How can Shanghai tell the story of the development of a people's city well?

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:08 PM

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to adhere to the position of Chinese culture, extract and showcase the spiritual symbols and cultural essence of Chinese civilization, accelerate the construction of Chinese discourse and narrative system, tell Chinese stories well, spread Chinese voices well, and present a credible, lovely, and respectable image of China.

The development story of the People's City is an important chapter in the development story of the new era. For Shanghai, a mega city that integrates "people first" into every detail of urban governance, telling the development story of the People's City well is of great significance. How can Shanghai tell the story of the development of a people's city well? The key is to answer these three questions well: what, why, and how to explain them.

The development story of the People's City is a vivid epitome of Chinese path to modernization

The development of cities is a natural historical process of human society, and the people are the main force in it. In the more than 70 years of urban construction practice in New China, whether it is modern cities or small towns in counties and districts, they have been built by the people brick by brick, bit by bit. Especially in the more than 40 years since the reform and opening up, China's economic and social development has achieved great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. The living standards of the people have continued to improve, from having enough food and clothing to having worry free housing and transportation, from living in a comfortable place to living in a comfortable place, from inconvenient transportation to accessibility, from insufficient food and clothing to achieving comprehensive prosperity... These vivid stories of urban construction and development are the result of the creation and struggle of the people. The practice of the CPC leading the people to carry out urban construction has fully proved that as long as we closely rely on the people, there will be no insurmountable difficulties and difficulties on the road of modernization, and we will be able to create more impressive modernization miracles.

As the first place to propose and practice the important concept of a people's city, Shanghai has vivid and rich story materials.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai has persisted in leaving the best resources to the people, serving them with high-quality supply, making the sky bluer, the water clearer, and the living conditions better for the people. The city has achieved new remarkable achievements in urban construction that have attracted worldwide attention. In recent years, Shanghai has made efforts in key areas related to people's livelihood, such as the renovation of old residential areas, the renewal of old pipeline networks, the upgrading of public transportation, and the classification and disposal of garbage. It has actively used digital means to promote refined management and further improve the level of urban governance. For example, the long-standing problems of poor environment and difficulty in going upstairs that plagued the people in the past have gradually been eliminated with convenient projects such as renovating old houses and installing elevators. Urban construction projects and livelihood projects are actually improving the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses of citizens, reflecting the people's subjectivity of Chinese path to modernization.

The development story of people's cities has always been driven by the leadership of the people

The development story of people's cities should be told to the people. The key to telling a good story of urban development is to deeply practice the development concept of putting the people at the center and interpret the value concept of "putting the people first" with heart. Telling the development story of people's cities well should be regarded as an important lever to strengthen the modernization of urban governance system and governance capacity, improve the level of urban governance and governance capacity modernization, and let the people write and speak, fully reflecting the spirit of the people's ownership. We must adhere to the concept of "making life better in the city", regularly go deep into the grassroots, the masses, and the front line, listen to the voices of the people, observe their emotions, and solve their worries. Based on the true feelings of the people, we should tell a warm story of "seeking happiness for the people". We should aim for high-quality development, high-quality living, and efficient governance, integrate the people-centered development concept into all aspects and processes of urban development, promote comprehensive progress in urban public utilities, comprehensively enhance all factor productivity, and continuously meet the people's aspirations for a better life.

The development story of people's cities should be told to the people. People's cities are created by the people themselves, and the development story of people's cities must also be written and tested by the people. We must adhere to taking the satisfaction and recognition of the people as the sole criterion for telling a good development story, and enhance the sense of belonging of the general public to the city through propaganda and propaganda. We should focus on stimulating the subjectivity, participation, and initiative of the people, actively guide the general public to care about urban construction, pay attention to changes in life around them, and actively provide suggestions and suggestions for people's urban construction. We should organize and mobilize the general public to participate in urban construction, create a better tomorrow for Shanghai with our diligent hands, and strive to create a good atmosphere where "everyone is the master". We should transform the leadership advantages of the Party into the effectiveness of urban governance, fully leverage the collaborative and collaborative role of various forces, and leverage the positive role of various social organizations in grassroots governance. We should create an effective institutional mechanism and form a new pattern of joint construction, governance, and sharing.

Telling the development story of people's cities well requires a broad perspective, great emotions, and great responsibility

There should be a perspective of "small incisions, big themes". Shanghai is a city with profound cultural heritage and rich historical accumulation. "Embracing all rivers, pursuing excellence, being open-minded, wise, and humble" is the urban spirit of Shanghai, while openness, innovation, and inclusiveness are its urban character. To better promote the spirit and character of the city, we should make the story more vivid and vivid through popular and easy to understand ways, so that citizens can see, touch, and feel it. We should pay more attention to the unity of profound thinking, exquisite art, and excellent production. In the selection of work themes, we should not only tell the story of Shanghai well, but also tell the story of China well; In terms of ideological connotation, it is necessary to promote the new measures, actions, and achievements of the city, as well as the Chinese spirit and socialist core values reflected in the city's spiritual character.

There should be content that expresses true emotions deeply. A story can only move people if it takes root in the local area, takes root in the era, and has genuine emotions.We should make good use of expression forms and carriers, make full use of grassroots civilization practice platforms and integrated media centers, carry out a series of rich and diverse online and offline promotional activities, and focus on enhancing the fun and emotional appeal of urban development stories.

We should have the responsibility of telling stories and promoting development. As a modern super large-scale city, Shanghai has formed many characteristics in its development and construction. For example, last year Shanghai launched the "Party Building Leading Community Construction" action, and the vast number of grassroots party organizations in the city focused on transforming organizational resources into governance resources, jointly promoting the construction of a "grassroots party organization+social organization+volunteer" linkage governance system, and further promoting the innovative development of community governance led by party building. The leadership of party building in community governance and the promotion of community construction have become distinctive characteristics and unique advantages of grassroots party organizations in Shanghai. To make "storytelling" an important way to build brands, expand platforms, and cultivate talents, so that Shanghai's characteristics, advantages, experiences, and achievements are known to the world, and to promote the level of urban development through "storytelling".

From the perspective of the development laws of socialist modern urban construction, promoting Chinese style urbanization and building people's cities is a long-term exploration process that cannot be achieved overnight. Telling the development story of people's cities has always been in progress. On the vast journey of accelerating the construction of a socialist modernized international metropolis with global influence in Shanghai, the development story of this people's city will inevitably become increasingly exciting.

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