer of Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing in China was about 1.54 billion yuan, 681 million yuan, and 245 million yuan, respectively. Among them, Shenzhen is the highest in the country, but the gap is still very obvious compared to the world's top metropolises. Research shows that the economic density of Manhattan in New York reached 51.778 billion yuan/km2 in 2018, 13.8 times the average level of Shanghai center and 5 times that of Huangpu District; The economic density of the City of London is 1250.51 billion yuan/square kilometer; The average GDP of Tokyo in 2019 was about 466 million US dollars, which is equivalent to about 3 billion yuan in Chinese yuan, more than twice that of Shenzhen.

4、 Activate and reshape the advantages of modern data asset trading, and open up new tracks and directions for high-quality urban development.

In the digital era of booming artificial intelligence, mastering the power to formulate digital transaction rules and maximizing global digital transaction scale and profits has become a new choice for countries and cities worldwide to pursue high-quality economic development. According to the research institute of the Shanghai Data Exchange, the global data trading and circulation market size reached 200 billion yuan in 2021. Among them, North America reached 96 billion yuan, accounting for 48%; The European market size is 50 billion yuan, accounting for 25%; The scale of data transactions in China has reached 25 billion yuan, accounting for 13%; Japan and other countries and regions followed closely behind.

Based on the basic trend of global data resource distribution, in recent years, major global top cities have seized this opportunity to build global data asset trading centers and seek new growth points for urban economy. New York has established the New York Digital Asset Exchange, which serves as the basic trading platform for international digital asset joint trading platforms. Its aim is to create an "exchange alliance chain" on the international public chain, providing digital asset trading support services for franchised node exchanges in various countries and regions. Recently, according to the Financial Times, the London Stock Exchange Group has developed a new digital market business plan aimed at seeking to utilize blockchain technology that supports tokens such as Bitcoin to provide a wide range of traditional financial asset transactions, in order to improve the efficiency of purchasing, selling, and holding traditional assets. At the same time, it is also considering using an independent legal entity to conduct digital market business. With regulatory approval, the entity may be put into operation in 2024.

5、 Combining tradition with modernity, comprehensively building a multifunctional international consumption center city, and unleashing and enhancing the driving force of consumption on economic growth.

By leveraging the location advantages of global transportation hubs and network nodes, aggregating multiple elements such as systems, policies, laws, technology, and culture, and enhancing the integrated development of culture, tourism, and commerce, we aim to create personalized, international, and digital consumption scenarios. We will make every effort to attract a global and large-scale consumer population, resources, and brands, achieve "buy the world, sell the world", continuously lead consumer fashion and innovation trends, and build cities into global consumption centers that truly face the world. Let consumption always become the "engine" driving economic growth and stimulating innovative research and development. It is the best choice for top cities in the world to seek high-quality development.

In addition to providing unique cultural experiences to the global public, Paris holds over 400 trade exhibitions, over 1000 conferences, and over 2300 events of different scales every year, attracting nearly 50 million tourists and expanding more growth points for traditional consumption. For example, in 2019, the West End of London had over 18000 performances throughout the year, with an audience of over 15 million, achieving a total box office revenue of £ 790 million. The total consumption led by the entertainment industry in the West End of London reached approximately £ 2.4 billion, highlighting the driving effect of cultural and tourism integration on consumption and economic growth.

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