How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:33 AM

In May this year, the Zhongshan Park cruise ship terminal was opened. Before it was opened, there was a link: to consult the residents of the Huayu community.

It turned out that the residential building closest to the wharf was less than 30 meters away. The residents' opinions and prevention suggestions on noise and light pollution were taken into account in Changning District and relevant municipal departments when selecting the site. For the residents of Huayuan District, it has long been a "common thing" to get together to discuss and make suggestions ". Two years ago, the Huazheng section of Suzhou River was connected, and the back door of the residential area leading to the riverside trail was exactly what gathered the wisdom of all people and discussed and discussed together.

The "Cohesion Project" has been innovative and developed for 30 years, and "gathering all parties and discussing things together" has become a consensus in Changning.

How to unite? To temper and build a group of grassroots cadres who care about people, can do things, and serve well, and truly take root "everything for the people, everything depends on the people.

In this land, the practice of "people's democracy in the whole process" is mobilizing and gathering powerful forces to make the "cohesion project" deeply rooted.

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

Xinhua Road Street Community Construction Activities

"Alley Prime Minister" stirs up the beam

During the closure of the epidemic, the aging degree of up to 70% of the residential area health park how to tide over the difficulties? Under the leadership of the old secretary Yu Jing, the young tenants for the 32 old foreign-style houses in the residential building of the elderly to provide supplies, the community of the old party members spontaneously formed a "health park autonomous guardian team" to care for their peers in need of help. This old alley with a history of nearly a hundred years is like her name, "someone is guarded, peace and happiness."

Since the implementation of the "Cohesion Project", in the face of various new situations and new challenges, a strong team of grassroots cadres has always been on the front line of serving the masses.

In Changning, there are many well-known residential cadres among Shanghai residents. The "Pingju Studio" on Anshun Road is a stronghold for "Alley Premier" Zhu Guoping to continue to solve the people's problems after her retirement. Rooted in the community for more than 30 years, she has led residents to plant trees and build car sheds in the community, and pioneered the establishment of a "Time Savings Bank". Now, through the platform of "Pingju", she has helped Shanghai "pass on more new era" alleyway prime ministers ".

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

"Pingju Studio", second from left, by Zhu Guoping Shu Shu

Efei, secretary of the general party branch of Hongqiao residential area, has sunk from the street to the grass-roots community, leading the residents to break through the difficult problems of garbage classification and the addition of ladders to the old man's house. now, garbage classification in Hongqiao residential area has become a "new fashion", with the addition of ladders to the old man's house accounting for more than 70%, winning the unanimous approval of the residents......

Nowadays, more and more young people are taking on the responsibility at the grassroots level in Changning community. The average age of community cadres is 39 years old, with 1/5 of them being residents born in 1985 or younger.

In order to promote the growth of community cadres, the district has carefully designed promotion channels, achieving a "zero" breakthrough in the promotion of party organization secretaries to six levels of staff in residential areas.

Changning has also cultivated 10 secretary studios one after another. The older generation of "alley prime ministers" represented by Yu Jing, Zhu Guoping and Zhang Yayu have passed on their feelings for the people and experience in working with the masses to the new generation.

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

The old secretary Shang Lin has worked in the residential area of Taojiazhai for 26 years. Now many "post-80s" and "post-85s" community cadres in Huayang Road have worked with her. gejun, secretary of the general party branch of huayuan residential district, was one of them. When the residents mentioned the young secretary, they said: "The young man is very friendly. He will ask for everyone's opinions in everything. When negotiating with the ladder company, he can argue for the interests of the residents. He can still be patient when accused by residents who do not understand."

In the Yaojiaojiao residential area on Yuyuan Road, five old alley halls have successively started the sanitation and overhaul of the lane. The nearly 100-year-old house needs to be overhauled, and the neighborhood conflicts of decades have been "uncovered", and the pressure has been transmitted to Qiu Li, the director of the neighborhood committee in his early 30 s. "The residents didn't trust me at first. It doesn't matter. I tried to get to know the residents and went to their homes. Just like when I was a child, I took the trouble to chat with the residents." What to talk about? "First, talk about the conflicts in the neighborhood, second, talk about the situation of each family, build feelings with the residents, and third, talk about our own objective views... After gaining the trust of the residents, the problem will be solved."

Xu Bingran, secretary of the "post-90s" residential area in Jiangsu Road Street, faced the current situation that the elderly population in the community accounted for more than 40%, and set up a "little elderly" volunteer service team to pair with more than 100 elderly people over 80 years old. Very effective. Residents' address to Xu Bingran also changed from "Xiao Xu" to "Xiao Xu Shuji".

Solicit suggestions from surrounding residents and retain convenient services for the public market of Yuyuan.

Today in Changning

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

Transforming "golden ideas" into "golden keys"

If everything is for the masses and everything depends on the masses, problems can be solved.

Nine years ago, the Gubei Citizen Council Hall was born in Ronghua residential area. In this "small United Nations" with residents from more than 50 countries and regions, representatives of Chinese and foreign residents, resident units, and Gubei CBD enterprises often gather in the Gubei Citizen Center conference room to discuss a variety of governance issues. Among them, the "golden idea" was quickly implemented as the "golden key" to solve the problem of community governance ".

On November 2, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Gubei Citizen Center, Hongqiao Street, Changning District to investigate and investigate, and listened to the introduction of the community's opening of social conditions and public opinion through trains, serving the grassroots to participate in legislative work, and for the first time proposed that "people's democracy is a kind of whole process." Democracy ". It is required to "unblock the channels for the reflection of public opinion, enrich the forms of democracy," and "insist that the people have what they call, I have something to respond to, and do a good job in the affairs of the masses, large and small".

Starting from the beginning, Changning is making every effort to build the best grassroots practice site for people's democracy throughout the entire process. The "Cohesion Project" further gathers strength through democratic ties.

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

Gubei International Community, Chinese and foreign residents hold events on Huangjincheng Road

Not long ago, Ningjuli Jinhongqiao Party and Mass Service Station launched the "Building Night Classroom Friday Fitness Special Session" activity, which came from white-collar workers inside the building. At a meeting of the Jinhongqiao Building Committee, many employees of the company proposed to extend the "One Hour Noon" activity to "8 hours away", which led to the emergence of the "Building Night Classroom".

The "Leyi Habitat Garden" in the green eight residential area of Xinjing Town has been selected as a typical case of "biodiversity 100" in the world. Liu Guanxi, secretary of the residential area, still remembers that the residential area held many "Zhuge Liang meetings" in order to formulate the site selection and design plan of the habitat garden, and finally gathered the wisdom of residents of after-sales public housing, farmers' relocation housing and public rental housing. Everyone participated in the design, construction and management of this "ecological network at the door".

In Huayang Road Street, in order to integrate and open Zhongshan Park, the Wankai Community separated by a wall has to retract the wall inward by 2 meters, but the space in the community is not large. As a result, the street organized the residents of Wankai Community to hold consultation meetings with the park designer and the construction party for many times to sort out the optimized list of facilities such as the gate head, pump room and garbage room in the community.

Today, Zhongshan Park, which is open to the embrace, is full of new vitality against the background of 100-year-old Platanus, while Wankai Community has completed the renewal of facilities and the optimization of space organization with the help of the opening of the park and the renovation of the boutique community, thus realizing the beautiful vision of residents that "out of their homes is a park.

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

Hongqiao Street has two communities next to each other, one is called Aijian Community and the other is called Hongqiao Community. A side door is opened on the wall between the communities, which was once a "shortcut" for residents to travel ". Three years ago, there was an extra lock on the door, which locked the travel road, and became the knot of the residents-one side to open, the other side to lock, launched a protracted "tug of war".

Last year, under the leadership of the Hongqiao Street Party Working Committee, the party organization secretaries of Aijian and Hongqiao residential areas met twice, initiating a "chain reaction". Party members carried out joint themed party day activities, members of the industry committee visited and had discussions, followed by resident representatives participating... After five rounds of democratic consultations, residents finally opened their hearts.

The key to the whole process of people's democracy has opened the door and strengthened the cohesion of community party organizations.

Zhongshan Park Integration and Opening

Habitat Garden

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

Building a Governance Community

Mobilize all forces that can be mobilized to build a community of social governance, and the "cohesion project" will always maintain its vitality.

In the birthplace of the "Cohesion Project", Huayang Road Street has established the "Wubaijiayuan" block governance committee around the "Centennial Park" Zhongshan Park, "Centennial Campus" East China University of Political Science and Law and other cultural and historical resources, and has gathered various efforts to promote the Wankai community. Projects such as the retreat of the wall, the reservation of the 20th "Centennial Bus" station, and the formulation of the "Indus Convention" were carried out in an orderly.

Wuyi Road and Yuyuan Road, which also have a history of 100 years, the former introduced the social organization "social interest is more refreshing" to turn the old alley into a "playground" full of children's interest. The latter set up a "Yuyuan Road Block Association" to bring the residents of the old alley, the police station and the owners of the "Internet Red" shop together on the same platform. As a result, there were anti-fraud propaganda cartoons printed on coffee cup covers, a consultation meeting held to solve the nuisance caused by "net red" ice cream shops, and a "red mark propaganda group" to tell people from afar about the 100-year changes of Yuyuan Road ".

Qishan Village Residents Consultation Meeting Photo by Shu Shu

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

In Shanghai's first batch of "15-minute community beautiful life circle" pilot Xinhua Road Street, has always insisted on "opening the door to do planning". He Jia, founder of the Big Fish Community Construction and Development Center, often carries a display board through the streets with the Logo of Xinhua Community Construction Center printed on it: a warm big orange, implying that everyone is an important "piece" of the community, and only when they get together can they have strength. Some residents met a familiar community planner on the road and offered to ask: two food markets in the street are next to each other, can we integrate resources and move one of them to build public facilities? At present, the renovation of the two food markets is being studied and promoted.

Today, there are more than 1100 social organizations at all levels in Changning, which play an active role in block construction, community transformation, and conflict mediation.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many excellent science and technology enterprises and potential partners around us." Two years ago, the industrial Internet "unicorn" Black Lake Technology entered Wuyi Road. Co-founder Xiao Zhe planned to bring both upstream and downstream ecological enterprises to this century-old block.

Government departments want to be ahead of the business. Changning District, through the formation of an industrial party building alliance, let Heihu Science and Technology get to know the Shanghai West Telecommunication Bureau, which is not in its "circle. The two sides soon discovered that Black Lake's "small work order" business and Telecom's "Tianyi Cloud" have great prospects for cooperation, and the cooperation is currently in full swing.

"Only grass-roots party building can have the power to penetrate the system, break the affiliation and closely connect all parties." Changning District Committee Organization Department Deputy Minister Lu Min said. Today, the "Shanghai Silicon Lane" Kechuang District, which is surrounded by Yuyuan Road, Dingxi Road and Wuyi Road, has been formed. Under the shade of the phoenix tree, Changning District is taking the party building as the guide, constantly helping enterprises to break the barriers and gather more key resource elements.

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

Jinhongqiao International Center

With the deepening of urban renewal, buildings and residential areas are also exploring the integration of CBD in downtown Shanghai. With the help of the linkage mechanism of the building society, enterprises and white-collar workers in Changning have walked out of the buildings and moved towards the communities around them.

Last year, Shanghai's first Jinhongqiao International Center, which reached a tax revenue of 10 billion yuan, was once plagued by the random parking of non-motor vehicles. Changning District brought the joint reception mechanism of "two representatives and one committee member" into the building. Under the collision of wisdom from many parties, a batch of Bluetooth spikes quickly "took up their posts". Hongqiao business circle realized the fixed-point parking of bicycles without piles, eliminating the parking chaos around the commercial building.

The Party Committee of Jinhongqiao Building and the General Party Branch of Tianshan Second Village Residential Area launched a joint construction of party building, breaking the gap between the residential area and the "vertical community" of the building, sending the "buy more vegetables" pick-up point and the "cloud vegetable basket" to the residents' doorstep, and also linking the nerve endings of the grass-roots Party organizations to the most active meridian of the online new economy.

"From caring for minority groups in difficulties to caring for the public interests of the majority, from material concerns to meeting the diverse needs of the masses, from community party organizations to integrating social community resources and building a social governance pattern of co governance, co construction and sharing..." Lu Min said that 30 years later, Changning will continue to strengthen the strong magnetic field of the "cohesion project" to unite people's hearts, so that more residents can feel the happy and beautiful life of the people in the city.

How Shanghai Changning forms a strong magnetic field to unite people's hearts, from the origin to the first community | residents | people's hearts

The preserved and updated 20 route "Centennial Bus" station

A bird's-eye view of the Huazheng section of Suzhou River

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