The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:17 AM

"The final station of this train is Guanglan Road." As the night fell, accompanied by a voice broadcast, Ms. Tian stepped onto Line 2 of the subway from Nanjing West Road Station. Although she had been busy all day, the destination of this train clearly indicated that it would take a lot of trouble to return to her home in Chuansha.

In April 2010, the second phase of the East Extension of Shanghai Metro Line 2 was opened for operation. Due to the implementation of a large and small routing operation mode, some trains terminate at Guanglan Road. Passengers need to transfer to subsequent trains at this station to reach 8 stations in Pudong, including Tangzhen, Chuansha, and Pudong Airport. In fact, considering the need to save electricity and improve operational efficiency, it is common for subways to use large and small interchanges. Simply getting off and transferring doesn't add much trouble. Why is Ms. Tian's journey home so difficult?

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

In recent days, Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News has received a lot of help from citizens: the last bus on the east extension of Line 2 is set at 22:30. After citizens get off at Guanglan Road Station, subsequent connections have become a problem. With the rise of summer temperatures and increased rainfall, this dilemma is becoming increasingly prominent.

The passenger flow after the last bus is still relatively high

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

At around 22:15 on July 10th, the reporter entered Guanglan Road Station through Exit 4 located on Zuchongzhi Road in Pudong New Area. At that time, on the platform towards Pudong Airport, the electronic screen clearly displayed that there were three more trains to follow, with an interval of about 5 minutes between each train. According to the platform duty personnel, at 21:30 every day, the last subway train that runs the entire journey departs from Xujing East Station and reaches Guanglan Road Station around 22:30 before driving the entire eastern extension. The subsequent trains on Line 2 will all terminate at Guanglan Road and run until 23:45.

At 22:28, the subway broadcast announced that "this train is the last one heading towards Pudong Airport." Many passengers hurriedly ran down the stairs to board the subway, watching the screen doors gradually close. In the end, Ms. Wan, a citizen, was one step late. Her workplace is not far from Guanglan Road Station, and if she could take the subway, it would only take one stop to reach her residence in Tangzhen. "I just worked a little extra today and ran all the way from my workplace, but I still didn't catch up," Ms. Wan recalled. She usually takes the subway after 22:00 every day, although it's not too early, the train carriages are always full of passengers going to the extended section of the station. "There are many people living in Tangzhen and Chuansha from the city center, and many passengers carrying suitcases are basically going to Pudong Airport to catch flights."

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

On the last bus, the number of passengers heading to the east extension section is still relatively high.

At 22:34, following the end of the last train, the first subway train ending at Guanglan Road arrived and all passengers had to get off. The reporter saw on the platform that there were a large number of passengers getting off the train, and the exit passage was packed with people for a while. The flow of people was no less than that during rush hour in the morning and evening. In order to take the plane early the next morning, Mr. Liu and his family rushed to the airport late at night. However, he was not familiar with the situation of the last bus before. "It's already this point, what else can we get to the airport?" He had to go to the service desk to inquire, and when the reporter followed Mr. Liu upstairs, many anxious passengers had already surrounded the window of the service desk.

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

After all passengers disembark, there are many people in the platform and exit passage.

The station is bustling inside, but what is the situation outside the station? When the reporter followed the crowd out of the station, many passengers had already gathered on the open space outside Exit 4. The nearby Exit 2 was relatively narrow, and departing passengers had already begun to occupy non motorized lanes. As time passed, the subsequent trains arrived at the station one after another. By around 23:00, the number of passengers outside the subway station had already shocked the reporter. Summer nights are hot and humid, and passengers crowded in one place can only use their hands to fan and cool down.

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

Passengers gathered at Exit 4 of Guanglan Road.

Connecting with "black cars" to aggressively attract business

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

In fact, what surprised reporters even more than the crowds of passengers were the busy drivers gathered at the subway entrance.

"Is it possible to go to Tangzhen, Chuansha, and Pudong Airport?" As the reporter walked out of the subway entrance, four or five drivers immediately gathered around to inquire. However, the reporter ignored them, and one of the older uncles followed suit and further "promoted" them, saying, "carpooling is cheap, and we charge 40 yuan per person to Chuansha. We can't go without a watch or a fixed price." Following his finger, the reporter saw his "Haibo" taxi parked on the roadside, with two passengers already sitting in the back seat of the vehicle. Seeing the reporter still hesitating, the uncle quickly gave up and started looking for his next business.

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

For the sake of price comparison, the reporter asked multiple drivers and it seems that the drivers who are here to attract business have formed a set of pricing standards: for example, Tangzhen, Chuansha, and Pudong Airport should be popular destinations for outbound passengers, and there are two options for carpooling or not carpooling for these three locations. Among them, Pudong Airport is the farthest from Guanglan Road Station, with carpooling fees ranging from 90 to 100 yuan per person, while non carpooling prices have risen to 150 to 200 yuan. In fact, if we charge by taxi fare, this place is 25 kilometers away from Pudong Airport, and the fee is about 90 yuan. In this way, although choosing carpooling may not seem expensive, the passengers carried by the master all go to the same area, and one order can earn several times more money.

Drivers who attract business will park their vehicles in front of the subway station.

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

"I come here at around 22:15 every day to do my last business." In the end, the reporter pretended to be in a certain community in Chuansha and chose a taxi ride experience. The original fare was around 45 yuan, but due to the reporter's unwillingness to choose a carpool plan, the driver insisted on charging 90 yuan. On the bus, the driver told reporters that the situation at the exit of Guanglan Road subway station has been going on for a long time. From the end of the last bus until 24:00, a large number of passengers urgently needed to be connected. "Initially, some 'black cars' were mainly here, but later taxi drivers also learned that staying here can always lead to business and earn more money."

Passengers call for an extension of bus operation time

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

For passengers, there is no other choice but to choose "fixed price"? Why are the "black cars" at the subway entrance so rampant?

During the on-site visit, the reporter found that there were actually many bus routes near the Guanglan Road subway station. The "Zuchongzhi Road Guanglan Road" station on the west side of Exit 4 has bus routes including Pudong 11, Zhangjiang 1, and 1097; To the west side of Guanglan Road, there are bus routes 615, 990, and Pudong 112; At the Guanglan Road Ziwei Road station, you can see bus routes 1097, 609, and Pudong 112. However, taking into account the situation of various bus stops, most bus routes have ceased operation around 21:00, and in terms of route design, there are even fewer routes that can cover the areas of Tangzhen, Chuansha, and Pudong Airport. Taking the Pudong No.11 bus, which is closest to the subway station, as an example, although it can travel to the Chuansha area, the last bus arrived at 22:16, and it cannot serve as a shuttle for passengers after the last bus.

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

There are many bus routes near the Guanglan Road subway station, but most of them have ended operation, and there are very few routes that can cover Tangzhen, Chuansha, and Pudong Airport.

"In addition to having fewer routes and an early end, another major consideration is the travel time." Ms. Jiang, a citizen, added in an interview with reporters that from Guanglan Road subway station to her residential area in Dongfang City Oasis, it was originally only a 3-stop subway ride, which took about 15 minutes. However, after the last bus, if you insist on choosing public transportation and taking buses such as Pudong 94 and Shenchuan Special Line that are still in operation, not only is it about 1 kilometer away from the boarding point, but also with many stations along the way, the entire journey will take about an hour and a half. "I'm already very tired at night, spending so much time by car is really not cost-effective," Ms. Jiang said.

Apart from "fixed price" and public transportation, online ride hailing is Ms. Jiang's most preferred mode of transportation every time she works overtime until late at night. However, due to the large number of passengers, waiting in line is a common occurrence, and it is impossible to go as you please. That night, the reporter also noticed at the scene that "black cars" almost occupied the innermost non motorized vehicle lane. In order to accurately find their ride hailing services, a large number of passengers stood in the middle of the road, eagerly waiting. Under the mixed traffic of vehicles and people, a section of Zuchongzhi Road in front of the subway station was already congested. Faced with such a situation, "experts" like Ms. Jiang would choose to walk to the intersection of Zuchongzhi Road and Zhonghuan Road before taking a taxi. "Although taking more roads, getting on there is safer and to some extent, it avoids congestion."

Passengers stood in the middle of the road waiting for the bus, and a section of Zuchongzhi Road was impassable.

"I still hope to fully consider the needs of passengers." Regarding the situation after the last bus, most of the passengers on site expressed that although they can understand the necessity of the operation mode of the subway's large and small routes, over the years, with the increase in the number of people working and living in the east extension of Line 2, and the recent peak of holiday travel, passengers are urgently calling for more humane and more in line with the current situation of public transportation operation arrangements, and extending public transportation operation time. At the same time, we will rectify the phenomenon of "black cars" outside the Guanglan Road station, making travel safer and more convenient.

Quickly check the child's backpack! Some stationery cannot be used, school is starting now
Quickly check the child's backpack! Some stationery cannot be used, school is starting now

The new semester has arrived, and many children have used new stationery. But the Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter noticed that the prices of stationery on the market vary greatly, such as plastic transparent book covers that look similar, some are priced around 1 yuan per sheet, while others are only one or two cents; Colorful crayons, oil painting sticks, colored clay, and ultra light clay are the same, and the price difference between different brands and channels can reach 10 times or even more. Is the price difference of stationery a channel difference or a brand premium? Can you choose cheap stationery? A journalist investigation found that consumers should be cautious of the phenomenon of "low quality and low price". Some of the "safety standards" for stationery contain moisture, which has attracted parents' attention. However, investigations have found that some products have moisture in their "safety standards". For example, plastic book covers and book covers have gained popularity in recent years due to their convenient use, waterproofing, and oil resistance

The rooftop house is leaking heavily! When can a micro old community in Yangpu take the turn to "upgrade from flat to sloping"?, The insulation layer has broken the residents | roof | community
The rooftop house is leaking heavily! When can a micro old community in Yangpu take the turn to "upgrade from flat to sloping"?, The insulation layer has broken the residents | roof | community

"After the rainstorm, more than one fifth of the roof of the top floor residents were leaking water, which has been going on for many years, and we can't live normally!" Not long ago, looking at the dripping ceiling at home after the rain, Mr. Yu had no choice but to call the 12345 Shanghai Citizen Service Hotline to complain, hoping that the residential area could usher in a complete roof repair as soon as possible, so that the residents would not be disturbed by rain. The top floor resident's home is severely leaking rain, and the gentleman resides in Lane 902, Baotou Road, Yinxing Street, Yangpu District. The community was built in the late 20th century and used to be a teacher's apartment building, consisting of four 16 unit residential buildings. It is an old micro community. "There are 32 top-level households in total, and 8 of them went to the property to report for repair." In June, Shanghai was hit by many rainstorm, and some top-level residents in Lane 902, Baotou Road had a hard time

The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station
The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

"The final station of this train is Guanglan Road." As the night fell, accompanied by a voice broadcast, Ms. Tian stepped onto Line 2 of the subway from Nanjing West Road Station. Although she had been busy all day, the destination of this train clearly indicated that it would take a lot of trouble to return to her home in Chuansha. In April 2010, the second phase of the East Extension of Shanghai Metro Line 2 was opened for operation. Due to the implementation of a large and small routing operation mode, some trains terminate at Guanglan Road. Passengers need to transfer to subsequent trains at this station to reach 8 stations in Pudong, including Tangzhen, Chuansha, and Pudong Airport. In fact, considering the need to save electricity and improve operational efficiency, it is common for subways to use large and small interchanges. Simply getting off and transferring doesn't add much trouble. Why is Ms. Tian's journey home so difficult? In recent days,

It is important to note that the "high-quality" habit of Shanghai people is actually wrong! Every day, people make mistakes. City | One side | Shanghai
It is important to note that the "high-quality" habit of Shanghai people is actually wrong! Every day, people make mistakes. City | One side | Shanghai

With the arrival of summer vacation, Shanghai has become a popular tourist destination for both domestic and foreign tourists, and the subway has also become a travel choice for many tourists. But have you ever thought that the "left walking right standing" mode of riding has long been called off, but some netizens mistakenly believe it is a reflection of "high quality" and imitate it. Originally, many professionals have pointed out that "walking left and standing right" on an escalator is not conducive to riding safety. The latest version of the Shanghai Elevator Safety Management Measures also came into effect on May 1st this year, clearly stating that passengers should follow safety precautions when using elevators. "Safety risks outweigh equipment hazards." More than 10 years ago, Shanghai did propose the suggestion of 'left running and right standing' for passengers, but it was soon discontinued. On the contrary, the 'elevator instructions' at subway stations specifically emphasize that walking or running is prohibited when taking escalators. "

Covering over 6.8227 million people! 2023 Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month concludes with Literacy | Enhancement | Skills
Covering over 6.8227 million people! 2023 Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month concludes with Literacy | Enhancement | Skills

On the afternoon of June 8th, 2023, the results exchange activity and closing ceremony of the Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month were successfully held in Jiading. According to statistics, this year's promotion month series of activities covered 215 streets and towns in 16 districts and 63 universities in the city, with a total of 1341 activities carried out. The number of people covered online and offline reached over 6.8227 million. During the event, member units, districts, and training bases of the Shanghai Municipal Coordination Mechanism for Enhancing Digital Literacy and Skills for the Whole People fully utilized their own advantages, tailored a series of characteristic activities based on the needs of citizens, focusing on key groups and radiating various scenes, and deeply practicing the theme of "Digital Empowerment and Sharing for All" in the promotion month. For example, the Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office, in conjunction with the Municipal Education Commission and Youth League Municipal Committee, held the first session of digital literacy and skills popularization for primary and secondary school students