Why does Chinese civilization advocate "writing" history on the basis of "narration" | Spirit | Chinese civilization

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:47 PM

The Chinese civilization extends endlessly and is constantly evolving, possessing the spirit of "life", "work", and "time":

"Sheng" specifically refers to innovation as a never-ending historical process that is inherently necessary. The Book of Changes proposes a never-ending cosmology, and the principle of personnel change also follows the principle of cosmological change. As the saying goes, "poverty leads to change, change leads to success, and success leads to longevity.".

Chinese civilization advocates "writing" on the basis of "narration". It can be said that "describing and writing", "keeping up with the times", and "constantly changing" are significant portrayals of the innovative spirit of Chinese civilization.

"Time" emphasizes that innovation should have the characteristics of the times and adapt to the needs of change. Confucius, the sage of the times, is also a representative of the innovative spirit of Chinese civilization. Confucius "made history, distributed literary works, revitalized academia, and leveled the class.".

Confucianism is not conservative, but open and innovative. The personality of a Confucian gentleman is "timely", which pursues "keeping pace with the times" and "being extremely wise and moderate in the way". It also emphasizes "the healthy nature of heaven, and a gentleman should strive for self-improvement", and advocates "striving for new things every day, every new day, and every new day.".

The representative figure of Legalism, Shang Yang, advocated that "legislation should be made at that time, and rituals should be made according to the situation", "if there is no one way to govern the world, the country does not need to follow the ancient laws", "if one strives to strengthen the country, it will be illegal; if one strives to benefit the people, it will not follow their rituals", which emphasized the importance of institutional innovation.

Furthermore, emphasizing originality, comprehensiveness, continuity, integrity, and sustainability is a historical witness and cultural crystallization of the spiritual growth of Chinese civilization.

Emphasize originality——

Zhang Taiyan has specifically explored the innovative spirit of Chinese civilization, believing that since the "Taigu" era, Chinese civilization has had the spirit of "teamwork", which has opened up the spirit of "work".

For example, the innovative spirit of the Yellow Emperor was manifested as "governing the five Qi, setting five quantities", "conquering cows and horses, disturbing and taming wild beasts", "sowing a hundred grains during the season, tasting plants and trees", and "examining the sun, moon, and stars"; Yao's innovative spirit is manifested in the "Boyi ceremony, Kui and Long classical music" and "Shun Shi Shi Shi, focusing on the four seasons, and starting with the ancestors"; Shun's innovative spirit is manifested as "being generous and gentle, being quick and aware of the times, fearing the heavens and loving the people, caring for the distance and being close"; Yu's innovative spirit is manifested as "the sound is the law, the body is the measure", "the left is the rope, the right is the rule, walking four times, according to the four seas".

Since then, the Chinese civilization has inherited the spirit of innovation from generation to generation, and has formed a large number of original achievements represented by "Hundred Schools of Thought Contending", "the Four Great Inventions", and "Traditional Chinese Martial Arts", creating a brilliant and endless ancient civilization.

Emphasize comprehensiveness——

The innovation of Chinese civilization includes cultural innovation, institutional innovation, and technological innovation.

Long term cultural innovation has left brilliant achievements in the history of Chinese civilization in the world. The pre Qin philosophers, the Four Books and Five Classics, the Twenty Four Histories, Tang and Song poetry, Ming and Qing novels, and others are all cultural treasures of Chinese civilization.

Long term institutional innovation has made the Chinese civil service system the most systematic, enduring, and dynamic administrative system in ancient times, forming the "great and long-lasting" of Chinese civilization.

Long term technological innovation led to China's technological level being at the forefront of the world for a long time before the Qing Dynasty.

Emphasize continuity——

Reviewing the old and learning the new, innovation is a process of bringing forth new ideas and creatively transforming them.

From the perspective of cultural innovation, Chinese civilization has gone through several major stages of cultural innovation, including pre Qin Zixue, Two Han Classics, Wei Jin Xuanxue, Sui Tang Buddhism, Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism, Lu Wang Xin Xue, Qian Jia Han Xue, Late Qing Gongyang Xue, and Xin Zi Xue, integrating cultural inheritance and cultural innovation. Chinese civilization has always been in the process of creative transformation and innovative development, continuous and constantly evolving.

From the perspective of institutional innovation, from the "Three Officials and Nine Ministers System", "Three Provinces and Six Ministries System", and "Cabinet and Six Ministries System" to the "Local Feudalism System", "Parallel System of County and State", and "County and County System", there is obvious inheritance and inherent continuity.

Pay attention to integrity——

Innovation is problem-solving, without contradictions, there can be no innovation. Chinese civilization fully recognizes and actively responds to the contradictions in innovation. Laozi pointed out that "the opposite is the movement of the Tao.". Innovation is a dialectical process of spiral development, which reminds us to pay close attention to the fact that technological innovation is a double-edged sword: if used well, it can maximize the benefits for humanity; Not using it well can also have an impact on the operation of society. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the correct direction of technological development with a good heart and achieve innovation while adhering to principles.

Emphasize sustainability——

"Gou Rixin, Rixin, and Rixin." The Book of Changes emphasizes that innovation is not a one-time solution, but rather sustainable, and cannot be achieved at the cost of depleting resources, damaging the earth, or polluting the environment. Therefore, Chinese civilization has long advocated for the unity of heaven and man, the adherence to the law of nature, and the grasp of the "constant way" of nature. It advocates reverence for nature, respect for nature, compliance with nature, and protection of nature.

This characteristic is hidden in the historical gene of Chinese culture, melted in the spiritual blood of the Chinese people, and publicized in the cultural self-confidence of Chinese path to modernization. It is the spiritual temperament and inexhaustible power of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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