Is high-quality content income inferior to the title party? Bilibili CEO Chen Rui: Will replace playback times with video playback minutes for public welfare | Bilibili | Chen Rui

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:53 PM

Bilibili will replace the current external playback count with playback minutes. On June 26th, Bilibili's 14th anniversary celebration, Bilibili Chairman and CEO Chen Rui gave a speech with the theme of "Nice to Meet You", sharing three things that Bilibili has focused on in the past 14 years, as well as Bilibili's development in the UP main content creation ecosystem, commercial revenue, and other aspects. "Replacing the number of views with more realistic playback minutes, as the main external display number of Bilibili videos, I believe this is a more useful reference for users. Is the video content good enough and worth clicking on to watch?"

Medium length videos are still the most mainstream content on Bilibili

Since 2009, Bilibili has evolved from a niche ACG community to a comprehensive video community. It is reported that in 2022, the daily active UP creators on Bilibili increased by 42% year-on-year, the monthly average submission volume of UP creators increased by 79% year-on-year, and the total revenue of UP creators increased by 28% year-on-year. As of the first quarter of 2023, the average monthly active users on Bilibili reached 315 million.

Chen Rui believes that good content, dedicated UP owners, and a community of like-minded individuals complement each other, with UP owners being the core. He introduced that in the past 14 years, Bilibili has continued to pay attention to good content, and the number of UP hosts has continued to grow. In 2022, the daily active UP creators on Bilibili increased by 42% year-on-year, and the monthly submission volume of UP creators increased by 79% year-on-year. High quality content and active UP owners attract users to invest more time on Bilibili. As of the first quarter of this year, the average daily usage time of Bilibili users reached 96 minutes, and the average daily video playback on Bilibili reached 4.1 billion times, a year-on-year increase of 37%.

Is high-quality content income inferior to the title party? Bilibili CEO Chen Rui: Will replace playback times with video playback minutes for public welfare | Bilibili | Chen Rui

As of the first quarter of this year, the PUGC medium length videos on Bilibili accounted for about 70% of the overall playback volume, and the year-on-year growth rate remained above 26%. PUGC medium length videos are still the most mainstream content on Bilibili and continue to grow. Chen Rui believes that as the number of Bilibili UP users, user scale, content supply, and video formats continue to expand and enrich, the platform needs more data dimensions that have reference value and reflect the real consumption situation of users.

Future Bilibili's video display data will only display the minutes of video playback. This change will further highlight the advantages of high-quality videos. For example, the popular series "Network Heat Bioidentification" produced by Bilibili UP's "Infinite Xiaoliang's Science Popularization Daily" has a playback volume of 10.98 million and a playback minute of 53.06 million, which more intuitively shows users' love for the work.

This change is more prominent in relatively niche premium content. Taking the video "Your GTR Can't Run My Scrap Car!" released by Bilibili UP's "Speed Partner" as an example, the video has 1.44 million views, but the video has a playback time of 21.9 million minutes, which is equivalent to the average user watching the video for more than 15 minutes each time they open it. In terms of playback minutes, video quality becomes the determining factor in attracting users, and users will not miss out on good content due to the theme.

"Whether it's popular content, vertical content, or even niche content, as long as you do it well, the playback minutes can be reflected," Chen Rui said. Playing minutes will also eliminate the data moisture caused by low-quality videos that deceive clicks through exaggerated titles, fraudulent covers, etc. "After the user clicks on it, they quickly give up, and the number of minutes played for this type of content will be much smaller than the number of times played."

Is high-quality content income inferior to the title party? Bilibili CEO Chen Rui: Will replace playback times with video playback minutes for public welfare | Bilibili | Chen Rui

UP's main revenue is more diversified

In addition to changing the video display data, Chen Rui also emphasized the importance that Bilibili attaches to the income of UP creators. "Only by allowing UP creators who create high-quality content to obtain sustained income can they focus on creating content."

Bilibili provides creative incentives and support for small and medium-sized UP owners. Chen Rui introduced that since the launch of Bilibili's creative incentive plan in 2018, a total of 2.243 billion yuan of incentive funds have been distributed, covering a total of 1.1 million UP owners. "Creative incentive programs are more like scholarships, which can help college students not give up their studies just because they can't earn enough living expenses."

Chen Rui stated that the total revenue of Bilibili UP in 2022 increased by 28% compared to the previous year. In the first quarter of this year, 1.5 million UP owners received revenue, a year-on-year increase of 50%.

Is high-quality content income inferior to the title party? Bilibili CEO Chen Rui: Will replace playback times with video playback minutes for public welfare | Bilibili | Chen Rui

For different types of UP owners, Bilibili provides diversified commercial revenue channels such as live streaming, fireworks platforms, Bilibili workshops, Bilibili classrooms, and upgraded charging plans. In the first quarter of this year, over 750000 UP hosts earned revenue through live streaming.

Video e-commerce is also one of the main ways for UP owners to earn revenue. Chen Rui stated that among UP owners with over 100000 followers, 67% earn income through fireworks. In the second quarter of this year, the number of UP owners who earned income from fireworks increased by 56% year-on-year.

In order to provide more diverse ways for UP owners to earn income, Bilibili has upgraded its "charging plan" and launched features such as monthly charging and exclusive emoticons, allowing users to more conveniently and long-term support their favorite UP owners. For some relatively vertical UP owners, such as professionals, teachers, artists, etc., Bilibili has created products such as "Bilibili Workshop" and "Bilibili Classroom" to leverage the professional advantages of UP owners and achieve income.

Since its launch in June last year, Bilibili Workshop has had over 30000 artists sell their works in the workshop, with monthly sales exceeding 16 million yuan. Bilibili Classroom provides a teaching channel for UP owners, who can sell systematic and in-depth course content. Bilibili Classroom has generated 240 million yuan in revenue for UP owners, with the highest single course sales reaching 17.46 million yuan.

Is high-quality content income inferior to the title party? Bilibili CEO Chen Rui: Will replace playback times with video playback minutes for public welfare | Bilibili | Chen Rui

Regarding the future development of Bilibili, Chen Rui stated that Bilibili is a company from users, and users determine the company's path. The future of Bilibili will also be guided by users.

The Bilibili Public Welfare Platform has launched a total of 62 projects

At the anniversary celebration, Li Ni, Vice Chairman and COO of Bilibili, shared the development of public welfare projects such as Bilibili Primary School, Happy Scholarship, and Energy Gas Station on Bilibili over the past year. Li Ni stated that as of June 26th, the Bilibili Public Welfare Platform has launched 62 public welfare projects, raised over 8 million yuan, and received donations from over 450000 users. This year, Bilibili established a "Bilibili Football Primary School" in Binchuan County, Dali, Yunnan. This is the sixth Bilibili Primary School established by Bilibili.

Two years ago, Bilibili announced the establishment of the "Community Happiness Award" to be awarded to the UP owner who received the most "hahaha" bullet comments of the year. At the same time, Bilibili Happiness Scholarship was established to convert the accumulated bullet comments of community happiness award winners into happiness scholarships and support the education industry. This year, Bilibili UP host "Xiaochao Dean" won the 2022-2023 Community Happiness Award. Over the past year, Bilibili users have sent a total of 110589 happy bullet comments in their videos, which has been converted into an equivalent amount of Bilibili Happy Scholarship. Over the past year, the Happy Scholarship has supported 20 interest clubs in 6 Bilibili primary schools. At the anniversary celebration, Li Ni thanked 29 UP hosts who actively participated in Bilibili's public welfare projects, including "Film and Television Hurricane", "Strange Power Old Chen", and "Kaola Make Something".

Is high-quality content income inferior to the title party? Bilibili CEO Chen Rui: Will replace playback times with video playback minutes for public welfare | Bilibili | Chen Rui

More and more users and UP owners are participating in Bilibili public welfare activities. In September last year, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in Luding, Sichuan. Within 24 hours, more than 200 UP activists took spontaneous action and raised over 1 million yuan in donations to assist the disaster stricken areas.

In addition to public welfare activities such as rural education and disaster relief fundraising, Bilibili pays attention to the increasingly prominent psychological problems of young people. In 2019, the customer service team of Bilibili launched a public welfare project called "Energy Gas Station". Customer service personnel listened to users' worries and frustrations and provided emotional counseling. Over the past year, the number of users communicating negative emotions online at energy gas stations has exceeded 280000.

Not only is it a public welfare project, but the content of Bilibili itself is also creating positive social value. Li Ni revealed that in 2022, there were 310 million users learning on Bilibili, and traditional culture enthusiasts on Bilibili have exceeded 270 million.

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