The Value of Design Special Exhibition Opens, Eight Art and Design Masters Blow the New Art Show in Shanghai, Gathering Space | Designer | Art

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:11 PM

Shine in life, fearlessly move forward. On June 17th, 2023, the RABOR International Public Art and Design Season - The Value of Design Special Exhibition was grandly opened in Yunbao Future City, Songjiang, Shanghai, with the theme of "Fearless Away". The exhibition invited eight designers and artists, including Jiang Qiong'er, Yang Mingjie, Xiong Hao, Wang Yang, Li Wei, Chen Liang, Qinling, and Zhang Hong, to explore the diverse forms of modern design from the perspectives of public art and design, artistic design, and industrial design. Through the fields of "painting", "installation", "space", "clothing", "home", etc., the exhibition showcases the diverse evolution of modern design to the public.

Compared to previous art themed exhibitions, this exhibition has made a new attempt in both exhibition content and exhibition design. In addition to showcasing the design works of designers and artists, we also cleverly combined artistic concepts with product design in daily life based on the theme of this exhibition, creating a "warm" design and cultural exhibition with a strong sense of life. At the same time, the exhibition takes time as the thread and presents various forms such as physical objects and scenes, reproducing the footprints left by the continuous evolution and development of design, allowing the audience to fully open their sensory system and immerse themselves in the exhibition.

Attempting to think in design and engaging in dialogue with exhibits from multiple perspectives

In the field of public life, from warning signs to museums and art exhibitions, the value of design belongs to the sequence of social values, emphasizing public welfare, sharing, fairness, inclusiveness, and universality. Their existence has created a harmonious and safe atmosphere for us, and the cultural heritage and historical inertia formed by the entire society have evolved into a sustainable social value and a virtuous cycle of innovation.

The Value of Design Special Exhibition Opens, Eight Art and Design Masters Blow the New Art Show in Shanghai, Gathering Space | Designer | Art

The value exhibition of this design focuses on the theme of "Fearless Weiwei", exploring how designers can fearlessly break through, transcend the distance, explore the infinite possibilities of the future in the connection of all things, reshape their ideal life through their works, and interpret the value and significance behind the design.

Wang Dawei, Dean of the Institute of International Public Art at Shanghai University, said, "Designers are the creators and leaders of this era. Today, the eight designers and artists at the Value Theme Exhibition of Design have provided an excellent direction on how to conform to contemporary aesthetics and current technological forms.".

Everyone yearns for a better life, and exploring the essence of life is also the highest realm advocated by design. Only by achieving the integration of design and life can we better stand in the present and look forward to the future. The exhibition attempts to unravel the value and significance behind design in the process of integration, exploring the diverse and profound relationship between design and life. It hopes to break down this grand issue that involves multiple fields and ideological levels, and then continuously reorganize and collage it, allowing the public to explore new dimensions of thinking, gain more emotional resonance related to design, and a comfortable and harmonious lifestyle.

Ni Weiyuan, President of the Shanghai Industrial Design Association, said, "In this dynamic and creative industry, we believe that the value of design has far exceeded the surface of products and services, and has a profound impact on all aspects of social, economic, and cultural life."

The Value of Design Special Exhibition Opens, Eight Art and Design Masters Blow the New Art Show in Shanghai, Gathering Space | Designer | Art

Immersive exhibition viewing, presenting the journey trajectory of modern design in all aspects

The special exhibition invited eight well-known designers and artists in the industry to show the audience the diversified evolution of modern design from the fields of "painting", "installation", "space", "clothing", "home", "industry and technology. Among them, some of the works on display in the exhibition are not lack of ordinary things that are usually seen, but through the ingenuity of artists, they bring people a new artistic enjoyment.

The "Da Tian Di" furniture series and "Qiao" tea set series, created by renowned artist and designer Jiang Qiong'er, embody the Eastern philosophy and aesthetics of the unity of heaven and man from a contemporary artistic perspective; Industrial designer Yang Mingjie focuses on humanities, and his works such as the "Air" series sofa and Y-bracket multifunctional home and display system change every aspect of life in the open and close spaces; Product designer Xiong Hao not only brought black pine art potted plants created using abstract art, but also home appliances that won the Red Dot Design Award and contain future technology; Cross disciplinary designer Wang Yang is committed to the digital interpretation and innovative application of traditional Chinese art. The large-scale suspension device and innovative daily necessities customized for this exhibition bring visitors different aesthetic experiences; Fashion designer Li Wei innovatively combines fashion design concepts with car styling design, customizing the "warm air" series of clothing, and adding installation art called "Flora" to create a unique psychological landscape at the exhibition site, making people yearn for it; Artist Chen Liang is a life designer who listens to the world. He recently created the work "Heart" for the Bulgari brand. The entire work is based on a triangle, forming the shape of an eight pointed star, symbolizing vitality and hope. In this exhibition, he combined traditional concepts with modern technological techniques to create a functional area, consisting of multiple pieces of furniture, home furnishings, and artworks, which combines functionality and artistry, achieving a fun projection; The contemporary installation artist Qin Ling, who focuses on material art and comprehensive application and digital innovation, has brought the classic "parallel time and space" series of works. Through the refraction and transformation of light and color by materials, multi-dimensional images are overlapped, tempting viewers to slow down and rethink the relationship between what they see and reality; The acrylic painting series "Untitled" brought by abstract painter Zhang Hong explores spiritual space, breaking through order and giving birth to this kind of life leap without a theme, which is precisely a spiritual sublimation.

Along the thread, from creating cars to utilizing cars to create value

The Value of Design Special Exhibition Opens, Eight Art and Design Masters Blow the New Art Show in Shanghai, Gathering Space | Designer | Art

In this exhibition, there is also a very special industrial art representative-Cadillac's first pure electric model LYRIQ sharp song. In 1927, the father of automobile design, Harry Earle, built the LaSalle model for Cadillac, which opened the way for professional designers to design mass-produced cars in the automobile field. Subsequently, Harry Earl took the fighter as the design inspiration, which aroused strong resonance among people under the background of the heroic era and led the upsurge of automobile tail design. With the advent of the space race, Cadillac once again pioneered the evolution of tail design elements from "aviation" to "aerospace". The tail design of Cadillac has evolved and broken through, and sharp lines have been widely used. The in-line tail light, which pays tribute to space heroes, has been passed down as a classic symbol.

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