Feifan's First Three Electric Technology System Three Electric | Heavy | System

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 11:57 AM

Recently, the "Feifan Energy Day" themed communication meeting of Feifan Motors was held, during which Feifan's three electric technology system was heavily released, and the first station of Feifan battery swapping in Beijing was also officially launched simultaneously. Representatives from Feifan Automobile's co creation partners China Petroleum, CATL, and SAIC Group attended the event, working together to build a complementary energy ecosystem and firmly adhering to the belief of mutual strength and win-win in the field of battery swapping.

Relying on SAIC Group's strong technological foundation and advantageous resources, Feifan's three electric technology system brings users the highest safety guarantee and ultra strong performance in the global ternary lithium system. Among them, the industry has pioneered a double-layer lying battery cell layout, which has industry advantages in battery safety, ultra long lifespan, and ultra-high integration. It is reported that batteries designed using a lying down design can achieve a maximum lifespan of 12 years and 1 million kilometers. SAIC and CATL jointly developed the NCM523 electrochemical system that matches the lying cell, significantly improving the cell cycle life. The unique flexible constraint structural adhesive in the industry can adapt to the expansion of the cell, take into account the elasticity, firmness, heat resistance and anti-aging performance, significantly reduce the loss of active lithium, and effectively extend the life of the cell.

In addition, at the press conference, it was revealed that in response to the common pain points of current user experience with battery swapping, Feifan Automobile has redefined a new benchmark for comfortable battery swapping with five hardcore black technologies, including the industry's first battery swapping without power outage, 2-and-a-half-minute fast battery swapping, DRIVE THRU continuous battery swapping experience, active fire protection battery swapping station, and higher single station battery capacity efficiency, in terms of waiting time, battery swapping speed, battery swapping experience, and safety protection. Next, Feifan's battery swapping map will accelerate its expansion nationwide. Relying on the joint investment of SAIC Group, Sinopec, China National Petroleum Corporation, CATL, and Shanghai International Automobile City Group, Jieneng Intelligent Power is accelerating the implementation of the national battery swapping and energy replenishment network in collaboration with Feifan Automobile. Shanghai has already launched 9 battery swapping stations, including Sinopec Anting Station and PetroChina Jiasong Station. With the launch of the first station in Beijing, Feifan Automobile will complete the construction of more than 10 cities and 50 battery swapping stations in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Haikou, etc. by the end of 2023, to meet the convenient battery swapping needs of more users.

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